How come New York became creatively bankrupt musically?

How come New York became creatively bankrupt musically?

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because rap

because black people

I just got a boner for a fucking mannequin.. fuck you OP

21th century capitalism

read Adorno

the rent
also this

Rudy Giuliani's policies of urban renewal and the flood of yuppies and hipsters they attracted. Crime-riddled slums (and hardship in general) seem to generate great art, so the impending disintegration of soceity should at least have a kickass soundtrack.

too many rich kids moved in

The actual answer (at least in terms of rap) is gentrification. NY just isn't the same city it was in the mid to late 90s, back when guys like DMX, 50 Cent, Cam'ron, Jay-Z etc were coming up.

>Wall St.

>OP too old/lame to know about the active scenes in new york
>new york must be creatively bankrupt

Why not?
Like what?

All current NY scenes are tryhard, irrelevant bullshit. How many legitimately great and significant artists have come out of NYC in the past decade?

To put it simply, NYC is expensive, safe and bland now, and people in that type of environment don't make great music.

There must still be poor people in NYC.


All the Londons and New Yorks of the world are becomingly increasingly privatised, gentrified and too expensive to live in for artists. Mark my words, in the next century, more and more artists will come from cities outside these places and those cities will become even more culturally important.

Not that they haven't already, or haven't produced great artists already (Manchester comes to mind, or Bristol, or Chicago and Detroit) but even smaller cities will become more important.

The only megacity I can think of that's still somewhat liveable is Tokyo. The rent is nowhere near as high as people make it out to be, it's just the grocieries that are expensive as fuck. Alot of great music still comes out of there today, and has a thriving experimental scene (and has since the 60s)

I guess there aren't enough of them for there to be the critical mass required to make something significant happen. Plus a large portion of the minority base in NYC and they make music for their own community (reggeton, bachata etc).

go back to pol fag

*is hispanic


>. The rent is nowhere near as high as people make it out to be

London's still poor as shit in some areas and grime is going stronger there still. But a lot of it sounds more like trap now.

They moved to Florida

because good music is made by poor people with nothing else to do but fuck around with music because they are bored and can't afford to do anything else

NY is all rich people now who just all pretend they are artistic

you need to be bored as fuck and not have anything to do to be a good artist

the only rich people that make good musicians are people that do shit with orchestras and classical music where they have a set practice and they slave away at it for 10 hours a day

in that regard NY has very good musicians in classical and orchestral stuff.

you want real art? move to Iowa.

>muh trust fund babies ruining my precious indie rock!!
>implying indie rock wasn't already dying

Never been there. Have fun with your cuck music

You are ignoring the paradigm shift that the internet has created
You assume that art will still be valued, its over. Art is dead. People do not really listen to music or watch movies anymore. They sit in front of their computer and listen, or go to a movie theater and watch, but they are not actually experiencing anything. No one on Sup Forums actually listens to music, some believe they do, but they don't. If you want to experience music and visual art, you have to disconnect from the internet permanently.

All rock is dead.

fact is, subcultures don't exist ANYWHERE these days because of the internet. Maybe in Africa you could become a legitimate artist.

This is very true. The closest thing I've seen to a genuinely American musical subculture over the past few years is Chicago Drill, and those kids basically are living in Africa in terms of crime and poverty.

>"when art no longer serves as the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, memes become the median for producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."
Was he right?

The internet is a big part of Drill though, specifically Instagram live.

Why here was Herbo just a few days ago, challenging all the Opps to come for him showing his location.

As a person who grew up in a really bad neighborhood, spent a decent portion of my life in and out of jail and juvie,worked hard to reform myself but still visit the hood once in a while , social media is the worst thing to happen to the hood. Fucking cancer.


New York?




who said that?

as soon as something becomes accessible, it becomes undesirable

everything is accessible now through the internet

thus, everything is undesirable

It wasn't so bad at first butil that live streaming shit really took off. IG & Facebook live especially. Now even snapchat has a map feature that pinpoints your exact location with such fucking accuracy in real time.

It's gonna be a hot summer. I see plenty of people getting shot this year way worse than the last.

>caring about indie rock

holy shit are you still in high school?

I'm not even speaking from an artistic sub culture bs stand point. 2 of my cousins got into serious trouble because of social media. One is shitting in a bag because he got shot in the stomach and the other is serving 15 to life for attempted murder and home invasion because someone called him soft on Facebook. 2 of my childhood friends are also serving time because they were selling drugs and had their Facebook and Instagrams used against them during trial and my uncle violated parole because he took a photo of himself with guns and money and the cops immediately raided his house. Not that any of this people aren't idiots, they are, but still. Black people love sntchig on themselves and social media has made that acceptable.

I still don't get why self snitching has become this open and retarded and blatant and why they don't think the cops aren't watching that shit.

Police work is easier than ever these days. I don't even remember the last time I saw a shooting where I am either a) not involve someone under 25 b) not be solved almost immediately because the whole history is on facebook, snapchat or instagram.

>tfw grew up on internet during the aol dial up days
>everybody always said never post your rl info on any site
>still have a fb account with a fake name and using some album cover as a picture
>gf and friends always ask me why i don't use my real info
>tell them i rather be safe than sorry

when will normies learn?

When I was growing up you didn't even talk about your dope on the phone. Idk what changed. Kids are fucking dumb these days. Just look at what happened to Soulja Boy.

Well you can't have niggers running wild, NYC was hell on earth when they did that last time.

this is actually true for NYC's case
it was producing much better artists when it was a shithole of a city

The best music comes from bored suburban middle class white teenagers.
This is fact.

The nigger shit holes are still nigger shit holes.

Yeah man, you've got it all figured out, look at you!

Does anyone talking all this shit in this thread actually live in NYC and rub shoulders with the scene? I do, though I don't produce music personally. I'm curious how many of you are blowing wet shit out of your asses.

Doesn't matter. If your music isn't traveling internationally your scene isn't culturally relevant. Every city has a few talented underground artists or whatever.

This is an interesting point of view, but I disagree with it. "Cultural relevance" is subjective but that's beside the point.

The birth of the internet we know today, after the 90's nostalgia-hiphop people ITT love, has changed the effect of "relevance". Because there's no current day 50 Cent or DMX (even saying they had international appeal is really stretching it) doesn't mean the talent and relevance isn't there or isn't spreading. It's just nearly impossible to follow it's influence. But I believe it's as "there" as it's ever been.

TL;DR version: This nigga is half right.

This post is correct. NYC used to have a very vibrant music scene, it still has very much of its own music/art/culture environment, but this has been yuppified and filled with rich, apathetic, dilettantes who have no clue what the fuck they are doing, nor do they have any purposeful direction or intellectual rigor to their work. That sort of thing comes from someone who is hungry, who is poor, who is desperate, and intelligent. The current environment pushes all of the poor, dejected, and creative aside in favor of some polyethylene faux artistic wrapping paper that exists purely for tourism.

It's incredibly ironic that the artists that moved to the city to make music and art get priced out of being able to live in the city by the very same people that consume their art and imitate them.

Niggers being niggers. I fail to see the problem.

Those crackas all in SV now or trying to get there.

>How come New York became creatively bankrupt musically?
do you even colin marston, mick bar and menegroth the thousand caves?

step your shit up op

this is ass bro

Too many people who lack creativity moved to New York to seek it out.

Is that the guy from behold the arctopus?

but our girl Danz is from NY

>Crime-riddled slums (and hardship in general) seem to generate great art

this fucken meme lmao

once harlem becomes gentrified like brooklyn it's over for NY as a music scene

Quality of life is too high. There is nothing edgy or cool about New York anymore.

Protip use the >>> to link them to Sup Forums
You need them to actually go to Sup Forums for containment, in the end everybody wins, they have a proper outlet, and Sup Forums has one less shitty poster.

Like Mozart, I get it now.

that's a shitty exaggeration obviously but innovative artists are usually poor (avant garde music is necessarily inaccessible therefore in low demand) and gentrification will drive them out


will meal babbys ever learn senpaitachi?

Not that user, but I'm not and I don't know or care who said that quote.

This is exactly that shit that gets to me. I sincerely hope you never come to my fine city, that my family literally laid the bricks for. I feel more justified than most in saying, fuck off, you aren't welcome here.

New York is conterminous, self-contained community, large enough that if international money and attention disappeared, we'd still work and play and sing our songs whether you're listening or not. People who wash up here think "more people=more attention," and you've equated playing your music with receiving validation. Singing a song or chopping out on jazz changes or rapping on a street corner because it feels good is as foreign to you as fucking Tagalog.

To people like you, New York or whatever "hip young town" Forbes wrote about this month is a stepping stone into "international acclaim", but to people like us, it's home. It's where we grow up, live and eventually die. Our mothers crapped us out here, people like you came along and had your way with it, and fucking idiots like Bloomberg let it happen. I was even talking to some people who would welcome an uptick in crime rate, because it would at least chase people like you back to wherever you came from.

Chasing "relevancy" is literally grovelling before your masters, who most of the time, don't know shit about fuck when it comes to music. Native New Yorkers and our more gracious guests honestly don't care what godawful shit has your cornpoke friends back home in that trance like state, but nevertheless we're constantly trampled over by kids with trust funds, stupid fucks from Long Island who eat whatever pigslop they're served, and totally fucked up payola schemes that exist so some faggot cokehead can make money for doing no work.

tl;dr: we were never trying to be relevant. You were.

>we were never trying to be relevant.

Well you got what you wanted then.

And you never will

>i don't know or care who said that quote.
yet you still replied idiot.

This man speaks the truth. Art gets cheaper by the minute. Everyone with a tumblr or whatever the fuck is an "artist". Everyone that can use google is an "expert". Few people in the emerging generation have the patience to just sit and experience something uninterrupted, without distracting themselves or multitasking. I'm from this generation and I know this in my heart to be true. It's not hard to see when you compare our parent's generation and ours. I'm not a wrong-generation-er and I don't believe this generation is worse, nor am I discounting all the benefits that the internet has brought to life around the world, this is just the way things are going. But you probably need to take a step outside the black hole of constant internet/social media stimulation for a little while to realize it.

Nah nigga I'm in L O N D O N

So did you. Is this exchange giving you pleasure?

Dude your music scene sucks, that's all we're saying.

If this is how you think, you have no idea where things are going.

That's all well and good. Just go home/don't come here. Whichever applies to you and tell your friends.



you are literally whining about the equivalent of unemployed ppl calling themselves entrepreneurs.
stop being a bitch boy over tumblr girls who ignore you and taking it out on art.

Manhatten got cleaned up.

>Frankfurt school

>Dont come round here bro we run NY, this shit runs deep son
These posts illustrate how corny and arrogant the average New Yorker actually is. Your dumb city isn't special. Stop being dramatic. I'll come to NYC or anywhere else whenever I want. Sometome from Atlanta or LA probably would have just told me to suck a dick and their music scene has been shitting on NYC for a solid decade now.

i wwant to fuck that thicc mannequin

Anyone can go to New York and hear what Atlanta was on 6 months ago.

>Your dumb city isn't special
>implying you've ever been past Flushing Ave

That's exactly what I'm fucking saying. Way to read, asshole. People come here with starry Broadway Times Square eyes and then become defeated when they realize that life in New York is just life. And it turns everything into a concentric circle of chasing props.

Los Angeles is not shitting on anything, get fucking real.

Right I don't know anything about Broadway stars or circles or whatever, all anyone is saying is that the NY music scene is kind of shit for a city of its size, which is what the thread has been about since the OP.

You wouldn't even know where to look.

it's always been mostly shit.
don't know how you fell for the >le 80's and 90's rap was good meme.

There's literally an album coming out every minute on youtube uploads. It's just too easy these days to make music. You just don't see the music, because maybe you're listening to radio?

But yeah, my point is, theres shitloads of music from all over, and it has like 100 views per album because no one finds it. INTERNET AGE MOTHERFUCKERS


Found the rich kid with nothing to express.

ppl need to write more songs about new york

enjoying the globalist mono culture yet goyim?


Pixies, Dinosaur Jr, Pavement all grew up in nice places

They cleaned it up and all the actually creative and culturally interesting people had to leave in favor of richer people who want to be Lou Reed.

"wow... now this is true art" - faggot

I googled this quote and the only result is this post

I think this faggot just made this quote up himself and thinks its all profound

Do it.

Disconnect from the internet 100% for 6 months

Its like you dropped acid after about 3 months. Its crazy.

Those bands are terrible though.