Who can stop us?

Who can stop us?

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Eli Manning :^)

Dak and dem bois


Neat an actual member of the Patriots posting on Sup Forums! Who are you, bro?


hes not here hehe

I'm tom Brady

pic of Giselle's pussy or GTFO

lel mayo


Congratulations to Brady on his 5th ring.

You can hopefully pray for it

>cowboys have never beat brady


leave tom to me


how many people in south america are pats fans?



plenty of teams.. just not this year


just me


Leave the Cheatriots to me, bull shaggers

Just a few i guess

holy shit saved

Aaron Rodgers obviously

Literally no one

Brady has already chosen Matt Ryan as his heir apparent to the football empire. He knows that to give his successor legitimacy in the eyes of fans and aristocrats (Goodell), He must let Matt Ryan vanquish him in the Super Bowl

>tfw to smart to root against Brady and the Pats

Matty ice is the only acceptable loss

>screenshotting an image

Leave Tom Brady to me

nigga played the pats nice last year when they played




you know who

But sire, you're a running back. You and Tom Brady won't ever be on the field at the same time.

Hell you won't ever even play the Patriots.

the boys

>MFW bork throws 4 TDs and 350+ yards on your ass

Literally just me.

Nobody this week.


The Falcons will win the SB

not a chance


>16 point spread

Do you think it gets smelly buildup in there like a bellybutton?

How does it feel knowing that Brady will be brought down by a couple of fucking rookies?

Belichick is going to stop himself?

How the fuck is there a 16 point spread on the Texans game. What do I bet bros

I'm not a bettin' man but literally ever time in football history there has been a spread this large it's been covered.

>No Ravens
>No Giants
>Homefield including fucktons of snow and cold weather

>People unironically think they're going to lose