Where do you live and what are pros and cons of your country? I want to move but don't know where.
Where do you live and what are pros and cons of your country? I want to move but don't know where
I'm from Italy, Venice, i live pretty near the hystorical part of the city and it's pretty nice.
>good quality of life
>everything's fucking expensive
>shit-tier internet speed
Unless you're an arab, you should be treated well here.
Also I live in a fantastic seaside town and I much prefer it to a big city like Melbourne.
Everyone hates arabs. Not that hates but they are walking time bombs. How about salary? Minimum wage? sry for bed english
>No muslims
>Decent edutaction
>No muslims
>Cheap, good and healthy food
>No muslims
>Big taxes and low minimal wage
>Between Germany and Russia
>Evryone is eaither a sjw or conservative af
Im from lithuania, it would be pretty neat and fast to move there. How many englishspeakers are there?
Minimum wage is quite high and so is the cost of living. Not bad compared to other countries though.
-Everyone can speak english
-God tier internet (I have 500mb/sec up and down)
-Great cycling (and traffic in general) infrastructure.
-lots of muslims (mostly in the west / big city's)
-Flat and boring
-high taxes on non essentials (21%)
Lithuania has same taxes 21%. Everything is so fucking expensive. My internet speed is barely 5mb/s. Atleast you have weed
I'm from Narva,Estonia
beautiful city and cold