TIL that the best running back in the NFL is English

TIL that the best running back in the NFL is English

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he doesnt look english to me

but leveon was born in ohio

the best rb has 2 YPC in the playoffs?

He lost all credibility on Sunday as even a Top 10 RB.

Yeah he looks German to me.

Pick one.


Nah, he's either a Paki or a Somalian.

trent richardson isn't from england

>best running back
I think you're confusing him with the RB he played against on sunday.

He's an arselol fan

yeah and lets forget the steelers were putting 8 men in a box because dolphins had their back up playing

Nigerian actually

but user the best running back in the NFL was born in St Louis, Missouri

>Believing internet memes this hard

There's actually more black people in London than there are Pakis and Bangladeshi and roughly half of the black people are from the Caribbean.

Dak isn't english


Not that them being from the Caribbean is any better, Afro-Caribbeans are the most likely to be in jail and earn less money than any other ethnic group in the UK.

I was talking more about not blocking, running into his QB, making him fumble, and screwing over his team with the 15-yard penalty because he lost his temper. I can understand the rushing yards, but he could have at made sure not to hurt his team in 10 other ways.

must be the result of your slavery and jim crow laws. At least jamacians dont explode

u avin a giggle m8

Le'Veon Bell is from Ohio

He's quintessentially english*


>b-but muh memes
kill yourself

again with this
>b-but muh maymays
actually kill yourself you miserable faggot. im not even kidding. im willing to bet you have a receding hairline, dont have a girlfriend, or are a social outcast.
end your fucking life.
and you too

that isnt even his real name you moron lol


I thought it was running black

>that flag
>this topic

Le'Veon Bell isn't from England

Ye ye ye.

Bell is the best back desu, but Johnson got that all round game.

wrong, hes a swede

Bell, Zeke, Johnson, Blount, and Freeman are all better than him.

>only back ever to rush for 100 ypg and 50 ypg receiving
Johnson is #2 but it's not a question who the best all-around back is.

Hey come on man.

>naming an island after a travel company
What did they mean by this?


that's not legarrette blount

>I'm willing to bet you are like 70% of adult males and 90% of Sup Forums posters
Who's your bookie user? Let me get in on this action

Why are so many people using this TIL acronym on Sup Forums?

How is tb.h filtered but this not?

thats not Christine Michael

>not fat
how is he build so? how?

and his shoulders are anormally wide. has he been taking HGH and testosterone injections since age of 6? how i make my shoulders like that if genetic says 'no'?

Has he got the worst hairstyle in the NFL?

>tfw never been outside of Minnesota or North Dakota

There's a few, some like Graham Gano and our boy Osi Umenyiora who were born in Scotland and England respectively but are definitely American, whilst people like Menelik Watson and Jack Crawford are British. Jay Ajayi probably fits into the former, Nigerian parents like Osi and left when he was 7.

The Dallas Cowboys picked up a homeless guy who had played a few games for London Warriors in our amateur Handegg league. He didn't make it on to the roster, got passed to the Chiefs and Falcons before being waived, but it shows how pathetically small the existing talent pool is for the game really.

He's muscular not fat

Surprised some rugby players haven't signed as a punter or kicker for a team. The standard of kicking is shambolic in the NFL. Any decent rugby kicker could make good easy money

Leveon is better than ajayi not even memeing here

Didn't Dwain Chambers once try and become a pro in it?

You can't really divide people by race so much in this country, the white people who live in the same areas as the black people (and there are more of them than black people) are actually worse off in every metric. We have a class disparity more than a racial one.

>le walk behind my oline while they plow defenders way man
even your fatass would look good in behind that pittsburgh line

You don't watch their games. His ability comes from his ability to burst while running upright and his cutback, which is by far the best in the NFL.

Ajayi literally just hits holes like Gurley. Those are the o-line babbies. They're shit 100% of the time when their o-line isn't playing perfectly.

>literally walks and stops behind his line while no defender can even come close to him

Yeah I think he tried the Euro Handegg league and rugby but failed at both. He had zero experience with any ball sports though.

>no defender can come close to him
>100 yards after contact vs. Miami
>the Bills performance this year
you're worse than the 'patience' meme if you believe this

>100 yards after contact vs. Miami
>first contact happens 5 yards past the line of scrimmage after he's done taking his walk
>be impressed with this not everybody can walk this slow
don't get out of your shitty heinz factory

Ajayi is an utter O line babby

>regular season beast mode
>pouncey gone in playoffs
>completely shit the bed

The Browns have a better o-line than the Stoolers. Le'veon is avoiding contact at the line of scrimmage, Ajayi needs the perfect hole to even get 5 yards.

nice unrelated post, that totally proved bell is elite

>The Browns have a better o-line than the Stoolers.
your opinion and also irrelevant

>Le'veon is avoiding contact at the line of scrimmage
easy to do when the nearest defender is a fat DT being pancaked 5 yards downfield

Retard, all of their blocking schemes depend on pulls which 100% of the time allows a defensive player into the backfield. The Stoolers o-line doesn't push away from the LoS.

ok faggot maybe you should watch the highlights and refresh your memories
>muh invisible unblocked defenders in the backfield
>muh yards after contact with a defensive back 10 yards downfield

that's not ezekiel elliott, leprecuck.

dis rite here

Let's be honest, Ezekiel Elliott has not performed up to his potential thus far.

considering the fact that he won't be a super bowl MVP for a few more weeks, i actually agree with you for the time being.

nigga plz

you know you guys are going to get dicked on by the packers, right?

oh look, a delusional puckers "fan" making it known that the first thing on his mind when it comes to football is men taking dicks in the ass. shock and awe.

whether you like it or not, America's Team, The Dallas Cowboys, is going to crush the green shit puckers with ease.

enjoy your last few days or denial, idiot. your impotent rage is going to flare up even more than it is now. LMAO