Is "Fastest" measured as the least amount of time it takes to move something from point A to point B...

Is "Fastest" measured as the least amount of time it takes to move something from point A to point B, or is it defined as the highest rate of speed passing point C?

For example, Hicham El Guerrouj is the world record holder for the fastest mile at a time of 3:43
Meanwhile Usain Bolt is the world record holder for the fastest 100m at 9.58 seconds.

Now its obvious that Bolt was moving quicker than Guerrouj past point C, but in a mile race between points A and B Bolt would lose big, so the burning question still remains.

>Who is the fastest man alive Sup Forums?

Depends on context user.

In the contest provided who is the fastest man?

Rate of speed. Bolt.



Here ya go faggot

>>Who is the fastest man alive Sup Forums?
OP with a girl
>hue hue

When we're talking about running on a track we'll probably use velocity.
Since we go in a circle we technically don't move any distance.
