Don't you love the hypocrisy of the liberals and the left?

Don't you love the hypocrisy of the liberals and the left?

If men make fun of women for the way they look or judge them on it, they're sexist and against progression.

So why is it that all of the left wing liberal based shows are constantly hounding Jeff Sessions for his height, the way he talks and comparing him to an elf?

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Back to Sup Forums with you

The world is full of hypocrisy. We're all self absorbed idiots.

>liberals and the left?
typical right wing trumpcuck
can't argue flawed politics, blames the whole ideology for the opinions of a comedy show

shows how fucking retarded you are

>comedy show

Did your parents drop you on the head?

Cause men are thick skinned and not a bunch of pussy bitches


Would you rather they shoot some more Congressmen instead?

today's millenial crop of nu-con alt-righters and liberal snowflakes are barely men, though.

another great political argument

how did it feel when dad fingered your pussy the first time?

>right wing and trumpcuck?
Typical left wing dumbfuck
can't understand logical thought, and is a slave to their emotions

shows how fucking retarded you are

welcome to america faggot

Ashamed. I didn't mean to burn dinner.

>political argument
I've yet to see you state one

IT'S 2017 user!

>how come they are doing what we are doing

>responds to op
>spews a bunch of bullshit and doesn't answer the question
>calls him a retarded trump supporter
you got him! call him racist next!

>implying it's only relatable to millennials

a good portion of humanity has forgotten what sustains them and have instead become pampered snowflakes and it doesnt matter where on the globe you reside or what ideology you've accepted

Pretty much. Textbook liberal. Doesn't even address the issue of hypocrisy, just skips right over it and starts foaming at the mouth with insults like "trumpcuck." I be they say "drumpf" non-ironically as well.


>You can't have a negative opinion of Trump and hate liberals at the same time

Guess I'll just start calling anyone who doesn't agree with conservatives ANTIFA from now on.

Well men have been objectifying and subjugating women since forever, so it is not cool to continue doing that. Men have never been subjugated, and have rarely been objectified, so it's totally cool to take them down a peg or two.

Come at me you fucking edgy faggots!

Libtards get their news from comedy central now because CNN is very fake news. Nothing new.

Especially after you've realized liberals are mentally ill.

Look at this silly cunt
Acting like we give a fuck about her a opinion
Why would we?
She's a woman.

>Men have never been subjugated, and have rarely been objectified
You're joking, right? I mean, this is a troll post. It has to be.

Check your fucking privilege faggot. by the way, i'm a man.

Edgy faggot detected.

>When characters have to be removed from Disneyland because women can't stop groping them

>fuck about her a opinion
you sound a retarded

It's the start of the summer. Expect retards from Reddit coming on Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums thinking people here express opinions ironically.

She's a man, baby.
Nah. You forfeited your man card. Have fun being a woman

>sound a retarded
YOU sound a retarded

wow do you need a safespace so you dont melt?

I would rather be a woman than a faggot. You are a faggot.

.. Fucking queer.

Im so glad that the "liberals" are referred to as socialdemocrats in Europe, while the European liberal preaches the perfect agenda

Bitch ass. You mother fuckers invented safe spaces. Nice job addressing the topic and all. Not your fault I know, just blame the extra chromosome.

hahaha nice one

If I wanted comeback I'd wipe it off your lip

stfu talking to me queerfag lol

Females on the left are insecure because they have completely abandoned the idea of femininity. They think it makes them weak or it's the man's way of holding them down. This is why they reject things like proper skin care regiments and makeup now days.

Women on the right however embrace femininity and like being the housewife. They have softer skin, they age better and don't look like science experiments gone wrong. This is why they aren't completely insecure and don't need to dye their hair crazy colors, get nose piercings and go into slut walk street marches to try and shame men for not wanting to fuck them.

They crazy the attention so badly but they've abandoned everything that made them beautiful. It's like if a man lets himself go, gets fat, moves in with his mother, stops brushing his teeth and does nothing but play Steam games all day but yells at females for not wanting to fuck them hiding behind the "WOMEN ARE ALL BITCHES" and "NO GIRL WANTS THE NICE GUY" mask.

The women of the left are essentially doing the exact same thing but with men.

Shouldn't have assumed the man's gender


>females on the right are good looking


Women on the right are all fat ugly inbred hicks who fuck their dogs and their cousins. Seriously have you ever been to Kentucky or the south? The women of the right are beautiful my ass LOL thanks for the top fucking kek laugh.


This is me still talking to you.

Your face.

Trump lies about things that were captured on video. His supporters dismissed global warming because he said it was a hoax by the Chinese, when the Chinese got behind the Paris climate agreement, they still dismissed it. Dems support Obama but Obama bombed the fuck out of the Middle East which they don't approve of. We're all terrible people, all hypocrites and not one of us has ever had any decency except Mr Rogers but he's dead so that's not really relevant


Just leaving this trigger here

Just posting another

Oh shit that insult had some sting on it.
Mohammad Ali of the interweb right here guys.


addressing the topic? so it should be illegal to make fun of people now?

>women are so weak! look at them complain!
>my complaining is much more substantial than theirs!

just because you have a penis doesnt make you a man

The world is catering to leftists for pandering. Every social media platform, talk show, mainstream media outlet, movie and even TV shows today are pandering to these special snowflakes. Call it progression all you want but it's actually regression. It's setting us back hundreds of years if not more and I honestly don't see an end in sight.

Just imagine if FRIENDS was released today. It would tank horribly because it would be labeled some sexist and racist show where all the pretty white women need the help of just as equally broke white men. Just live the rest of your life user, political correctness and SJW is only going to get worse.

Spoken like a true butthurt little bitch.

>what is cherry picking

I bet OP is a short fat ugly racist too.

Not bait. Just someone on Sup Forums being real for a change.

Better to be an ignorant racist than some brainwashed delusional leftist dipshit.

Both are bad but one is better than the other.

Yeah! Fuck the left! With all there science and logic and what not. fucking not stupid assholes!

It's comedy. Stop being a generalizing political faggot and get woke.

>Science and logic
>Believes there's more than two genders
>Believes mansplaining or manspreading is a legitimate issue

Let's see, should I side with gun toting bible thumpers or degenerate nutjobs who believe in shit like "micro aggression"?

Tough choice...

Not even gonna lie, that's some pretty sick bait.

only one of those groups wants to blanket kill another group of people. If you think degenerate nutjobs give a shit what you do, you're wrong, assuming what you do doesnt infringe on their rights


>If you think degenerate nutjobs give a shit what you do, you're wrong

Are you seriously sitting here and suggesting the left is tolerant...? I

lols my favorite hobby is pissing off conservatives on Sup Forums

I've never seen a not retarded conservative. Well.. other than David Brooks.

Wait... so if you believe in science and empirical evidence, then does that mean you agree that black men are more likely to be criminals based on the available statistics?

Yes. I do believe that. And i believe that hundreds of years of oppression drove them to that. You fucking white piece of shit.

Slavery and Jim Crow made black people in 2016 commit nearly half of the homicides in the US? Mostly against other black people?


Yeah. Because racism ended 1863 you fucking retarded asshole.

Maybe it's just that jokes about the right's ineptitude and corruption just seem kinda easy.

So racism makes black people kill other black people over drugs, guns, cars, women, and maybe even for their J's?

Fuck outta here.


Yeah. Pretty much. It's called segregation.

Check your fucking privilege faggot.


Man you're fucking bad at this.

Like... I know you're baiting, but you gotta sell it man. It's an art.

You should have said something like "We packed them into ghettos and prevented them from getting any gainful employment, so of course they turned to crime! Also... the CIA invented crack to destroy black neighborhoods."

You gotta put some more effort in here, young blood.

It's funny because it's true!

>Women on the right

>cause men are thick skinned
Except the man occupying the Oval Office.

Privileged inbred white retard detected.

There you go!

Much better. Don't even bring facts into it. Just hit 'em right in the demographics.

Next time, try to say something about my penis size too.


Cherry picking morons. It smells of that segment Jimmy Kimmel had where he asked a bunch of Hillary supporters if they agreed with these "Hillary" quotes that were actually Trump quotes.

Gr8 b8 m8.

2 wrongs = 1 fat shiny right. Correct?

>Sup Forums
>Don't even bring facts into it.

There's a whole world of women between degenerate SJWs and the puritans you cherrypicked on the right. Are all your women expected to wear floor-length dresses?

What did he mean by this?

Because we can take a joke... unlike pussies.

Which you are, go back to Sup Forums to continue your fascist circle jerk.

>Cherry picking morons.
It's not hard at any trump function

>Sup Forums
>expecting fact based debate.

How fucking stupid are you?

Hmm, looks like all the "right" wing cunts look like vapid idiots they slapped some make up on.

Why is it, they have to doll up a right wing woman with ten pounds of make up and spot lights with filters before they take their picture?

Looks like that got soemthing to hide... like nine elevens.