What's the weirdest sexual act an Athlete has ever been caught doing?

What's the weirdest sexual act an Athlete has ever been caught doing?

We all know about the infamous Love Boat with the Minnesota Viqueens fucking over 100 hookers from Florida.

No piss orgies, tho.

Didn't a soccer player get caught fucking a dog or something?

didnt peyton manning slap a nurse in the face with his balls or something

He did, and his Dad worked hard to cover up the sexual assault.

Peyton then harassed her after the fact.

the leicester players having an orgy

What player?

It was an Australian (go figure) rugby player. Joel Monaghan


the beginning of their cinderella season

honorary mention

Imagine a soon-to-be president (let's say of the USA) having been caught getting pissed on by a bunch of Russian hookers in Moscow while the Russian intelligence service filmed everything and now has that person by the balls and can control the policies of the country of said president.

That would be hilarious, lol

only actually saw the video the other day, it's fucking hilarious



>Sup Forums will defend this degeneracy

Wouldn't that be more damaging for Obama than Trump though?


Funnier when it's made up by user and handed to buzzfeed like giving a dog a pill hidden in a bit of cheese.

That cant be real

Please explain

CIA obtained information about Trump according to which Trump had an orgy with Russian hookers in Moscow involving pissing.

The Russian intelligence agency (FSB) filmed everything and are now basically controlling your next president.

Sup Forums however claims that they made the story up and gave it to some journalist who gave it to John McCain who have it to the CIA

It is.

The part I'm trying to wrap my head around is how, in any way, this is damaging. In fact, this is pretty bad ass.


Some user made this fake news and gave it to Buzzfeed. Buzzfeed proudly spread this on the internet. Turned out to be fake. Check out Sup Forums right now. Buzzfeed staffers are crying.

Is it really fake? I was hoping it would be real to make Trump look like a bad ass and Obama look like a guy who sleeps in piss.


It's fake. The entire thing was a series of Trump Fanfics written back in like July. The stories have goddamn tendies references in them. People are retarded if they think it's real.

lol at this desperate damage control

An user (who may or may not have frequented Sup Forums but that evidence is still being disputed) made up a phony report and gave it to someone connected to BuzzFeed. It has been confirmed fake by larger news sources.

Not true. It's unconfirmed/unverified. Neither confirmed fake or real. Buzzfeed's initial reporting indicated this, but for some reason Sup Forumstards think they've totally OWNED the LIBRUL FAKE NEWS MEDIA, even though it shows that at the very least even fucking BUZZFEED has some shred of journalistic integrity (albeit a little) as opposed to shit like breitbart and other retarded right wing blogs

Sup Forums probably started it. It is unironicaly fake news

>Bizarrely, Monaghan said he was ''playing a prank on an absent teammate''. The incident occurred that weekend during a party for Canberra players and friends, and the labrador involved is understood to belong to a teammate of Monaghan's.

Mother Jones ran the story in October before the Sup Forumslack claims he told Rick Wilson the fake story in November. Which Rick Wilson himself says is not from that Sup Forumslack. Make of that what you will.

Anthony Davis getting tickled in the Kentucky locker room.

Rick Wilson has also flip flopped on the timeline of the story. He's trying to save face