Unluckiest loss of all time

Unluckiest loss of all time.

Giants would have for sure beaten the Packers if not for some horrible breaks. OBJ dropping gimme balls, dumb special teams plays, the BS hail mary.

Giants should have gotten up 14+ early and then it's game set match. Rodgers has no proven he has no chance of coming from behind.

the aftershock from bootyblasted gnats fans is still hilarious.

>MUH 2007
>MUH 2011

Kill yourselves.

Nice ad hominem sir. Wouldn't expect anything less from the "classiest" fanbase in the league

Gnats meme magic is over, now they are paying the price

I never claimed to be classy. Least I come from a place that has a football team that can catch the ball.

2014 NFCCG was more unlucky


Nah Green Bay choked that away, Giants were just unfortunate, a casualty of circumstance

>We would have one if we did this, this, this and this
No, your team is just shit

>we would have won if we weren't fucking shit



The 2011 NFCGG vs the 49ers was the most unluckiest game ever. Giants had no business going to the super bowl that year.

>dropping balls is luck
>hail Mary's (which are probably the easiest play to cover and has a horrible success rate) is luck
>packers playing good special teams is luck
>packers playing good is luck
>losing because the Giants played worse is luck

sorry after all the luck present for the two championships an unlucky period of at least 10 years is more than justified

How is this sour grapes thread still up?

t. Guy who didn't watch how shitty the packers were for most of the season

>The Giants would've beaten the Packers if the Giants were better than the Packers

the gayman is terrible when playing from behind. he's only good at taking it not at giving it

no man, just no

>would have won if they hadn't been the worse of the two teams

What insight

literally this. the biggest point is that Rodgers can't come from behind. plus the Packers D collapses when they get down early. had OBJ not been point shaving game would have been an avalanche in favor of the G-Men

Oh I did. And then I also watched them Run the Table. Packers always hit a slump at some point in the season. Least they got it out of the way before it mattered the most.

>1 man is responsible for the whole team.

Very few times where the packers have lost has it been his fault.

>Unluckiest loss of all times
>WR's out partying on a boat the night before

Something is fishy here.

what's all this stuff about a boat

Lets not forget the refball.

Refs literally let the faggot puckers hold on every fucking play.

It's bullshit to be honest.