Anyone on here have herpes? Found this on my head this morning and I'm freaking out, any advice would be appreciated

Anyone on here have herpes? Found this on my head this morning and I'm freaking out, any advice would be appreciated

Stop having sex with creepy old craigslist men.

I've had sex with two girls, and both of them were virgins. I have two fat cold sores on my lip right now (i get them a lot) could it have spread from there?

hahahhaha you have a small dick

You don't have to lie bro, this is an anonymous board.

Quick, don't call 911,there's no time. Tie a tourniquet around your penis to prep for amputation. Grab a cutting board and your sharpest knife. I recommend one swift slice then apply disinfectant.


They probably had a yeast infection and passed that to you. Either that or it's dermatitis.

>could it have spread from there?

yes, assuming that is your dick and not just another "please reply to me" thread, one can become the other if you aren't careful.

go see a fucking doctor.

did you suck your own dick?