Going to bomb my school tomorrow! Any advice for how to get maximum kills?

Going to bomb my school tomorrow! Any advice for how to get maximum kills?

main entrance, when full. backpack with a good portion or tatp or something.

My school has a cop. What do I do about him?

honestly go for side entrance with a decoy in main entrance to distract everyone

What about going into the side with a shotgun and rigging the main entrance with some IEDs? I have some bitcoins saved up and I'm smart enough to figure out how to remotely detonate them.

personally i would just drive a car right thro the middle of the school mains hallway and strap mustard gas and gasoline to the sides of it


I don't have a car. Do you know where I can find out how to jack one?

break into a car in the parking lot and throw ur bag of mustard gas and ur canister of gasoline and set it in drive

What kind of car should I use?

nothing. you just leave the backpack in the main hall's entrance casually or go allahu akbar with it. what kind of detonator?

No clue yet. Just decided to do this today. What would you suggest?


Put poop in your bomb

The stupid thing is if this ACTUALLY happened, you could be considered an accomplice, I hooe this is being traced, go back to CoD.

If you were real you'd know to use shrapnel like ball bearings.

Kind of like an Ariana Grande type deal?

don't do it

get this on the news Sup Forums

do it yourself faggot

Yeah, it's what almosty all terrorists use, it's hard to have a significant effective radius with low yield explosives. If op was real they'd already know about that.

Inb4 ban hammer

blah blah blah everything posted here fiction blah blah blah only a fool blah take for real. go back to the trap thread where you belong, faggot.

My KD is High

Only in Trump's America (only posting this to get on news)

please don't take innocent lives man! Think about you're actions before you do it! If you hate the school then stop going to it. If you are smart enough to buiild a bomb and try and plot and do some evil shit then you are smart enough to figure out that dropping out of the school is a much better idea and like this you can actually make something out of yourself instead of spending the rest of you're dumb life in jail under tax payer dollars or end up dead. If you are baiting people into respones thats good bait but if you are serious about it think about people that just want to go to school to get they're day done and over with just like you did intell you decided to blow them up. Dont be a jackass.

Main bomb or go to HVAC unit and pour in bleach and ammonia then set em off a min later

best way is to tweet the FBI's twitter account with this page before it 404s

It's a suicide bombing you dumb nigger.

>pull the fire alarm
>Wait at the nearest exit

mods anyone?

I'm pretty sure Sup Forums is monitored these days.

Isn't school out by now?

do it nigger! then what about if op is belgian or a paki?

Exactly, fake as shit.

Just an fyi, due to recent events and assaults originating from this site it is perpetually under watch. Due to the severity of these situations all threats are investigated and taken as fact.

You will be taken into custody and have your home searched.

SpongeBob lives in a pineapple.

How do you think he got that? Through jihad

After I'm done with you I'm Gunna have a whole pineapple section in my kitchen

School isnt out for everyone. I still have a week left


OP here. It was just a joke. Thought the mods would delete immediately. Am trying to make it 404 :( am a good kid FBI






i thought it was a joke at first lmao tf

A Swedish girl did it and got party v&d all the same

jews - 1 : you - 0

now flood this with spiderman or something























swedish. if they turned their attention to all those sandniggers that really will go boom without asking here first.. lol.

also, not a single spiderman yet.








Mustard gas is stored in a bag? Dafuk?















> bomb school
> Maximum casualty
> During summer vacation






