How do we suppress the Mexican vote?


Move polling stations from churches to deportation offices in the southern states.

I thought Mexicans can't vote

Wrong tactic.

We don't want to suppress the legal Hispanic vote. We want to convince them that illegal immigration is against their best interests.


Tell them it costs 100 tortillas to vote.

That's less than five bucks, man.

Corn tortillas are fucking cheap.

Voter ID laws.

They already do that themselves with lower turnout rates. That's why the democrats have to shill really damn hard to get them to get out of the tomato fields and into the voting booths.

Many legal immigrants feel the same way. They ate a mountain of shit for the privilege of living here, so they don't take kindly to people who skipped the line.

There's no voter protection/ID system worth a crap, so many Mexicans can and do vote every election.

in norway you cannot vote without identification, a bank card or a passport. having it any other way seems ridicuolos to me.

Literally your fault.

Your government obviously wants this to happen aka you can't do shit about it

Government issued IDs

Hell, that is the number 1 reason us Mexican-Americans hate cubans and Puerto Ricans.

Those island savages had the red carpet rolled out for them because muh communism, and were given handouts.

Meanwhile, hardworking Mexicans were treated like slaves via the braceros program, and are reviled for no real reason.

Then the islanders have the gall to claim latino solidarity and start shit while mexican americans are still toiling.

It's funny because liberals have claimed it's ableist or whatever to force people to use ID to vote.

>literacy tests

Oh shit waddup

You cannot.

As a matter of fact, having racist candidates like Donald trump will only increase the amount of Hispanic/Mexican voters.

If these people weren't voting before they sure as fuck are going to start voting now before they or their siblings / friends start getting deported.

Enjoy the last sloppy seconds of WWE tier trumpfag white nationalism in america you racist pieces of shit, you're gonna lose this election harder than the Romney failure.

neck yourselves

>t. Carlos 'Bandito' Tequila
Do everyone a favour and castrate yourself before you try to jump the border fence

>>t. Carlos 'Bandito' Tequila
>Do everyone a favour and castrate yourself before you try to jump the border fence

Ah, memes and ad hominem in the face of impotent rage, you can call yourself an authentic trumpnigger now.

You realise if Trump loses the right is going to get significantly more extreme, right? What are you going to do when their militias turn into full blown paramilitary right wing death squads?

>mexican intellectuals

>happy to talk shit to a brit who will never be involved

texans are going to just start shooting at border jumpers, bro. you don't try to politically disenfranchise an armed populace this blatantly without consequences.

>You realise if Trump loses the right is going to get significantly more extreme, right?
Most people aren't roided up stormfaggot white trash so I'm confident they would never become anything more than a dumb honeypot like the northwest front.
>What are you going to do when their militias turn into full blown paramilitary right wing death squads?
Watch them get raided and buttraped by the government?

le meme

You realize if Trump loses the left is going to get significantly more extreme right? What are you going to do when BLM turns into full blown paramillitary left wing death squads?

That's a nice rope day fantasy scenario you got going on there, buddy, where does it end? Texans raiding Icbm sites and launching Nukes at all non white countries?

>Most people aren't roided up stormfaggot white trash so I'm confident they would never become anything more than a dumb honeypot like the northwest front.
The militias already exist. I doubt people are going to sit around and let the government fuck them.
>Watch them get raided and buttraped by the government?
The government could hardly even handle that Bundy incident. How are they going to control thousands of people?

Free tacos at Taco Bell on Election Day.


Literacy tests and polling taxes. Also voting IDs