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I'm totally sure Ronnie insisted on filming this without him having any underpants on.

Honestly like the camera work and that little contraption they made.

Honestly like the camera work and that little contraption they made.

Literally /ourgay/

I've seen bigger sellouts for poker


Poker queers love a peek at package.

Will Messi ever recover from this?

No, he's done. Will be playing in the EPL for pennies this time next month.

Honestly like the camera work and that little contraption they made.

>Raise it

Nice time to have my favourite hand.

What did he mean by this?

>you have fives full and this guy puts you all in with a cheeky grin on his face

what do?

raise it

>that shirt
>A E S T H E T I C S
literally /ourguy/

ship it

Based Ronnie, literally /ourguy/

i used to work on a ship with international crew and whenever we played poker, these bulgarians and romanians knew the terminology, but didn't know how to use it.
when they want to put someone all in, they say
>i call you all in
and always instead of saying i bet they say
>i raise

every time.

So, why does he do these kind of things? Or the several pictures he posts in instagram?

>all blind
>double in

>i'm all in
>i raise

>user, hurry up and hop in.

I can't tell if he doesn't give a shit or if he is self obsessed.

>i call.... and i raise

>puts legs in the air to display anus


Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with him?

>There are people ITT that don't get the secret message
Top tet

I genuinely wonder about the thought process that produced this clip.

Ronnie is the definition of 'unironically' LMAO

He's appealing to the kebab audience because oranges are called burtuqali or something and he's bortuguese

I just cant like this guy. Is such a massive faggot holy shit. Thank God Messi exists.

>t. Ronnie

Something about this video comes off gay as fuck. I cant decide if it is the robe or that smile at the end.


ronaldo is a weirdo

Sinceramente me gusta el trabajo de camara y el pequeño aparato que hicieron.

I don't get the secret message

It looks like the start of a porno wtf are you talking about lol

>raise it

w..what did he mean by this ?

Helt ärligt så gillar jag kamera-arbetet och den där mekanismen dom skapade.

that he wants a gay to bum him


Pure speculation

That's a heavy orange

he looked very gay at the end

Sinceramente gosto do trabalho de câmara e do pequeno aparato que fizeram


This photo is too awkward

>Tiny number 7 on his boxers

oh shit that was cool as fuck based cristiano


>that first 5 seconds
literally roleplaying as sportacus


Pokerstars is a terrible company and Ronnie should be ashamed of himself desu

>things only a self obsessed faggot does

Pure kino.

>raise it

What did he mean by this?