Why don't you own one?

Why don't you own one?

The gubment won't let me...

Because I like my Remington 700. I'll be able to pick something off that hid in the future.

because anyone who poses a serious threat to me has access to drones.
why would i own a gun, it just makes it even more likely that they will avoid risk to their personnel and just pay for the damn missile strike?

>those horribly outdated weapons are for old men and wanna-be-like-my-grandpa-kids.

I've been to cheap to buy the barrel, stock and hand guard. Gotta keep my privacy you know what I mean, damn government wants to know everything you shit out.

because if armageddon happened IED's are cheaper

Why don't you own fists that can punch at 8km/s?

My phone won't let me take a picture less than 2mb. I do though. Love my AK

>dat QBZ and SKS

fuckin canadians...

At least I got a mossberg 590A1