If I'm ever sad, I just need remember that the world is 4...

If I'm ever sad, I just need remember that the world is 4.543 billion years old and somehow I managed to exist at the same time as Leo Messi.

Are Ronaldo fanboys sad that Messi is compared to Maradona and Pele, while Ronaldo is only compared to Messi?

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mate only retards support ronaldo over messi. messi is BY FAR the GOAT.

I totally agree. Fuck Ronaldo and FUCK MADRIDISTAS

What makes me sad again though is that Ronaldo will have always recieved incredibly high levels of mollycoddling, several balloon doors he doesn't deserve, and a European Championship winners medal he doesn't deserve from an utter shit tournament. All this from being a penalty and tap-in babby carried by everyone else.

What are the chances of Messi moving to China for a $500 million bid with a $200 million/year salary?

Back to shittit with you

I am not a Messi hater cause I respect his skills and his life. but you have to admit CR7 is WAY BETTER than Messi, Here's everything. Look CR7 was born in a really poor family he grew and grew... and now he became what people believe the best soccer player on this planet. I wonder how he grew and became who he is now? He trained everyday LEGIT EVERYDAY, never gave up and always tried again. trained. remember that word. Lets take a look at Messi. Messi is NATURAL when he was born he already had his ability's he didn't work for it. he trains shit now cause his guts are all natural. When I take a look back at CR7 he TRAINED - see I used the word... He TRAINED to become who he is now but Messi didn't do NOTHING. Ronaldo MADE him self Messi did nothing. Ronaldo = Hard work. Messi = Nothing. Look how Messi quit Argentina? Why? lets take a look Messi missed this massive penalty in Copa America. He missed for his International team ' Argentina. Okay you might be thinking how CR7 missed a penalty to! But if you take a look whats more insane/important? Messi pen ofc Ronaldo missed a pen in the damn quarter finals what would of do nothing. idk I think is was in the round of 16 I got no idea but Messi's is still way more insane and he missed it. HE IS WEAK and quit International soccer. I think International soccer is Way more important than Club soccer cause Your playing for your own country instead you might be playing for another club in another country Playing for your country makes you be more effective and strong. Ronaldo NEVER quit International soccer or Club soccer which makes him STRONG!!! and gain he will never give up. Messi weak as SHIT. It doesn't matter if he has more ballondors cause it basically means the best of the YEAR not in the PLANET* now retards listen to my message and RONALDO LOVERS HALA RONALDO!!!!!!

Literally the other way around. Madrid is full of faggots and cunts while Barca has autists

that depends on what you mean by "austists". the meme kind autism? then then you're right. legit autism? then the picture is right


>tfw can grow old reminiscing about Messi

It's such an aesthetic name too. It won't be forgotten.

Zero. They don't sell Sprite in China.

What kind of faces do you think Messi makes when he's getting his dick sucked?

Do you think 250 years in the future football will still exist? If so, will Messi even be remembered by then? I suspect better training and health stuff, with probably more and more players getting access to sporting facilities would mean better players.

Why don't you ask your mother?

Messi is nothing without his uncle

Why don't you ask your sister?

I wish Messi was fucking my mum

Why don't you ask your father?

>interviewed on national television about your failure
>they show the clip
>chuckle about it

his GOATness is only matched by his humble character

every time I get existential I remember that I live in the age of Messi

Ronaldo is compared to Pele and Maradona. He was dubbed "the fenomonon" ffs.

>billions of years of earth's history and you're happy to be alive to see an autistic manlet run around with a ball

being around to see dinosaurs, atlantis, aliens building the pyramids as well as unthought-of future technology would all be way cooler than messi

one word, robot motherfuckers

>Fiction is better than reality

>ever existing

>anybody will want to watch robots play

yeah, no.

you say that now but just wait

screencap this so you can look back on it in 70 years

there's a lot of things I'd like to see in history but I can't choose and living in messi's era is a pretty decent consolation prize

It's called the Bundesliga

The only reason Memessi the choker ***GOAT*** is compared to Maradona is because he is argentinian.

He can keep scoring against Getafe tho

Pretty sure Maradona never scored against Getafe.

>fucking canadians

Why is it only people from shit tier football countries that think Messi is better?

Shut up you three times loser! Messi is ten times better then geynaldo

>this .001 billion years has produced better players than the rest of Earth's history combined

>the absolute state of the past

>tfw Messi retires one day
>no more MESSI MESSI MESSI spam

New "GOATS" will keep coming in every sport. Messi is good but hardly supernatural.

lold at iniesta

I came

>Pele is as good or better Messi

no one actually believes this right?

*better than

Only your retarded offsprings in South America


Why are Ameriturds so fucking cringeworthy?

>robot motherfuckers
isn't that what that kike usual posts?

>not including the greatest football players from Alpha Centauri
They had Messi's and Pele's well over 4 million years ago.


Positioning yourself for a tap-in takes a large amount of unironic skill. He scores because he has amazing positioning.

I know it's bait but I just want to say that Messi definitely trained to get to his current level. He had to rely on his pace and dribbling ability to out play bigger and stronger people on the field. This bullshit that CR7 is better because he was worse for longer makes zero sense.

Absolutely. It DOES make me mad to see how many individual and team awards he has received in relation to how little he gave to football. He's NOT one of the big ones, the GOATs, those "different" ones that made generations want to stand from their seats just by receiving the ball, because they know magic can happen at any second.
He's a good, prolific striker (well, mostly against a... certain level of teams) that was lucky to play in stacked teams.
Lucky because, even tho that's true for most big players, he's been bailed out more times that any other footballer I can think of.
I said it before: if it wasn't for Ramos-DiMaría, then Ramos again, then Eder, he would've been booed out of Madrid with 1 Liga and 2 Copas del Kek in 8 years, because of his terrible performances against any high level oponent or in decisive games.
A guy that played terribly at the Euro and should've shamed out of the group for not winning a single fucking match or scoring... yet somehow magically advanced, missed the final, and got both the Cup and the fucking Ballon d'Or for it, along with all the credit and awards. Just like in the CLs, too. Lol, it's almost unveliebable. It's like, bizarro Messi.

He really IS the definition of a stat-padder. Just like Müller. Just like Klose. He deserves that kind of tier, wich isn't bad at all... but please, don't mention him next to the actual GOATs, cause it's almost laughable. And it's the only, the one single thing in football that actually triggers me, don't know why. I guess the unfairness of it all that mixed with his clueless, annoying fans gloating every time he gets undeserved stuff.

Well, how about that rant

t. City kebab

calm down jorge messi

What a cringey post lmao

Is your existence really that pathetic its happiness hinges on some overrated manlet? LOL

>while Ronaldo is only compared to messi

Bud you just BTFO yourself and didn't even realize

Lmao you loser


It makes me sad that Maradona gets compared with Pele.

I mean Pele won everything without doping or dirty tricks, he's unique and there's no equal to him in skill. Then Messi has pretty much his qualities.

Messi is leagues better than Maradona, fuck that coke snorter


He's glorified Van Nistelrooy. Even he was more graceful and less robotic in his game than CR who's completely void of artistic elegance all GOAT candidates have.

This makes me sad #humbleMessi

>If I'm ever sad, I just need remember that the world is 4.543 billion years old and somehow I managed to exist at the same time as Leo Messi.

Sports talent moves on an exponential scale, not a linear one. They'll be three Messi's in 10 years.

Yes, that's why there's been three Jordan

>that flag

>cant head
>awful at freekicks
>international choker
>muh passing sideways on the half way line
>tax fraud
>pizza n sprite

>incredible athlete
>GOAT heading and freekicks
>leads his national team to euro glory
>CL winner last year
>ballondor in the bag AGAIN
>gives lots to charity
>likeable brave single father

>GOAT free kicks

Nice cherrypicking.

>When your mom's boyfriend buys you the last Call of Duty but you spend the entire day shitposting in a taiwaneese hairdressing Quake about an homosexual athlete and a muslim baldie and team that takes his taxes and his money of Caixa Madrid

Ronaldo plays for himself, he tries to make himself look good and his team mates carry him every step of the way.

Messi is so good he unironically made people believe Pep was a good manager and that Xavi and Iniesta were anything other than the Spanish Joe Allen and Adam Lallana

Shut up or I'll stop sending your mother money you faggot.

Xavi and Iniesta have two euros and a WC.


Literally inhibiting their side with tika taka bollocks. They had the best team in the world, they'd have won every match 5-0 if they wanted to


>light reflecting from front left (except for Ballon D'or)
>casting shadows from behind

??? I don't think he played in the Super Cup.


this is messi safe space

Only deluded Brazilians/Portuguese do. Messi is on another level.

Is "magic" the most meme word in sports?

>YouTube comments in a nutshell


I've never seen any player other than Messi play on this level. Pele and Messi are another level. Everyone else 2nd.

No, that's lucky.

Except for the "bizarro" reference, it was all completely independent from Messi's existence.

Mmmm, nope. It's that "What has this motherfucking genius just done!?" feeling. When you know you're watching a player/play different from the rest...
And I'm not taking about silly little freestyle and/or or trained pony tricks (like Neymar's, Ronaldinho's, early CR's and many others) I'm talking about that mix of technical skill, improvisation, vision, quick decision making, accuracy and beauty (sometimes all in a single moment) that only a handfull in history will ever display, because it's not something you can acquire through practice.
The difference between GOATs, geniuses, and very good players who have trained hard.

As far as the CR7 "fans" on Sup Forums at least half of them are just memeing.

It takes a pretty fucking retarded person to even try to argue the fact that Ronaldo is the BETTER PLAYER, titles or whatever he may have won with his team(s) during any given year aside.
In terms of what they do individually on a football pitch there has never been anyone close to the level of Messi, Maradona being 2nd.

Two measly copas(one with refball) and their chest gets all puffed up, fuck off filthy mapuche messi Is goat


Clearly a real Swede, unlike all the euro kebab pk7 homos

he can't keep getting away with this

You can't stop him lol

Holy shit can someone on Sup Forums tell me with a straight face Messi doesn't do that shit every week? Messi literally plays on that level every fucking game, he is better than Pele.



When I talk to normies at the bar about soccer they all say messi is better. How come non memers all think ronaldo is shite compared to him? Is it just contrarian may may posting that people think ronaldo is better?

>Messi will die in your lifetime
That day is going to be sad as fuck

No he won't. He's older than me.

I don't think you thought this post through friend

>The city of your reading comprehension

Pretty sure the average American has a heart attack by 45, I doubt you'll outlive Messi 2bh

>Caring about celebrities dying

>euro 2016
>utter shit tournament
>that flag


Oh... I'm sad now.

Does science even know what early use HGH does to the body when you age? Messi could be a ticking time bomb.

C. Ronaldo is world class m8. The thing is that (prime) Messi is one level above that and without a doubt the best football player of this era.

thank you