Thoughts on tsu's new gf?

Thoughts on tsu's new gf?


not in his league/10

It's a great job really for any model. Pretend you're in a relationship with TSUU for a couple years and get tons of exposure in exchange.

why is lil' ronnie so monkey faced? who did rolando have sex with?

A Brazilian woman

A monkey obviously

Sure, she is more of your league haha

Btw, she is only 21.

i don't think her face is particularly attractive. i never said she was ugly or something

you nigga gay

ronaldo not gay
come on now

He can do better. But she is not bad by any means

>no blonde hair
>no blue eyes
>no burley german women figure

Can understand die Deutschlanders opinion desu

is the kid adopted?

shes pretty. dog shit makeup though

Im thinking the same, he looks nothing like him

He must have rented the little fucker out just to get the gay rumours off his back

What happened to Badr Hari?

he inpregnated cr7

Similar ears, same chin and forehead(blocked by the kids hair.)

She's pretty but she unironically looks exactly like the kind of woman he should hire to get the gay rumours of his back.


I've unironically banged better looking hoes than her

how fucking jelly is irina shayk?

*beard. the guy is a flaming homosexual

>Husband's son

that kid is a disgrace
ronaldo legacy is in danger
he has to be drowned in the bath

calm down ronnie


How come the kid is darker than McDonaldo? Did he use a black woman as a surrogate mother?

What's the problem with trains in Spain though?
They either get bombed or derail

shame on you

same tip nose too

I'm from Barcelona, I don't care if all the trains from the rest of Spain blow up tomorrow desu


The mother is American.


thanks for the warning. alhamdulillah habibi.

I would have sexual relations with that woman if you catch the gist of what I am saying.

what did he mean by this?


I've unironically banged better looking dudes than her

can you elaborate?

Oi none of that rabble rousing please famalam - Catalonia, like Palestine or Tibet don't exist. KNEEL TO YOUR OPPRESSORS.

what's her occupation? teacher? nurse, perhaps?

Go suck his dick you catalan faggots.

story time!


Bada Hari

Not bad for a crying closet faggot

>Ronaldo helps young women in need of a job

how can Messi even compete?

Let's just hope Badr doesn't kill her before.

why is his son such a shitskin?

His mother is swedish

hasn't started the skin bleaching yet

I just went to Barcelona with my girlfriend, and it was pretty sweet. But holy shit, do you guys ever stop smoking weed?




shes a cute

Brown beauty

Dat ass

>Mfw the best divegrass player and best handegg player are both gay this year

it was a mexican woman. his sister confirmed it in some interview.

He's had a fuck load of work done to his face, he doesn't look like that naturally

I mean the mother is allegedly a waitress from LA. and LA is like 70% non-white. add that on top of his obviously non-white features and you get a kid who looks more like Marcelo.

because the spanish far right went againts catalanism some catalans go to the far left to fight it and at the end we end up being degenerate and our nation is more in peril

man even Ronnie dresses like a chick, he's not even trying to hide it anymore

>My husband's son

Better then that Russian whore that's for sure.