Drumpf Cucks Will Defend this


Other urls found in this thread:


>illegal niggers
>"other" poor people

Another cuck for the pile when the race war begins.

Trump has blamed multinational corporations for a lot of America's problems, including poverty and loss of jobs. Are liberals just retarded?

Niggers and spics do drive down property value.
Not to mention their affinity for all manner of crime and violence

He has never once said the illegals are causing all the problems, he blames the politicians for not securing the borders, and the Mexican government for sending them over here so they don't have to pay to for their imprisonment.

What the fuck are you on about? No, it's rich commie democrats giving gibmedats to niggers so lazy monkeys will continue voting them into power.

You should really post your identity and living residence instead.

No one gives a fuck... why are OPs so damn faggy

You could change out any politicians name, it would be just as true.

I'm a CruzMissile now

Wow............... really made me think........................................................

i guess i'm now a #HillShill, she's got our best interests at heart

Still a better bet than the Butcher of Benghazi

Memes are supposed to be short and snappy.
This is a total mess. Sad!

>tax evaders
Try again sempai

>other poor people are the problem
Literally never said

My neighborhood is nothing but Jamaicans and there hasn't been a crime in 10 years and you can't buy a house for under half a million dollars.

didn't he say he wanted to tax the rich and his biggest concern was the middle class?

>tax evaders
Try again sempai

Arizona/Mexico border and the piles of trash that the illegal aliens leave behind when they sneak into America.

>Defend something that didn't happen

overly ambitious self entitled gal with credibility and truth issues telling the poor she's gonna look out for them while she rakes in money hand over fist from globalists that want to finish the slow drip suicide of the US she and her husband started years ago

Likewise, my cousin lives in an Asian neighborhood that is worse than any black ghetto I've ever seen.

>Trump blames politicians for the bullshit
>implying politicians are poor

I'm voting for him for two reasons;
1) He's lost the ability to give a fuck about anything.
2) It's him or a known Marxist and crazed lying cunt.

The other poor people are the reason they're poor.

That's how supply and demand works. If there is a huge supply of something, it becomes cheap. The US imported 20 million unskilled laborers, many willing to work not hevens at minimum wage but at illegal rates even lower.

So unskilled labor isn't worth anything.

Another Bernfag in denial

Notice they didn't say rich "white" guy? They're begining to realize the race baiting is killing them, so now it's just classism.
This is actually pretty easy to dismiss because he clearly states over and over that politicians and corporations are making bad deals that fuck everyone over. Never heard him blame the poor.

Actually, Trump blames the rich and powerful people.


When has he done that?

Still better than Hitlary

All he talks about are scumbag rich people.

He rarely shits on Bernie supporters, and when he does he's right.

The other poor commies are why I'm fucking poor.

"Stats dont have any weight because i have one piece of anecdotal evidence"

Because it's still better than what Clinton is getting away with.

Can someone explain how someone that employs thousands of people, has built a business empire and is only worth $9B (or whatever it is) is responsible for welfare-leeching degenerates being poor?

Why do you speak like Leibo"witz" (joke)?

Why do you Shill for the Hill?




Half a million Canadabux is like $500 real money though

You a hill shill bruh

>so vote hillary instead

this is literally unarguable with.

plus, trump cucked at the first test with sadiq khan. watch for more of where that came from.

why don't we just white out the entire earth and keep east asians?

sounds like the best outcome for humanity

>leftists politicians
Is this them pretending he's racist again?

>plus, trump cucked at the first test with sadiq khan

Hm? He said there would be exceptions where practical from the very very beginning.

Yes, leftist ideology makes drastically more sense when you realize two things:
1. They consider leftist politicians and leftist controlled elements of the government to be "We The People" (that's why commies often call themselves "The People's Democratic xyz")

2. They consider whites to automatically fall into the category of bourgeoisie scum deserving of hatred rather than compassion, and whites who are impoverished or struggling fall into the category of the bourgeoisie who are falling, crumbling, declining (as their secular prophecy foretold) and thus deserving of scorn. Hence why Bernie doesn't consider white people to be capable of being poor.

Even the way that leftists simultaneously think white people aren't a race and that its okay to hate white people makes some deranged sense if you analyze it (ignoring the power+privilege stuff, its because they believe "white" is an arbitrary grouping based off oppression and that poor people who identify as whites are basically house niggers for the rich).

The rationalizations are crazy fucking elaborate, but they're like a hologram, if you cut off a small piece its just a smaller version of the whole.

>Trump is a cuck for not caring what bong land does to destroy itself

Wew lad, this reeks of desperation, and I'm not even a Trump supporter, you'll have to try harder.

>Trump is a cuck for not caring what bong land does to destroy itself

trump does care tho. he invited a radical moslem to america after saying he wouldnt invite radical moslems to america.

trump doesnt care about whether moslems come to america or not. he's just saying what you idiots want to hear, then he does the exact opposite lol

1 post by op

another shitty bait and run thread

sage in options

Please, Trump held out an olive branch and Khan sperged out like a retard. If relations between our countries turn sour, it isn't the Americans who lose out.

>confirmatory bias, the posts

he also blamed China for unfair trade policies yet has his clothing made there. Again proving the point that Trumpfags are utterly gullible and stupid

Yes they are. Also, this tactic of blaming is what they do. wage too low? blame the company! got arrested for home invasion and armed robbery? blame the racists police!

Good job contradicting yourself.