The fuck did I just watch?
The fuck did I just watch?
A flick
>that part with the feet and the piano wire
a chinese romantic comedy
>swn throw up in a bowl for you to eat
i honestly want to die.
>when you cant help but be turned on by female on male torture scenes
The scene where he wakes up and she's next to him is the one that confuses me,wtf? it implies that it's all a nightmare, and then he goes to sleep and the torture continues. wtf which one is the real one?
That's small time.
What the FUCK did I just watch
I have to watch that movie again. The only thing I can remember is that minotaur. Takashi Miike is such a weird filmmaker.
A dangerous Yakuza hit dog being dealt with properly.
Nipponese Kino
If your old man boss became a hot Asian waifu would you fuck her?
A mild ass film if you haven't seen pic-related.
kek fucking hell, that part was truly disgusting. That fucking bitch in the basement was the most unsettling thing i've seen in a horror film.
I've seen every horror film ever made, and Martyrs ducked me up more than any other. It's a shame that Laugier couldn't follow it up.
Babby's first disturbing horror
Audition is good but fuck is it overrated
Gozu was fucking great
Martyrs had what a lot of horror movies lack : God tier Atmosphere
Oh yeah and that monster was scary as fuck I tell ya hwhat
Don't forget the effects which were also god tier
That's small time.
What the FUCK didI just watch?
not worth the payoff
I did not know the twist beforehand. Didn't help much.
compare it to Oldboy, since it's also asian and has a big twist at the end
I did have Oldboy "spoiled" for me before I saw it. but as soon as it began, the visuals electrified me. I sucked me in and I loved every minute of it. I couldn't give a fuck about the twist
if a movie can be spoiled, it's not worth watching. a movie should just be a good movie
This is pretty balls to the wall in my opinion.
Audition is leagues better than Oldboy.