Media only claiming 17 ppl dead, 6 when this was recorded. Heres some insider info for you guys

media only claiming 17 ppl dead, 6 when this was recorded. Heres some insider info for you guys

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yeah lets believe the random audiofile

yeah i heard it houses up to 600 people, but i read on the media there was 150 people living in it? which seems quite unlikely..


if its real, thats pretty fucked...

wait a week or 2 till they release roughly the same number

There's been 3 different fires in London in the past few days.

All 3 in majority Muslim areas.
Not sure what to make of it.

> "my nextdoor neighbour's nephew's mate"

fucking kek, right?
i heard that and the stench of bullshit was overpowering

also, did you guys see this? kiddo thinks this wasnt an accident, brings up at least some mildly valid points.

Policy is. Each flat is a self contained unit and in the event of a fire the protocol is to stay in your flat as it is a self contained fireproof unit.
...then they add a plastic covering which enables the fire to spread in a way the building was not designed for.


theres at least 100 roasted skeletons inside that building

because ffs all those "missing" wtf are idiots thinking about ? did they fly to the moon ? no they just died inside

England will be binning their high rise buildings after this.

Fire started around 1am.
Almost all those flats would have had people in them.
17 my arse.

The media arn't claiming anything, only reporting on the so far confirmed deaths - put away your tin foil hat

>Implying terrorists discard theirs.
Not having a wepon with you in the UK is the dumbest thing you can do.

if you're a pussy

seriously... have at least a giant black dildo tucked in ur pants, that way it looks like a giant dong + you have a weapon to beat the shit outta some faggot who tries to knife you kek

Get rid of Muslims the right way kill em

doesnt matter, only sandniggers

oooooh edgy.

clap.... clap....

no u lol

it looks like London is going to burn again