anyone got any pro IRA memes to share?
my two cents
shits gonna kick off again anyway cause of the dumbass joining dup and i know what side I'm on
inb4 go back to ireland
anyone got any pro IRA memes to share?
my two cents
shits gonna kick off again anyway cause of the dumbass joining dup and i know what side I'm on
inb4 go back to ireland
Other urls found in this thread:
what happened to you Sup Forums.
you used to be cool
>inb4 go back to ireland
Because you've never actually been there, you American pseudo-Paddy.
>muh heritage
Plz mr4chunners can u make me sum mememes
All power to the IRA!
Support from America
where were you when the brits murdered gadaffi?
you lost my last bit of respect, die in a fire
Up the Republic. Lots of powerful/ connected people in the Midwest USA still are true to the memory of Alan Ryan; the cause. Just go to an American Ireland Fund dinner (if you can get a ticket).
Tiocfaidh ár lá
I just love how salty britbongs get when they're reminded of just how hard they BTFO.
Remember Narrow Water!