Let's talk about 9/11. Was it really as bad as everyone says?
Let's talk about 9/11. Was it really as bad as everyone says?
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It was like a small cut that got infected and turned into necrotizing fasciitis
It was kinda funny. A few Sandniggers punk rich white people with box cutters and fly planes into giant skyscrapers. Who knew Americans were so weak?
no it was pretty funny
Shouldn't you be in school kiddo?
Yes. Everything you see around you is because of it.
Yes. This pretty much sums it up.
It was disgusting, and since that day I think a lot of westerners have had a massive amount of resentment for Islam.
And rightfully so. After all, there were hundreds if not thousands of innocent Americans forced to the windows to gasp for air, and then forced to fall to their deaths. Absolutely atrocious.
You realize you sound exactly like a Jew whining about the Holocaust, right?
>Oy vey, never forget the six million manhattanites
American passengers took down a flight over Pennsylvania.
9/11 itself wasnt so terrible, the fact that it destabilized the world into the chaotic shitheap you see before you is why it was so bad
fuk you
it wuz just a prank goes wrong bro
From a loss of life perspective, could have been worse. From a matter of what resulted from that loss of life, yes. It basically caused the 21st century as we know it.
it was wrose
planes were commandeered by saudis
yet the US protected saudi arabia from being invaded
muslims are tricking us at every corner and we fall for it like morons
daily reminder that jews are arabs
in schools they still take a moment of silence in other states
yes a lot of people died but not for the right reasons
it's kinda like how the jews cry antisemitism
>muh 9/11
In all seriousness, 9/11 was a wake up call.
Americans needed to snap the hell out of their fantasy world. The 1990s were a great time but the USA needed to realize that it was now 2001 and parts of the world were going up shit creek.
The 2000s will be remembered as the catalyst for all the bullshit that followed such as SJWs, radical feminism and white guilt.
If Trump wins then the right-wing will see a massive resurgence around the world which is what we NEED right now. The phrase ballot or bullet comes to mind, if we can't get Trump then blood will be spilled for peace to return once again.
A Trump victory will allow us to look back on the late 2010s fondly and maybe also the 2020s if the miracle keeps working. People who were born right after 9/11 are now 14 and are preparing for exams, these teens need to be redpilled so we don't make the same mistake again.
>not caring about Americans
Spotted the wetback. Go back to your shitty country, Pablo.
911 was the jews final coup to taking over ameriKa
> there are people on this site right now who are too young to remember 9/11
Why does that make you shit yourself?
In 3 years time people will be able to say they were born after 9/11 and they won't be banned for it. We're just growing up, that's all.
Are you sure you're a leaf?
Well, more along the lines of "we're turning into decrepit old fucks".
Don't waste your youth away m8, I'm 23 and I'm doing shit with my life.
911 jew brainwashing ,part 2a
911 jew brainwashing part 2b
AN INCONVENIENT 9/11 TRUTH [Part I] (2015)
911 missing links
war by deception
israeli truck bombs 911
911 israel did it
art students of zion
>there are people on this board right now that think that jews doing 911 is just a meme
>there are people on this board right now who will are too young to remember what life was like before 911 and who will never know how much more freedom we had or what it used to be like
old fag here , i was 25 on 911
newfags don't even know what they lost, they don;t know what the kikes stole from them
1995 here.
I don't know what it really was like before 9/11 but I know what we have to take back, I take this Jews did 9/11 shit seriously because all the evidence points to them.
Yes, Philip V destroyed all our castles, dismantle our milennial institutions, abolish the right to bear arms and ban our language.
I was a junior in high school when 9/11 happened. I remember school got got cancelled that day because everyone was too busy watching the news.
That event started the 24 hour """"""Breaking"""""" News cycle we suffer under today. American media learned that day that fear sold commercials, and have been keeping us fearful ever since.
The Patriot act and the slow but steady erosion of our rights in the name of "security" is what that event caused. Today, we are no safer than we were in 2001, but we're watched and tracked more than we have ever been.
So yea, it was a big event. Maybe not on the immediate time frame, but it's ripples are still being felt, and even reinforced today.