Would you?

Would you?

Other urls found in this thread:


Pure thottery

No, that hairline needs to be erased from the gene pool

Contemplate why women get 60% less prison time than men for the same offense?
>Feminist makes documentary about the Men's Rights Movement
>Gets Red Pilled while making it
>Feminist try to censor her documentary globally
>She now no longer considers herself a feminist.

iz that the chick that made her boyfriend kill himself?

You fucking sperglords actually believe that? That why the rest of the world laughs at you.

In this case she did fuck all wrong though. The guy was a pussy.


"men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen are…twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted."

Only if she would try to convince me to kill myself while I did.

This is true, but irrelevant to the thread.

Hell yeah I would.

She looks like Aria Stark from Game of Thrones

My heart only has room for one psychotic incarcerated female. And she at least had the balls to do it herself


I wanna eat dick.... He's not in the mood what do?

She hasn't been sentenced yet though, so this post is irrelevant.

You're a fucking idiot.

Tempting, but no.

Think of the splinters on my dick banging her, after years of having the prison butch fuck her silly with the wooden broom handle from the janitor closet....?

She looks like a slightly more attractive Cara D.

I'd rather kill myself

Yeah, if I had a "pinky and the brain" / mars attacks fetish

The point totally just went right over your head, didn't.

You poor thing.

Lol dude i was thinking the same. She looks like brain

5 bucks says Michelle carter doesn't do one day of prison time.

It'll be a suspended sentence with 2 years probation

Looks like she went for a Recall vacation to Mars and lost her helmet

Yes, I would flip the switch and watch her fry. The evil bitch.

she looks like a balding Pacey from Dawson's creak.

In fact, she looks like Pacey grew his hair, colour them blonde and balding.

He's having his last glorious days on the internet.

hence, it's a trap, I'm pretty sure.

Why does she look like kwebbelkop?

8 head/10

She'd probably encourage you to do it. Don't bitch out.

>It'll be a suspended sentence with 2 years probation

For what? Not her fault if a faggot can't take the bantz.

I don't have sex with dangerous people


on a scale of 10, she's 12 in the head departement.

She needs to take it down a notch. Of her hairline.

>implying you have any other option

For an super villain with telepathy she sure did do a stupid ass thing. If she had just called him like a normal person or used her mind-words the Justice League wouldn't have caught on.

She's like a gypsy-version of cara delevingne

maybe you shouldnt commit crimes and you dont have to worry about it

Looks like a boy.



I'll hook you in the gabber m8 I swear on me mum.


I wouldn't stick my dick in that if it had a rotating pussy that squirted Mt Dew.

Also her life is ruined even if she doesn't see a day in jail. Every time she applies for a job her history is going to come up with a simple Google search. Plus, what guy is going to put a ring on that?

i would land my airplane in that forehead

There will be a line of betas ready to forgive her for how she was "railroaded by the system" they will tell all their friends that "she's not like that, she loves, she has a good heart"


jheez this bitch is psycho

She's legit ugly, I'm not picky but that girl fucking hideous. I don't even think she's the good kind of crazy where she would be fun in bed. I think she would just lay there with her eyes wide open like a psycho.


No, she is a psychopath.

It's 63%. Stop trying to sugar coat it.


Isn't a disparity a problem to us all.. there are some criminal groups in my country based on girl killers just because they know they can be get out of troubles with the law more easely than if they hire men for the job


Sorry if my data is only on spanish and too litle but right now i couldnt find the other news but this topic is rarely discussed on the internet, i know you will say that this is "anecdotal evidence" but i've heard this more than six times in the news.. every time it happens ppl ignores it completely

100% man you got it


Nice forehead bro, you gonna project a movie on there?

They just convicted her of manslaughter.

This is such bullshit.

Well, it's official guys: If you say something mean to someone on the phone and they kill themselves, you go to prison.



Not sure if trolling or retarded.

>encouraging suicide
>do it kill yourself
>say something mean

Um, did you even read the court transcripts or read ANYTHING at all about the case?

Fucking niggers man, just posting to post.

Explain to me why a woman with a history of mental health issues saying mean things to her boyfriend who also has mental issues constitutes manslaughter.



Are individuals responsible for their actions or not?

Did you? So I guess people are no longer responsible for their own actions.

Fucking millennials, man. Just posting to post.


Oh, wait! Don't! I'm sorry! Please don't kys! I may be convicted of manslaughter!

>she would just lay there with her eyes wide open like a psycho

Retard confirmed.




Burn the witch!

>I may be convicted of manslaughter!
That's the tragedy in all this

Well, you got me, and the bait wasn't even that strong. Derp.

Happy trolling, user.

I'm not trolling.


"men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "[w]omen are…twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted."

Why not? She wants attention, she can get it from billions of my sperm at a time.

of course, why the hell not, she may be nuts but she ain't bad looking, hey a fuck is a fuck

I don't even know why you tagged me kid. I believe women are given way more leeway than men, I see it every day. I've been pulled over 3 times in that last 4 years by cops, a ticket every time. My gf has been pulled over a dozen times in the last 4 years, zero tickets.

Why hasn't anyone agreed to this yet?

I figured 1/10 was enough. The bitch is disgusting, she couldn't convince me to put on clothes let alone get me to kill myself.

>I don't even know why you tagged me

I wasn't trolling. Also, calling people kid is cringeworthy. People troll with what makes them angry and going around patronizing other people by calling them kid reveals your own insecurity about still living with your mother.

>I don't even know why you tagged me kid

Then you're new here. When you give a rating 1/10 here without context, the context becomes the forum in which that rating was issued. Here, the context is the quality of a troll. 1/10 is, and has been for a long time, a euphemism for the phrase "you're bad a trolling'

Bitch looks like a an ugly dude with long hair, my guess is her bf found her secret penis and wanted to die. She encouraged it to keep her penis hidden.

Haha....dat truth doe

I was commenting on her appearance you smug piece of shit, just fucking die already.

10/10 would mate

She was just mad Conrad wouldn't share his precious with Smeagol.

I like her a lot, and I consider her the victim


Dat elongated skulled maise.

My psycho waifu is much more violent and beautiful

Really? Arab detected.

Fuck. Is that Vegeta trying to be a "trap" now? That's a serious fivehead. More of a masculine face than 95% of dudes

naa just seen her picture on here a couple of times

she is a pretty girl

Pretty for a fucking man bear pig

kek no she isn't, look at that troll, her girlfriends are kinda hot though.


Post evil waifus

Kill yourself.

maybe it's because I'm not a suicidal teen retard so I am not afraid of her, but she's pretty cute tbh
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate."

If it was a one time thing she wouldn't have gotten convicted, but she got him to attempt it multiple times and guilted him into trying again and again so she could get sympathy on Twitter.

I'm about to do it, so I hope you enjoy your cell.

I are agreeant.

If her hairline is like that for a woman, think about her sons. She needs sterilized, stat.

No one afraid of her. And that has nothing to do with the fact she look like she gonna bite frodo's finger off right now.