>This isn’t just about me – it’s about my friends, my family and everyone who comes from a background similar to mine, anywhere in the world, Mr Khan said.
How are we supposed to work with our Muslim allies when Trump has banned all of them?
>This isn’t just about me – it’s about my friends, my family and everyone who comes from a background similar to mine, anywhere in the world, Mr Khan said.
How are we supposed to work with our Muslim allies when Trump has banned all of them?
Other urls found in this thread:
>How are we supposed to work with our Muslim allies when Trump has banned all of them?
you aren't.
Good, we don't want you here fucking diaperhead
Lol fuck the UK
The Muslims already control the Brits' economic center. UK is done for.
>inb4 some Brit memes 60%
You have thousands of years of history in the UK and you're on the white man's home soil. There's no comparison.
A group is defined by its majority, there are a few good apples but we are not about to let them in risking taking in the spoiled bunch.
Our alliance with the UK is very important if there new new mayor is banned from even entering our country it will only dampen our relationship with the UK
Trumps lack of actual policy ideas is starting to show.......
Why would the Mayor of London ever need to meet with the POTUS? He isn't important at all.
Who cares if the fucking mayor of London throws a temper tantrum and refuses to visit the US? It's his loss.
Why do muslims feel entitled to come to America? Why does the left think the world should freely move across our borders?
>stop being critical of our religion or some of us might turn and kill you
>I am illiterate
Do not worry user, we can tell.
>Muslim allies
These two words right here are what convinces me that this post is 100% bait.
How are we meant to work with Muslim allies when they refuse the olive branch?
Except the new mayor isn't banned from entering our country you dipshit.
Are you really falling for this paper thin Muslim propaganda?
>Muslim allies
>thinking the UK matters anymore
Russia is the only other world player.
Because the Jews can do it
You just cant ban millions of people just because they are Muslim because then you have problems like this, how are we going to work with Muslim allies like turkey if they are banned from coming here?
Pick one, baiter.
Trump suggested banning travel from countries CURRENTLY ENGAGED IN JIHAD WARS.
Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.
At no point did he suggest "banning Muslims".
We don't need to be allied with them, they contribute nothing. Also fuck them, they should've allied with Germany.
Psssh, details are for faggots.
Reminder that this has all been revealed as an Aussie shit post, and that Australia has infiltrated UK just to fuck with a dead empire.
We worked with Japan just fine after we dealt with the kamikaze problem.
>been elected less than a week
>literally everything he said is about muslims, islam, or too many white people
>muslim allies
Yes there is a ban on ALL non US Muslims!!!!
ALL Non US Muslims would be banned from entering the country including Muslims from countries like the UK or France or Germany,
Pick one and only one
>can't wake up
Looks more like a tanned German to me
Japan is a single country Muslims is a worldwide ideology two completely different things
If Trump has inclinations to ban them, odds are, they haven't been much of an "ally" to us in anything except our elite's desire to crush us under their thumb. Fuck them.
The new mayor of London is the biggest disappointment of the year. I share this opinion.
lmao he's a fucking major who gives a shit
does Britain not have actual political figures?
True. Islam is far more dangerous.
Think about this for just a second NO other western country has a ban on Muslims if Trump gets elected the US will be the first
Why does no other country have a Muslim ban?
because it makes no sense its a stupid idea
Like shoehorning a Muslim mayor into the capitol of our ally wasn't part of a growing scheme to force America's hand into rejecting the one man offering us freedom from globalist shackles. Do go on.
It's no wonder that right next after the shitskin mayor will be the fail of Brexit.
But he's not banned, as it had been reiterated several times.
However, if the goat fucking, kid touching, towel headed mayor of London whines about exceptions and will only swing by the US if we lower our shields, and purposefully endanger the American People, then fuck him in his faggot poz ass.
He doesn't need to "accept" the offer to be exempt, who the fuck does he think he is? Trump couldn't give a shit if an anti-white goatfucker doesn't want to go to the US.
I remember when you yanks weren't such cucked pussies
Fuck him then. And fuck Britain i guess. Their faults for electing him. Just as i expect no sympathy if clinton gets elected.
Its not just him the US is allied with alot of Muslim countries if they are banned how are we going to work with them?
"Allied" is a wrong word in your sentence. "Controlling" is the right one.
I almost hope that happens.
If it does, just think: The inevitable is going to follow, the suicide bombings, Sharia patrols, British women forced to wear burquas, etc. The Internet is too widespread, too volatile, and too unpredictable to be contained under current law, so the world will see what happens when you reject a Trump and submit to a globalist agenda - conveniently, several months ahead of the election. That's just enough time for the ramifications to sink in for America.
> listening to the jew media
No there isn't. You're wrong, you're a retard.
The US is not controlled by any other country this meme needs to end
an alliance with a future goatfucker colony isn't worth much
> all these replies
> Trump supporters getting redpilled
How is Trump going to stop western converts from entering the country? Should the ban also include completely stopping citizens from countries like Germany, France, Belgium, and Britain from the entering the US?
That's gonna be a bad hit on the tourist market.
We're already redpilled. So are a good deal of Britons. The difference between us and you, though, is that we have a pair of balls between our legs, and you allow the kebab to cuck your entire fucking empire. That's why we support Trump.
>you won't let me in :(
>okay I'll let you in
>no I won't come unless everyone gets let in
Fuck this guy we don't need London and haven't since 1776
If they're mudslime, sure. Mudslimes from those countries are all radicalized.
How would you even tell whos a Muslim? Muslim is not a race they come in all colors so how would you tell who is actually a Muslim?
The Muslim Ban idea really makes no sense if you think about it
>Muslim allies
That's like 2 people at most
Assad and I'm sure there's another
>hoo boo we've got balls
He hasn't won yet
Your move.
>Values other muslims over diplomacy between the UK and the US.
Confirmed traitor.
Except somebody can easily lie.
No he has one allegiance
I don't bear malice to the British. When I was small I read Sherlock Holmes, Marry Poppins, Shakespeare. I use Raspberry Pi, watch BBC and read The Guardian. I think that the UK is an indispensable part of our culture and civilisation. When Londoners had opted a fucking shitskin muslim as a mayor of the London, I was stunned. It's a shock and a huge disappointment to watch overseas shitskinners are destroying the carefully created civilisation by their dirty habits. It's a dire shame of the UK.
>can't handle the damage control
>QUICK! attack the flag!
>typical trump shit-poster response
The point is that he's winning. He's winning because we fight back. You don't. London's mayoral election is over, and you're confirmed cucks. It wasn't even close. Nice try, though.
Well Israel is one of our oldest allies so of course most president were pro Israel just like they are pro French that proves nothing
>I don't bear malice to the British.
Well you should, we deserve it. It's one thing to be taken over piecemeal by an alien culture, it's another thing to have no push-back against it. And there's no signs of any constructive push-back. We are pathetic.
The chances of Trump actually winning against Hillary is slim at best
He's not going to ban all Muslims, holy fuck. He will not accept refugees until we have a reliable process in which we can screen them first, which is something we will never have. Obama did a similar thing and banned Iraqi refugees entering the US for 6 months in 2011. It is a fact that ISIS is travelling over boarders with refugees, a temporary ban for certain countries is necessary.
Shouldnt let the damn dog in. Wouldn't let it into my house, why should you let it into your country?
I moved here in November from up north.
Cannot BELIEVE how cucked the average chap down here is. Sneery, metropolitan, metrosexuals everywhere with no regard for anything other than progressivism. They literally couldn't give two shits about the negative impacts mass immigration has had on British culture because their arthouse bubble is still in tact, not even willing to entertain the idea that some people could be against what's been happening in this country for the last 20 years, and that they have no good reason to. There are literally no negatives in transforming Britain into a multi faith, multi ethnic society in some people's minds, no brakes on the progress train whatsoever. It's now gone from being a natural outcome of using immigration as a tool for economic growth with cultural changes as a spillover, to cultural changes being the intended goal for many people.
Luckily, immigration and immigration remains one of the big hitters on the political agenda. For now, this mindset seems to be overtly London and minority elsewhere.
Vote UKIP and exit the EU.
Why are Trumptards lying about his Muslim Ban?
Yes Trump is going to ban ALL non us Muslims that is his OFFICIAL policy do you Trump supporters know nothing about the candidate you're supporting?
>because WE fight BACK!
You're not special
Every western country has now flirted with reactionary right wingers at the ballot box in recent years
It's not evidence of some great American "fightback", just the natural outcome of decades of western complacency.
We've all experienced it. We've all lost. If IF you win, only then you can claim some sort of high ground.
>How would you even tell whos a Muslim?
Easy, they are the ones shouting "ALLAH ACKBAR" then blowing themselves up.
>He's not going to ban all Muslims
That's not what he said
>Iraqi refugees
Banning a nationality is one thing, but banning someone based on their religion alone is another
>temporary ban
This is really deceiving. Trump doesn't really have a clue as to how long the ban is going to last. A better word to use would be 'indefinite'.
You know Muslims from the UK would be banned too right?
Intellectually lazy question. That's basically the same as saying, "Yeah, AIDS is a problem, but it's too complex for anyone to solve," while there has been literal billions poured into defeating it and medical science gains ground against it.
People who adhere to specific religious rigors have to abide by them, or face eternal punishment. They're not hiding their affiliations; they pray in the streets five times a day, abstain from pork, and force their women to conceal themselves. Not just that, but the Internet is monitored to a much higher standard than ever before; I don't bother with using a proxy to post here, because I'm not young/naive enough to think it will offer me any anonymity from individuals like I mentioned. They know who I am. So they know who user is every time he thumbs-ups an ISIS propaganda video on JewTube, posts in an Islam forum, or even modestly promotes the lie of "peace" on Kikebook. There are ways of knowing, not simply through the unfathomable means at our governments' disposal, but through actual critical thinking.
Islamic terrorism is a problem the world, over. You don't think that the same world who split the atom, landed on the Moon, and cured polio can't sit down and figure out how to identify these goat fuckers? You're not just intellectually lazy. You're just plain lazy in general. Not becoming. Take two red pills and call me in the morning, faggot.
Are people still arguing for this?
I mean Trump cucks argue constantly that many Muslims are supposedly radicalised and will threaten the US, but offering out exemptions essentially bypasses the ban and still presents a way for dedicated groups to infiltrate the US.
I mean im guessing if exemptions are handed out, they will be handed out to skilled workers and businessmen, would it really be that difficult for a terrorist organisation to convince or blackmail one of the people who are allowed in?
This is just pandering for the idiot rednecks who are scared of those 'GODLESS AY-RABS!!?!!'
The only solution is a serious review of the policy to limit it to immigrants meeting very specific conditions such as no previous criminal history, extensive work histories, country of origin(complicated situation), and a certain level of education.
I like Trump because he tells it like it is, but even you guys have to admit some of his policies are plain retarded.
this is why I hate England
I can see why Hillary is popular among Muslims
>What is Taqiya
So he proves he's a Muslim first, and a democratically elected Mayor second.
Enjoy your Sharia, stupid Brits.
fuck that mudslime cunt
No because other western countries like cultural enrichment.
The U.S. is fucking done with that bullshit.
why hate specifically
why not mourn, or laugh, or worry for etc
>man shoots himself in foot
>hate him for it
>So they know who user is every time he thumbs-ups an ISIS propaganda video on JewTube, posts in an Islam forum, or even modestly promotes the lie of "peace" on Kikebook
So all of Sup Forums would be banned
Your feeble attempts at "fighting back" are about as original as Bollywood. "Can't Barrage the Farage?" Nigger, please. The only people you're fooling are yourselves. Look at you. You can't do jack shit without us leading you by the nose. You're lesser men, and as time goes on, it becomes more apparent. Anyway, enjoy your no-go zones.
Realistically, he won't have that kind of power. He will never be able to ban all Muslims. He can however ban refugees, which is what he will most likely do. Besides, Trump is right, Muslims do hate the west.
99% of all Muslims are hardworking peaceful people to just ban ALL of them makes no sense
What would be a smarter solution is to have a temporary ban of immigration from the middle east but thats not what Trump is proposing
Don't be stupid. If we want terrorists to identify themselves online through a false sense of security, then they definitely want enemies of the globalist agenda to do the same. Facebook launched in 2004, 06? It's been a strictly regulated, monitored CIA head count ever since. It can and will happen. These people have guys on their payroll developing suitcase nukes. Do you really think they can't find your ass?
If you chose to be a Muslim I don't want your back words thinking in my county
I have read enough of history to know Islam is our worlds cancer, you cannot negotiate or appease cancer
It spreads and multiplies unless cut out or beaten into remission
I'm not fooling myself here because I haven't gotten carried away in this delusion that Trump is nailed on 100% for victory come November.
If he wins, it's a miracle. Literally the biggest and most important political upset of all time and hopefully one for the better.
No need for internet tough guy posturing.
>Macs can't get viruses.
And we see how that turned out.
Just one of many tools already at our disposal.
How will we screen refugees when a huge portion of them aren't documented and we have no history on them? There's no possible way to pick the good refugees out from the bad ones.
I'm not sure if I completely understand what you're saying. So what's the harm in letting in refugees through current screening?
>white man's home soil
last time I checked your population wasn't 40% native americans
He knows he wouldn't pass the US immigration vetting process