Mfw Sup Forums turned 180 degrees from loving Eric Andre to hating him ever since his RNC bit

>mfw Sup Forums turned 180 degrees from loving Eric Andre to hating him ever since his RNC bit

When will butthurt Sup Forumsfags get the fuck off my board?

What was wrong with his RNC bit?

>When will butthurt Sup Forumsfags get the fuck off my board?
I dont care about this black bastard but go back to lebbit if you think Sup Forums isn't part of every board on this site

nu male cuck

it wasnt edited

when did tv care about this guy at all?

>RNC bit had no bite whatsoever

That's the reason why Eric Andre is losing viewership day by day. His random scatter-brained interviews are not worth watching.

I love his show but I don't think he can keep this up much longer. He needs to try something new or take a damn break.

found the redditor

Spin-off with Snakey and Hannibal's brother when?

It's the stupid MDE Edgelords. They know their show is shit, and they lash out at anything remotely similar that does a similar style of comedy 100x better.

For me it's because he started a war with Sam Hyde and that's unacceptable

>eric andre
>similar to MDE

Eric is a poor man's Tim Heidecker minus the acting ability.

kys bud

Sup Forums is rightful Lebensraum of Sup Forums

>being butt hurt that people don't like watching that unfunny hack shit himself on tv

Wew lass, back to rebbit with you

>A Bronx Tale Lovechild gets a show because Adult Swim is desperate to get their mouth breather, laugh at anything tim and eric watching mindless fuck fans back.
>Wah why does no one like my le so funny randum comedy
>Always try to be funny only to be outshined by my guest Hannibal who is actually a funny comedian

Stop deluding yourself into thinking any of Sup Forums likes this stupid yid crapshoot of a show. He wasn't even relevant till he made an ass out of himself at the RNC.

Never heard of him, and the pitiful amount of replies this thread has gotten only shows me that most of Sup Forums either doesn't know or doesn't care about this guy.

>Wah why does no one like my le so funny randum comedy
>4 seasons

>Eric gets a gig in that godawful bitch from apartment 23 show
>Hannibal is in Broadcity

I feel bad for Eric, Hannibal will definitively go places, not too sure about him

nah it wasnt that. it was when i found hes over the age of 30 without a wife and kids that turned me off



lmao virgin waiting for "the one" detected

Sup reddit

>4 seasons and still no one knows or cares who you are even on a Cantonese Cricket Fighting Forum

he's always "on", it's like a neverending shtick

hannibals career is already dead

newfag detected

Sup mello

Except that war is according to everyone in MDE and Eric nonexistent you weird drama loving fucks

Eric Andre is literally a walmart Sam Hyde. You're a pleb for even liking him