Ted Cruz may restart campaign


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Oh man, I can't wait to see cruz come back and defeat Trump. Cruz missile 4 life

Let Memes rise once more!

He's already shown the American public that he gives up when things don't look like they're going his way.

For a country with a ton of voters who want change, I think they're going to stick with Trump, who has shown to be determined and stick by what he says.

He's already been forgotten at this point. He's being a sore loser.

Come on faggots we are at war, don't let lyin Ted steal this one from us.

I'll be going to vote here soon.

Ted Cruz could join the libertarian. Although, that would seal the Hillary win and also GOP would be smashed to Lib Dem levels.


I can finally say it again.

I'm a #CruzMissile right now.

God, you just can't get rid of this fucking rat. You think you kill him and he pops up and begins nibbling on your wires again.

Why doesn't he just go back to his own fucking country already??

>be determined and stick by what he says.
That's why I'm done with Ben Shapiro and Mark Levin. They keep saying Trump is a flip flop willing to say anything to get elected. I think Trump has been pretty consistent during his campaign.

For some reason the conservative jews HATE Trump.



He's been saying the same exact stuff since 1988. As consistent as it gets.

It was part of the Jew's plans. The way they've been reporting it Trump has already locked the states yet to have primaries. Lyin Ted still plans to have his people vote. They're hoping to trick most voters into staying home so he sweeps the states and the delegates.

The kikes have already started spreading misinformation trying to get Trump supporters to vote for Bernie to make it even worse.

Yes, please. More Cruz memes.
>Danald, give me the delegates. I need their souls.

Wow, that's real, American perseverance right there guys. That's the determination and strength we need at the helm of our country. I really would like to see Mr. Cruz enter back into the fray and take out the liar Drumpf.

I think it's safe to say that I, and all my fellow #CruzMissiles will be voting in the Nebraska primary for a real American leader and not some reality tv star who has gone bankrupt more times than not.

The list should be way longer than that. Literally every time I've seen an anti-trump article since july, it's been a fucking kike 9/10 times.

Wish I had the idea to start documenting the names back then. I'd have a list 10x longer than that.

I am now a #CruzMissile

>Mark Levin

Levin & Beck are digging their own graves. I can't listen to them when they say "Anyone but Hillary", yet are the biggest hit-pieces against Trump. It's like they want to lose at this point.

Hope Cruz stays out, and Carly retires from politics forever.

This. #CruzMissiles who are true conservatives will be voting for him. I know I will be.

this list makes me embarrassed and angry

I hope the events of the next few years make jews in general grow a fucking backbone

That's what he needed to defeat trump, a weeks worth of rest. Now all the problems he had are surely gone.

Nobody going to discuss the actual quote?

>"We launched this campaign intending to win. The reason we suspended our campaign was that with the Indiana loss, I felt there was no path to victory," he said Tuesday on Glenn Beck's radio program.

>"If that changes, we will certainly respond accordingly."

Trips of truth

I agree, the media is so fucking full of shit. They are the most dishonest trash.

This video is great at pointing about how the media slants and spins almost every single thing that Trump says. youtube.com/watch?v=Gw8c2Cq-vpg

It's over an hour long which just goes to show you how many liars there are spewing hatred for Trump

MSM is shilling so hard against Trump in the past few days too. They're cherry-picking every quote.

I think the list was updated, before the anti was just on the left and the pro were on the right

There's no point in discussing Ratospeak. He's a lawyer. He can always find a way to lawyer his way to an excuse. That's why he's El Rato AKA Lyin' Ted.

Everybody just wants him to go away. Many of us want him to go away forever. He should select one of these options.


That's just sad, no other candidate has tried that. He'll just lose again and throw away any future political career, if he hasn't already.

There really is a big difference between Jews in Israel and Jews in America. I assume those in the promised land understand nationalism and border security.

Ted will probably return to collect some delicious campaign money from Montana and South Dakota. It's probably the same deal with Bernie.

Fucking leafs GTFO go drink more maple syrup with your beady little eyes and head that splits from the rest of your body when you talk

You can't even vote, this isn't your country. Go suck weedman's dick or whatever that cuck president you idiots put in office name is.

Wait, is lyin ted out of the game?
This should have happened 6 months ago.


OP had a 7 at the end of the link so it gave 404

Here is another one I'm sure most the names are the same though.

This is getting better than a tv show

Jews literally cannot help themselves, senpai. Selective pressure over millennia has resulted in jews being incredibly tribalistic and having an astonishingly high in-group preference. This inherent predisposition has resullts in jews (overall) producing behavior that ends up being subversive.

Right now, these jews are in control of america. Trump is breaking the illusion of choice between jew-controlled democrats and jew-controlled republicans. And they're shitting themselves. They can't help themselves. It's a survival instinct and innate reaction, akin to watching someone kill your wife and steal your child.

This election is literally a sitcom

>"We launched this campaign intending to win. The reason we suspended our campaign was that with the Indiana loss, I felt there was no path to victory," he said Tuesday on conservative host Glenn Beck's radio program.
>Glenn Beck


>Cruz's campaign returns after 3 primaries

just like Jesus

If i didn't know any better, it sounds like he's expecting something bad to happen to the god emperor....

This is a really funny post. Good job, buddy!

The point is that >"If that changes, we will certainly respond accordingly" means if Rato gets 150% of the vote in every primary so far

>being this much of a leaf


How would that even make sense? He still could not hope to win. Trump needs less than half the remaining delegates.

Maybe he's expecting some bullshit rules rewrite by the RNC overlords. Like when they made up that 8 state delegate majority rule to fuck with the non-preferred pick.

>"We launched this campaign intending to win. The reason we suspended our campaign was that with the Indiana loss, I felt there was no path to victory," he said Tuesday on Glenn Beck's radio program.

>"If that changes, we will certainly respond accordingly."
Translation: " I am a whiny loser waiting for trump to be assassinated so I can get a nother shot"


>Mark Levin

Fucking Levin is painful to listen to. He is so fucking butt hurt. His show consists of him whining like a bitch, lying his ass off, screening his callers so he gets 4 or 5 straight Cruz faggots where they circle jerk talking about how the only "real Reagan " conservative didn't get nominated and how the GOP shouldn't support trump.

Then he will take one call from a Trump supporter trying to talk some sense into him, he just mutes/shouts over them and viciously attacks them. He is such a faggot. Hannity needs to talk some sense into his retarded friend Levin.

Beck went off the deep end long ago. His network is about to go bankrupt.

I may be Canadian, but listen here, buck-o. Donald Trump is a sniveling coward and true conservatives know that Ted Cruz is going to bring his unapologetic, strong brand of conservative leadership to the White House come hell or high water.

I don't often use such strong language, but when you insult Mr. Cruz's wife and children, boy, you better watch your back.

>Voting for American President

Pick one dumbass.

They call him, "The Walking Ted." Because he ain't running.

Either there's rampant voter fraud or there isn't make up your mind.

Leafposting is cancerous, user.

So Lyin' Ted was lying. Funny that.

Thank god. Poll after poll after poll shows Donald Trump LOSING to Hillary. Cruz actually stands a chance, and he actually represents true conservative values. It's time to put that sniveling coward out to dry.

It wouldn't surprise me one bit. I pray it doesn't happen but the the globalist establishment gong ape shit on both sides of the isle it wouldn't shock me if they try and take him out.

Trump has started a movement and awoken the silent majority which was previously just sleeping giant.

Record voting turnouts in primaries are proof of this. The small pack of elite Jews that basically pull the strings in America for the benefit of Israel are terrified of Trump. To be clear I'm not an anti semite. Your normal Jew is just like everyone else. It just so happens that there is an incredibly evil pack of globalist elite jews that run all the banks and media, and they don't give a shit about America. All they care about is Israel.

why would anyone vote for him after he quit?

a literal quiter

i am now #Cruzin'ForABruizin

Cruz wanted to let in even more Muslim rapist migrants and you think he is a real conservative?

You're post sounds more like trolling than anything else.

Leafs are top quality shitposters.

Fuck the Natural Born Canadian.

damn i just deleted all the cruz memes


Any Nebraskafags go out and vote yet?

We are at war. This is the last chance to MAGA.

Don't be a faggot and stay home just because Based Emperor Trump is basically a lock!

If Hillatard wins we will turn out like these idiots in Europe


If you aren't voting for this man you are a fucking idiot. End of story.

What is the point? Most of his supporters are already on the Trump train.
Would be fun to see him getting back into the race though.

I've been a loyal supporter of Cruz for the last 8 months and I'm not gonna stop now

I hope you went out and freaking voted

That Rat wanted to let even more 'refugees' into the US. Seeing what is happening in Europe with these fight age males that deserted their women in children, how can you support such a lying fraud?

Lol good luck rato

I really hope Hillary is paying you well. Would be a shame to spend the whole day on Sup Forums for anything other than the lulz.

Fine, let them waste more money. It's less to have during the general.

He's an authentic conservative and besides it would help Europe if US shared the burden a little bit

Then the story will be lol low information drumpf voters!

All they need is for it to be close enough that rigging can make up the difference

>mathematically eliminated
>"If that changes we will certainly respond accordingly."

Why even make that statement then?

Behaving like a roach that's moving while dead, or a rato thats twitching with its spine severed isn't American.

This site's polling has been atrocious. Even worse than the deliberately deceptive NBC polls. Please stop screen-capping it.

Yeah man, I've been here a while too and came to the same conclusions.

May god protect Lord Trump from all harm, bodily or otherwise.

You forgot "Judeo-Christian values"

>You thought I would just walk away, Donald?

You don't know what your talking about leaf. Cruz is one of those conservatives that won't bend his principles, while Trump is falling over himself backpedaling

>Ted Cruz may restart campaign

i love this meme

>Humiliated the first time around
>Considering seconds

I wasn't aware that rats are masochists.

This is how you make a grassroots movement, Donald.

What's the matter, Donald?

Cat got your tongue, Donald?

I have the delegates, Donald..

Donald, I won fair and square... Now give me the delegates, Donald.

The priesthood rises?

Lol he's mad Trump isn't considering him for any position on the cabinet or the VP.

Donald, you're a snivelling coward

I'm going here any minute, place I vote is like 6 blocks from my house and the polls don't close for 5 hours.

100% going to vote, no question about it.

I was a Trump fan right up until this point but now I'm a #Cruzmissile.

Anyone else here Millard North?

Eh I agree its biased by people doing polls many times. Still, it more accurately reflects enthusiasm which matters most in the general where even independents will vote

No, kick the shit skins the fuck out. You have no obligation to them.

And they aren't even fucking refugees they deserted their families instead of fighting for their homeland. And they didn't stop at the first safe haven. If they want to go somewhere they should go to another middle eastern country. It's a joke, if those turds tried to get away with the violence and rape here in the US we would have an open season on those pieces of shit.

God no, let Jeb restart his campaign instead. I miss the guac man.

>what is dead may never die, Donald

>Trumpfags thought it was over
Real conservatism always prevails you neckbeards.

he means that if Trump doesn't get enough delegates that he will continue under a contested convention.

Anyone else kind of wish this ticket lasted longer?
I was hoping for some more creepy OC from them.

Based Trump stay safe.


lol, Trump has Nebraska in the bag. It's too late rato