When i think of Flash Thompson i dont think of a beaner

when i think of Flash Thompson i dont think of a beaner

whites are a dying race. get used to it

When I think of Mary Jane I don't think of a nigger

Science school in Queens, not exactly ubermensch central

Flash Thompson is meant to be a football player. This guy is five foot five and weighs eighty pounds


I always thought he was a poo in the loo

Zendaya is biracial.

Hey P-Parker give me your lunch money n-nerd

If you still care about spider-man at this point you're part of the problem

I have hope that he's going to at least get jacked for the role

I don't believe that marvel guy who oversees the MCU is that disconnected.

If he's jacked, I can believe it. I don't mind the race swap as long as he actually LOOKs like a jock superstar in the movir

What do you call this hairstyle?

It's like a fine layer of hair's just covering his entire face.

u dont smoke bro?

Beaner coif

the Anne Frank

But that's a poo in loo

Fuck me. I hate spics.


Revolori, Revolori
Give me the formulori

How the fuck is Parker going to be intimidated by this? Is Parker a toddler in the new movie?

He's literally taller and more muscular than Tony. They must be doing something entirely different with Flash's character otherwise it's one of the most bizarre fuck ups in casting I have ever seen.

Maybe Peter's the bully in this one.

Flash Gordon is meant to be everything that Peter Parker isn't (popular, good with women, tall, athletic).

Instead they choose a no chin mexican shorter than the actor playing peter parker.

The fucking state of Sony la

not only that but why didnt they pick a guy who seems physically threatning?

Well he can bully me any time he wants.

>Height: 1.68m
I'm honestly not mad that a non-white person is portraying him. I'm pretty mad that a skinny manlet with shit hair is playing him though.

The Max Landis inspo.

>Flash Gordon

Son, there's no reason for you to pretend to care about Spider-Man.

Holy diversity batman
There are literally 4 white actors in this movie and one of them is a cameo.
>inb4 marisa tomei
I said white not italian.

the dannyboytbh

Why is he stood so far away?

so black, then

>I said white not italian


t. moor rapebaby

The CuckChop.

>a nigger, beaner and fat cunt

I bet the stench was atrocious

muslim flash.

Ayo cuzzy bruz wallah sick cunt flash thompson.

Yalla bro yalla, yalla.

>Waaaah I don't want different things! Waaaaah why can't everything just stay exactly the same! Waaaaaah mom is such a cuckservative! Waaaaah!

you're right
a story taking place in New York should have just white people, any niggers is just forced diversity

Yeah I remember at school you used to get a long corridor filled with pakis, the stink was fucking unbearable, I'm not exaggerating, it made you retch. almost physically sick, you had to hold your fucking breath otherwise you'd throw up. What made it worse was when they'd try and trip you up, they fucking think they're hard cunts cause they're all in one big group but we always kicked the shit out of them in race war fights.

This. Seems like Flash will be more like an online bully, which is an interesting take on the character.

It's a poor casting choice, but being brown has nothing to do with it.

>Peter is supposed to be a loner
>Is friends of 2 popular black girls

>mfw that fat asian kid will be very popular in this movie


>shitskins insert themselves into popular stories because everything they try to make themselves turns out to be shit

business as usual

Remember lads, this film is coming out next year and is currently being filmed this year.

And what year is that?


We are living in an year of pure social liberalism in media and you really expect them to have Flash be a stereotypical bully? Bullying is a big no-no and even the mere visual representation of it may trigger the audience.

I'm calling it right now, that Flash won't bully Peter whatsoever and that they will have a big blatant anti-bullying moral shoved down our throats because it's the current year.

Screenshot this and watch me be right.

Leave diversity kino to me

>I'm calling it right now, that Flash won't bully Peter whatsoever and that they will have a big blatant anti-bullying moral shoved down our throats because it's the current year.
I already called it months ago: Flash is going to become Peter's close friend in the second act of the film.

There is a fine layer of hair covering every part of your body as well, just fyi.


Tony Rovioli and the Masters of JUST starring Jaden Smith.

Its still technically Sony, dont expect much.
Thats probably where the muh diversity orders are coming from

Blacks in European armor is jarring.


If you painted his face he could be green goblin.

this is very subversive, flash pateel

babby's first waifu in the back was more jarring to me desu


Peter will be the evil white cis boy that uses his privilege powers to bully the athletic muslim-Italian-pooinloo?


>minority guy bullies white dude
>white dude gains power
>minority guy sucks white dude's dick

Yea desu a high school in New York would literally be Jew, Asian, black, Jew, Indian. It's a mess.

Why does strait out of Compton have nothing but blacks in it? There arent even black people in Compton anymore.