So shes been cast as one of the leads in the new Blade Runner

So shes been cast as one of the leads in the new Blade Runner

what type of role do you think she'll be?

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my prediction is she's going to be a prostitute robot where 70% of the movie is comprised of her graphic sex scenes

I don't care, she was absolutely fucking gorgeous in Knock Knock. I'm just glad that the only contemporary director who has a chance to make a true Blade Runner sequel is attached. Imagine if Roland Emmerichm, Jew Jew or that dickhead who directed Jurassic World got the part.


what do?

youre a faggot

post higher res pictures

i think i'd settle

Less cuter Lexi Belle?

why are her lips so small?

are green eyes and brunettes the patricians choice?

only thing that can come close is a brunette with blue eyes.

blondes are pleb tier.


what the fuck

i wonder why keanu praised her and decided to work with her again immediately after filming knock knock

i guess the world will never solve this mystery

Yes a real mystery indeed.


ana is an underrated as fuck waifu but won't be for long.

Cuban women are really irritating and have a massive ego

ive bought alot of stock while the market has been low

im well prepared for when shes in her first hollywood blockbuster next year

Needs more hair spray and face paint and special makeup

After that nothing matters

Who has these features? Eva Green. She's god-tier

not more irritating than you, i'm sure.

fucking kys my man

for her face to look that great for an ultra HD closeup under bright lights is pretty amazing desu

I love how "playful" her eyes look all the time.

She is literally perfect.

>knock knock
Now I get who she is. Gee

She is what Lexi Belle would look like if she didn't age into being a strung out whore.


Shes been in a lot of stuff lately. Is she banging a bunch of dudes for this success? ;_;

she's been banging, she's just banging the right ones now.

wtf I love Cuba now

She's fucking impossibly attractive

What a qt pa2t jewy

>my face is up here user

100% going to be a replicant.

Her chin is unproportionately small. Didn't show that much when she was blond.

Hopefully, replicant sexdoll.


>I wub Jessica Chastain and Olivia Wilde

me too user, but don't be a dork.

>new Blade Runner
nigga what?!

she fine af tho

Bruh, how do you get internet in your cave?

>Olivia Wilde
don't imply that ever again

>everything with a vagina is a 10/10 qt to me

is this felicity jones?

She'll do just fine

You don't like Olivia Wilde, go fuck yaself then

Oh my god please I want a good sex scene unlike Knock Knock something I can wank to and unlike that spanish movie of hers where I can barely see her face omg

she has wonderful titties

yea, you are definitely a faggot

there are a few others. almost all of them are very patrician.

>tfw my ex-gf looked just like Connelly, but she was Italian instead.
>tfw 4 years on I still think about her


you mean where some dude sucks her boob then fucks her against the wall of some toilet? jacked off plenty to that one

apparently she's gone nude in a movie recently, including a sex scene, though I haven't seen it

yes that scene jacked off to it a couple of times too

If only knock knock had better sex scenes

get some taste, fuccbois. you don't have to lust after every celebrity just because the media run by gays and haggard spinsters tell you they're hot. it just shows how much of a latent homo you are.

just stop .. we already established you're a faggot.
You don't need to keep giving us more proof.

>the media is hyping up some cuban that barely any american knows

I'll give you this (You) for triggering me but i'm not going to give you any more after this

>he established i'm a faggot by calling me a faggot
bet you're one of those overweight permavirgin cucks who dream about being in SS and being fit enough to actually throw a punch. get some taste, fuccboi,

the media is hyping Wilde though

this is weird, i just jacked off to her scene in that movie where they fuck with keanu reeves


kek, underage faggot spotted

it's getting embarrassing now my man.

If you don't think she is 10/10 you're literally a faggot

>permavirgin ''''establishes'''' i'm underage
>pretends he noticed the word just now although it's the second time i called him a 'fuccboi'
you didn't have any argument to begin with, and now you can't even shitpost consistently. that's sad, fuccboi.

>being THIS in the closet
sure thing, pal

>in the closet
again, not even consistent

Deckard, hopefully.

>she is 10/10
who? wilde?

>denies his homosexuality
>is not in the closet

are you lost, r3ddit?

you mean the one you established without any arguments. are you working class or something? 'cause you're a straight up stupid nigger.

Stop arguing you literal faggots, and post more Ana.

totalitarianism pls

>she didn't sit on his face

Eli Roth is a fucking HACK

what argument? You don't think she's attractive. You're a faggot. It's not a big deal dude, just accept it.

for you

succ on her pussy over the panties

that way i can taste her pussy juice and my daughter's at the same time.

based nigger

also will end up fatter than lexi at 30.

>if you disagree with me, you're wrong. i can't rationalize my position any further.
now i'm positive your father was a unionist tin knocker

>You don't think she's attractive

she really does

not sure whether to be amazed or disappointed that no one has posted them yet

shut the fuck up already

Question is : how many dicks did she suck to get there ?


nigger you fucking said "get better taste" when she is literally a 10/10

eat shit you fucking faggot


My balls are being drained as I type this.


Is this movie directed by Sup Forums?

forgot to spoiler

>i'm so triggered i can't make an argument
the funny thing is, you probably think you're smarter than sjws

Am i being a face blind autist or does she kind of look like a less bloated lexi here?

She's like a 5/10, 6 if you apply make-up to her properly.


She has similar facial features if you're looking for them, otherwise no. Lexi Belle was cuter when she was young.


>This far into the thread
>Noone has posted pic related