Why is Sup Forums unironically the worst board on Sup Forums?

Why is Sup Forums unironically the worst board on Sup Forums?

Real Answer: Because of the lack of quick moderation on this board. This board is like a last priority for janitors.

It has been this way for years. I'm sure some of you still remember that Avatar shit poster who did that shit for like 3 years straight everyday.

because of outside influence.

Sup Forums is worse

Because capeshit and GoT

>half of them are beaners

Sup Forums isn't so bad you don't even have to have an educated opinion here anyone can watch tv and discuss stuff lol

So, you're wondering how best to fix Sup Forums? That one's simple.

Have Interpol track down the autistic, Canadian pedophile that created the bot, that spams pictures of young child models relentlessly on Sup Forums. Believe it or not, he probably has one or more such threads active right now.

Then, murder him. I'm not just talking any "murder", either. I'm talking about horrendous, brutal, gruesome, inexplicably-torturous murder. Make that fat, greasy fuck suffer until his very last breath.

Then, we get a mod to make a sticky for precisely one year. That sticky will feature high-resolution photographs of the fat, greasy, autistic, Canadian pedophile's mutilated corpse. Other people will find themselves drawn to the sticky, see the photographs in lurid detail and think, "oh shit. If I don't get my head out of my ass and stop shitposting here, I could be next."

For bonus points and a little humor to ease the mood, have the very-first picture feature a plank of wood with blood stains on it next to the corpse, and the words (USER WAS BANGED WITH THIS POST).

THAT is how you fix Sup Forums.

Abatap drove away the faggots

The real, real answer is plebbit moved in en masse in the last couple years and now the entire website is HAAH MEME! MEME! CAN WE MAKE MEME! HAHA! MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMME

I remember when we didn't even have a name for them. It was just funny weird shit.

>being angry because he hates a particular website
>being angry because he believes that content is being "stolen" from anonymous posters of one website, and promoted by not-so-anonymous posters at another website

Here's how it is, friendo. You're not going to like it, but all I offer is the truth.

You can not stop the oncoming tide of what you perceive to be "le randum post-millennial newfag summercancer tourists" from coming to this site. Or any site. Or any nation. Ever. Our numbers are too strong.

What you CAN do, however, is this. You can take a giant step back from yourself and ask, "all this crying about the past, all this whining about the present and all this despair for the future - does it make me a genuinely happy person? Does my knowledge of the idiocracy enlighten me? Does it hold me and reassure me on a cold night?"

Chances are, everyone who desperately clings to the "good old days", the answers to these questions probably aren't what you would refer to as "positive". Chances are, you probably fucking HATE yourself. Why don't you do something that distracts you from your smug, arrogant self-righteousness, for a change?

Take up a hobby. Take a walk. Lift. Oh, you'd be surprised how much better you feel, after a few weeks of doing a nice, light weights program to get those joints and muscles moving.

Maybe then there'd be less of you insipid, whining cunts making posts like this.

We are memes. We are fun. We are the NEW Sup Forums.

doesn't help that Sup Forums is half Sup Forums threads these days
just look at all of the MDE shill threads lately that end up just being political discussions. Or the Ghostbusters threads that were 90% feminism bashing. Or the endless threads complaining that X character is a nigger

At least Sup Forums has the excuse that it's Sup Forums

what is Sup Forums ?

Baby, don't hurt me

baby don't hurt me ?

What the hell I'm not reading all that

Just Fuck Off Reddit

No more

Sup Forums has as many off-topic threads as Sup Forums has on-topic

>all those beaner names

>people actually make Sup Forums memes a part of their vocabulary


I wouldn't say it's just Sup Forums. You could probably find this shit coming from any board.

Sup Forums is goat (very important and never wrong, always right)

Sup Forums is cancer and worst board

Sup Forums and Sup Forums are similar

Nah Sup Forums took a nosedive around 2013 and hasn't recovered. It's legitimately the worst board on 4chang

Like he said Sup Forums and Sup Forums are similar

You are just jealous because Sup Forums is Sup Forumss bitch

you mean Sup Forums?

Is that loli quote of Snyder real?

of coursh

What a man. Why he no make a historical/futuristic movie in which child brides are allowed?
Is he afraid to destroy his reputation lol

They were called macros newfag

>all those spics

Australia isn't an outside influence like 1% of their population posts here.

Go visit Sup Forums and don't come back until you appreciate just how wrong you were

>people using kino are memespouting redditors
tell me something new

This just confirms that the real reason for this board (and website in general) becoming shit is because of Mexicans who just got Internet in the last couple of years
Not even a Trump supporter but this place needs a cyberwall

I never say this but this post is literally redd͏it.
If you think the solution to any Sup Forums problem is more moderation you have been here a week because someone on r/movies pissed you off.

Sup Forums is a breeding board for meme hustling redditors. Its a tame blue board so newfags enjoy it. The cunnyposter spambots this board to drive them away.

Sup Forums is actually better than Sup Forums nowadays