How do we fix Islam?

How do we fix Islam?

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I think that Islam itself isn't as broken as fanatics are 'cause everything can be overused/twisted

Stop the fanatic cocks from spouting off all their shit everywhere they go.

glass the middle east
no exceptions

No Islam nothing to fix


Koran V2.0 like christians with the new testament?

Airdrop bacon into middle east
ez win

>kys OP

turn the middle east into a glass parking lot

How do we fix Christianity?

install gentoo



>Nuke a religion

It should only be for Anglo Saxons. Brown people can't handle it.

Let me guess he is Black or White right? Because people forget Jesus was a Jew and is nothing like most Westernized Christianity faith portrays him.

Because the Vatican etc have brainwashed people into accepting they care about their sheep, but in reality they only use them for power and money.

Pretty much like any religion.

After all we would have been more Scientifically advanced if it wasn't for Christianity, when they held back science for a couple of centuries crying out that it was the devil's work and executing anyone teaching Sciences.

"But that was back then, things have changed" - not really, they still control the masses with fear and promising an afterlife that doesn't exist.

Nuke Mecca

Traps and WOW

discord delete .gg/ delete BN2kEyT

>After all we would have been more Scientifically advanced if it wasn't for Christianity, when they held back science for a couple of centuries crying out that it was the devil's work and executing anyone teaching Sciences.
I think you need to check the dates of the dark ages and then into what religion was in control of most of southern Europe at that time.

Christianity has changed (for the better). Islam cannot, because their Koran and Hadith are "perfect" and any suggestion they are not is blasphemy and punishable by death. Kind of hard to "fix" in that case.

Leaders like Slobodan Milošević, Mahinda Rajapaksa and Rodrigo Duterte had it right.

Easy, kill all the Muslims


lmao was in prison with this dude.
he's a nice guy.


Teach goat herders to read so they can see that the shit they're being sold by ISIS isn't actually in the holy texts.

I hooked up on the dance floor with this dude.

And that is where you are wrong, Islam has changed like Christianity over the years.

Again ignorance from people who don't look up what they are told, makes them believe shit.

Many still think Women don't work etc, but the reality is Muslim Women do work and they keep ALL their pay. Of course far right minded will not accept this, but that is the truth.

Also, they cry about females not able to go to school etc, which is again bullshit, only the extremist groups like ISIS, etc don't want that, because they want to control women, which is why the Taliban hit a well established female school in Pakistan and the girl who survived became legendary.

Anything you read on any far right site like breitbart etc is mostly lies, and untruths and twisted truths. But hey if you need some fucktards who want to bring fascism to your shores to tell you how to think, go ahead, your are just cattle and sheep to them who in the end just want your money.


Also forgot to point out for centuries science was held back and it was Christianity.

Giordano Bruno, Gallileo, Da Vinci etc have all been persecuted by the Church because they dared to say the Earth revolved around the sun, or that Chemistry exists and you can do amazing things with it, or believed man would fly one day...

You need to look up your own history facts.. Because of Christianity the world was held back scientifically, it is as simple as that.

Biology, Physics, Maths, Chemistry had to take centuries to be reborn in Europe and for it to finally take hold and be accepted.

Because religious groups are blind to any reasons, and enforce their beliefs onto people.

You think Islam is heavy with enforcing, Christianity is the same.

But here is the thing, people who claim to be Muslim or Christian etc and then hurt others or spread untruths and hate are not religious, they are scum.

I would love to see a complete separation of church and society. If you want to do that shit, do it in your own home.

The only permits issued to those that wish to develop public places of worship must accept taxation and report to the IRS annually like any business.

>Islam has changed
Why, yes it has. It's regressing to it's fundamental roots.

We have enough recorded human history to see that when the population of Muslims in a country reaches a certain point, they start to stir shit and demand special treatment with the end goal of Islam taking over that country.

>read right wing sites
How about the Koran. Have not come across anything in there about women not being allowed to work or learn. But they do need four male witnesses to prove a rape.

With overwhelming firepower.

>We have enough recorded human history to see that when the population of Muslims in a country reaches a certain point, they start to stir shit and demand special treatment with the end goal of Islam taking over that country
[citation needed]

Wrong , all wrong

>Christianity /was/ the same

Why do these threads always boil down to "Christianity did some bad things (a long time ago), so lets give Islam a free pass"?

It's 2017 for crying out loud. People should not be acting like savages toward one another.

>Bomb Mecca
>Bomb Medina
>Bulldoze every Mosque in the Western world
There, I fixed Islam.

Prove me wrong then.

Tell me the story of Giordano Bruno.

Show me that Christianity was open armed with sciences from the 14th Century to 17th Century.

I will await your answer, also do not use sites like jihadwatch, breitbart etc

Can we safely take the oil if we do this? Cause if we could, we should.

Sri Lanka
Australia, fucking Australia. They are completely taking the piss here at the moment and government bodies on all levels are bending over backwards for them.

Like the kind of shit stirring seen in Russia? in China? In Korea? In Vietnam? In South Africa? In America?

Your point?

Ask yourself this, why are Extremist Islamics attacking the west, what provoked them, if you go and look you will not like the answer.

It's interesting that you only want to look at ancient history. Why don't you compare the state of science in 21st century Christian and Muslim societies?

>destroy all their monuments
Yeah, that won't rile them up.


I guess you missed the part I said All religions are the same in a previous post. Which means you jumped in at the end, and assumed.

Assumptions are what ignorant people use to point fingers.

Islam or Christianity isn't the problem, it is the utter fucktards who misuse their religion of choice to spread hate and terror.

And yes even Buddhism has extremists too.

But yeah it is 2017, funny how nobody can accept that point, because their own precious religion is under fire when it is pointed out that they too also have fucktards that kill others.

It's not that easy. It's very difficult for Muslims in ME countries to rise up against fanaticism when some of the governments mandate and propagate it.

Like ISIS and Turkey.. It wasn't until recently that turks even had an "opinion" on ISIS because their government was portraying them in a nice light

Sure you do know Iran is the leading centre for Biological breakthroughs right?

Just like China and Japan are making bounds in electronics.

Like Christian based countries are making leap and bounds in inventions for stuff we do or do not need.

However the point is this, we would have been more advanced now if it wasn't for the Christian churches at that time, if they allowed Sciences to be taught, we would have had an earlier start to technological jumps.

Who knows we could have discovered electronics 100 years earlier. Perhaps both World Wars wouldn't have happened.

Perhaps religion could have been eradicated by now.

Who knows? But one thing is for sure, we will never know thanks to the Vatican and friends.

>what provoked them
The instructions left by their war lord leader / profit 1400 years ago? Islam has been expanding and attacking the "west" since its inception.

As to lately. Well, the Ottoman Empire was put down in the early 20th century by Ataturk. Then, later oil was found in Saudi Arabia and the idiots that found it let them nationalise it, giving them and their religion a serious source of funding and leverage.

I guess, the real answer to OPs question, is get rid of the worlds need for oil and onto renewables as quickly as possible. This will remove the funding and leverage from Saudi Arabia.

Lots and lots of bacon.

How do you fix cancer? There's your answer.


stop bombing them/occupying their countries.

The same way I approach it in my bedroom
>Fucking the ever living shit out of it until it cums multiple times


Even the "moderates" are zealous savages. Their culture is simply incompatible with Western values.

No weapon on earth is capable of that.
That would need to be an extinction-level meteor impact to make a crater that big.



How do we fix Islam?
>Pic Related.


>the reality is Muslim Women do work
You say that as if it applies everywhere. It does not.
>not able to go to school etc, which is again bullshit
>the Taliban hit a well established female school in Pakistan
Do you not see the disparity in those two comments?



Who the fuck would willingly bring this to their country?

this is you

Scared of Muslims??

ME TOO. All you have to do today is call your local congressmen and demand that all churches pay tax and report to the IRS like the rest of the country!

No more safe haven terrorist funding organization!

While you are at it, tell your congressman that you demand all symbols and forms of religion be completely removed from all government property including currency, pledges, and anthems.




>all you have to do is sit on hold for two hours while we continue to do whatever the fuck we want

i hate the "call your congressman" shtick. it's fucking laughable..


Actually a Jihad isn't a war on other nations, it is a defence of the holy land.

But if you want to be picky, do you want me to pull out the verses from the bible that say the exact same thing? No?

And the fact when I said what provoked Extremist Islamists to attack the west, and you instantly put all Muslims in the same basket shows your ignorance.

Al'Qaeda started it all because America paid off Saddam with $1 trn in goods, arms etc to dispose of the new power in Iran, because the new power would not give the US their cheap oil.

That is the reason. But they don't teach that in Schools do they.

Also it is easy to look it up and see it is true.

But hey, funny how before the 1980s no Islamic Terrorist event happened.

Before you jump the gun the Munich Olympics event had one Muslim guy in the terrorist group the rest were not Muslim. So it was NOT a muslim event.

None other existed against the west at all.

To think all those innocent people died because of the American congress and senate's greed. Well done America. Well Done.


>Thread getting cancerous
>Nuking solves problems
>Watching this as a muslim

Why am I here?

>funny how before the 1980s no Islamic Terrorist event happened

Real peaceful folk.

How many Muslims were asked? And where were they asked.

That is why the Pew Research Poll is a pile of shit.

Remember when research polls had Clinton always winning, didn't happen either did it. Because the people they asked for the poll was pro Clinton.

Anyone who trusts a poll as fact, need their heads examined anyway.

If you look at what triggers their chimpouts, it's usually some imam or cleric who starts preaching some edgy violent shit and gains a growing following of idiots.

I think a very public assassination of any Muslim advocating violence and death to non-believers would straighten them out real quick. This includes everyone from imams right down to some shitbrain raghead carrying a "behead all those who insult Islam" sign at a protest/riot. Make it known that peaceful coexistence, tolerance and freedom of conversion to other faiths an is the only way Islam will be allowed to exist.

Muslims love their martyrs and if you just stop at 3-4, that's all you'll get. But if you indiscriminately kill 30+ with no intention of stopping and start sterilizing immediate family members and spiritual enablers (friends, associates, followers), that sends a message. Muslims only respond to overwhelming violence. That's why ALL effective Muslim leaders are known for their brutality. It's the only way to keep the peace.


goatfuckers on my Sup Forums? it's more likely than you think

Where? In ISIS controlled areas? No surprise there.

Also no disparity, the female school had been used for years it is not against the Islamic faith that females are taught.

The Taliban is an extremist group who didn't like it and targeted kids, to scare other Muslims into following them to save their other kids. But it failed.


Ahh that chart... funny how they forgot to add other religious groups etc, because they handpicked specific attacks to make it look worse. If they used all attacks the graph would look a lot different. But far right handjobs have to lie to legitimize their hate, very sad.

go ahead and show me charts about the other religions then, I'll wait

>Where? In ISIS controlled areas? No surprise there.
Yes, in ISLAMIC STATE controlled areas, ISLAM prevents ISLAMIC women from working.
>no disparity
So you're saying that the school being blown up by religious extremists does not mean the religion has stopped them from going to school?

I know you're trying to be #NOTALLMUSLIMS but your statements are blatantly #NOTANYMUSLIMS and when you are presented with the fact that Islam actually IS preventing women from working and going to school, you deflect with "Yeah, but that's over THERE so it doesn't count".

>Taqiyya is an Islamic juridical term whose shifting meaning relates to when a Muslim is allowed, under Sharia law, to lie.

Yeah... I don't have an answer for all you poor saps that live in GAWDS country with GAWD fearin' congressmen.

Start up the church of Satan. Demand Satanic effigies be placed near every christian one.

name another religion that promotes and gives guidance on how you, in the modern day, should treat nonbelievers with violence. cite examples..i'm waiting.

This is all bullshit also.

Damn son do you have to look at this BS every day to feel better about yourself, having to believe lies.... to legitimize your hate against another group of people... so very very sad.

Also Japan is Multicultural.

Violent Muslims Riots... there has been a couple in the UK. Just a couple. But they weren't riots or violent, they were protests.

Show me proof of these so called Violent Riots. I guarantee you will not find any, also the "video" I know you will try to pass has been debunked so many times, so you should save your time there.

Islamic Extremists committing acts of Terrorism yes, so has Jewish Extremists and Christian groups also. Same as the US. In fact there has been more Jewish terrorist acts in the US than Islamic.

Unemployment is at 4.3% not 7.8%, and is at it's lowest since 2006.

IQ dropping? Show me the figures for that.

Prayer calls from minarets, sure... but they follow a rule to do it at specific times. Oh wait doesn't church bells ring away also? Sounds hypocritical no?

As for Natives becoming a minority, codswallop. Far right maths again at work.

But hey prove me wrong with facts if you can.

So you say that an Extremist group has the say for all?

Does that mean the KKK or the Westboro Baptist Church speaks for all Christians in America and sets the rules?

ISIS only controls small parts of the Muslim world, and that is the only areas that they force women to not work etc. That doesn't mean all again.

Your head is up your arse son.

>verses from the bible
Go for it.

>all Muslims
Where did I use the "Muslim" word? I didn't. I said Islam.

As for putting them all in the same basket, have you come across the verses in their instruction manual which deal with those who only pretend to be a Muslim?

>before the 1980s
Now, if your Caliphate had been destroyed and all that remained was a few raggedy followers trying to survive in the desert, would you bring attention to yourself at a time when your entire population could be wiped out completely, or would you wait until you had a large contingent of people all over the world and massive amounts of funding and influence?

I don't have to, show me on the chart the Buddhist Terrorist attacks that have happened?

Show me the Tribal African (yes it is a belief) attacks in Southern areas of Africa?


you fucking cuck. you deserve to be some sandnigger's slave.

Is this your first day working with the Muslim Defense League? Holy shit.

>Violent Muslims Riots... there has been a couple
>but they weren't riots or violent
You're really bad at this.

>Show me proof of these so called Violent Riots.
All over YouTube. Took me 30 seconds.

Here's a good one about Europe literally being invaded, and gives you the victims' insight.

>Islamic Extremists committing acts of Terrorism yes, so has Jewish Extremists and Christian groups also. Same as the US. In fact there has been more Jewish terrorist acts in the US than Islamic.
Nice deflection. The numbers will certainly change if USA sees an influx of "refugees" like Europe has.

>IQ dropping?
I don't have figures, but hordes of uneducated, untrained, brainwashed zealots flooding your country will do that. Will you really try to argue against that?

>Church bells
There's a difference between letting people know church is in session and broadcasting to people that it's time for mandatory prayers...

>As for Natives becoming a minority, codswallop.
Okay... I'm sure the #1 baby name in Britain is Muhammed because white people really like that name.

I guess you're the one that's been "refuting" my other posts. Where are YOUR facts?

>Go for it

Exodus "So Moses said, “This is what the Lord says: ‘About midnight I will go throughout Egypt. Every firstborn son in Egypt will die, from the firstborn son of Pharaoh, who sits on the throne, to the firstborn son of the female slave, who is at her hand mill, and all the firstborn of the cattle as well."

Numbers - "And Israel vowed a vow to the Lord and said, “If you will indeed give this people into my hand, then I will devote their cities to destruction.” And the Lord heeded the voice of Israel and gave over the Canaanites, and they devoted them and their cities to destruction. So the name of the place was called Hormah."

Need more?

>Where did I use the "Muslim" word? I didn't. I said Islam.
"The instructions left by their war lord leader / profit 1400 years ago? Islam has been expanding and attacking the "west" since its inception."

You said Islam was expanding and attacking, meaning all Muslims.

>Now, if your Caliphate had been destroyed and all that remained was a few raggedy followers trying to survive in the desert, would you bring attention to yourself at a time when your entire population could be wiped out completely, or would you wait until you had a large contingent of people all over the world and massive amounts of funding and influence?

Not Muslims, Nor Christian, Nor Jewish, I am an Atheist.

Problem again is people confuse wars and invasions as Terrorist events, newsflash the countless centuries have seen Invasions and wars all over the world by all groups and religions.

When people use the Moors invasion for example, it shows ignorance and a lack of understanding.


With your Gun™

So you are hating a women who used her Freedom of Speech to bring up a topic she wanted addressed?

Like no other political event ever has had this happened Muslim or not?

Why this has any relevance on what I said, I have no idea, because it doesn't. You are scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Ban all religion. Its the only way to be sure.