Non American here - How does it feel to finally have a president with balls for a change?

Non American here - How does it feel to finally have a president with balls for a change?

I'm not American but God damn Trump makes me want to be

Fucking great

About 10% as good as having a president with a brain, any experience governing, and a credit score above 600.

Low energy bait. You can do better

You mean a corrupt one, like our last five or six?

He won't change shit. Just another sack of hot hair looking to earn. Part of the problem, not the solution...

Feels good.
You can tell ITT who's balls have already been cut off.


Balls and no brain. Fuck him

more balls than brains...


Well, better than the alternative. His policy isn't really what I'd like to see, but with the way Hillary jewed Bernie out of the election, and with Johnson's efforts completely outclassed by the Democratic machine, there wasn't really another choice. I like him because he's the sledgehammer we need to fix the social bullshit happening here, while at the same time being the wakeup call to the political left that they need to get their heads out of their asses if they want to hold office sometime in the next decade.

I'm even down for the wall. I really hope he'll stop at just a fence, though. I mean, come on. Are the Mexicans driving over the border in tanks?

Libfags say they are cultured, know what's best for everyone, but what the world sees is different. We see a pussy like Obama that let the greatest country in the world be pushed by ISIS, the Vatican, Cuba, North Korea, his wife, feminists etc.

What we see (non americans) now is that America is finally getting the respect it deserves and playing the roll it should've been playing in the world a long tie ago

American here - I love Trump. It feels fucking amazing. :)

It's only the mentally ill liberals that think it's a bad thing. Most of us normal people ignore those degenerates though. :)

Feels pretty damn good. Couldn't have asked for better than president Trump.


Such as? Trump has done useful.

Remember to be really fucking vague when discussing Trumps achievements

I agree with you on the "better than the alternative" part, but c'mon, Bernie Sanders is a socialist retarded wimp and didn't even knew what was going on in Venezuela (had a fit at the reporter for asking). He represented what is making the world decadent, which is the opposite of what America represents.

He's the fatherly state that takes from the workes claiming to do good, but end up making business fail and people lose their jobs in the end. He's the one that makes the weak the norm

Trump bombed Syria contradicting all media (saying that he would do as Russia wanted) because drones saw that the asshole was bombing civilians (somehow libmedia found this unacceptable).
He put that fat kid in NK in his place moving his army in SK waters saying a big "Fuck you" to China.
He said no tho the Castro regime that murdered thousands of their own people and actually made the embargo possible, as long as they freed the people.

He's not deepstate, he doesen't care abou globalist fucks and actually care about the people that elected him (and indirectly, even the ones that didn't)

I'd prefer one with a brain.

Also, Mr "Balls" deferred out of the Vietnam War for "heel bone spurs". He's just another rich faggot. Deal with it.

smells like gunpowder...and victory

>be politically incorrect
>everyone tries to impeach you

the one "with a brain" you had was a wimp.
No one respected him.
The feeling we got is that you guys were weak and decadent.

Also, "with a brain" is your opinion. If you look at it carefully, Trump is A LOT smarter than you guys give him credit for

lol 0/10

The only problem is that he is retarded


how is he retarded? Please, come down of your parnasian tower of wisdom and illuminate us with your knowledge






[ this message was not endorsed by liberals ]


I'd vote for Dave chappelle. He's a true medium in politics. It'd be good to have a balance

Sad that finaly get a pres that has the balls to get shit done, and is constantly being cock blocked by morons who are only afraid that they are going to look shit because in 8 years they changed nothing. and sat around talking bullshit and not actualy doing anything.

>black lives matter riots
>transgender restrooms
>gay marriage
>gun bans
>feminazi & sjw cancer
>presidential kill list (drone strikes)
>patriot act renewal
if the liberals weren't so fucking crazy, maybe people would've voted democrat again