Is there any sitcom series which main focus is a white family of two straight parents and a single male straight kid...

Is there any sitcom series which main focus is a white family of two straight parents and a single male straight kid? If there isn't, don't you think we should have one?

>family sitcoms
no thank you

Are you talking all time or on air right now?

All time

1/3 of Modern Family does.

>gay parents
>asian adopted girl
>not the main focus

sitcoms are built off of dysfunction, so no

I just want to watch a sitcom of a family like my own. They could include cousins and friends that would appear sometimes, but with the main focus on the three person family.

I'm just tired of always watching series about big families, like in Last Man Standing, Malcolm in the Middle, Modern Family, Family Ties, and even Married with Children

Plenty of the older shows like Dennis the Menace, any of the Lucy shows, or the Munsters.

Married with children

They are two! There's Applegate and the other kid

Dennis is a good example

I can't really think of any modern examples. Every show either seems to have no kids or half a dozen.

Something like Two and a Half Men is close I guess. Maybe 70s show also where most of the focus is on the kids but Eric's parents get their own storyline in every episode too.

The kid is the son of two divorced parents. And he later gets a sister.

Only child families are actually pretty rare, with the nuclear family as the standard. Only child characters are in fact fairly popular though, probably because of a laundry list of neuroses (however real or imagined they may be) associated with being raised as an only child. Pretty sure Sienfeld was an only child.

Main cast needs to be bigger to generate enough drama to keep a series going.

why would you picked the most boring setting possible?

Fairly Odd Parents


Because many people live lives like this, and we want to watch a sitcom about our lives too


They have THREE kids. I want a show with just ONE

Here you go, op. Also this was a fucking awesome show.

>single child
every single child turns out to be a self-obsessed awful boring person

True that, but that's cool to watch!

zack morris was an only child

Bobby Hill

Malcom in the middle

The middle

And technically two and a half men

What kind of broken family has just one kid

People watch sitcoms to laugh, you creepy fuck

Also Game of Thrones

Frasier is about two children and their one parent. Sort of similar.

But family's with only one children are rare. And only child are usually shitheels anyway

Don't forget Freddy (and Eddy, sort of)

sounds boring desu

Sweden yes

Best example