Islam is our future
>following an Abrahamic religion
fake and gay
What will convert the masses? The word or the threat of the sword?
>What will convert the masses
they dont have to convert. they just have to replace.
shit tier bait. Still made me respond though so 2/10.
they will become atheist as christians are duing
Better start preparing for my beheading then.
Quran (8:12) - "I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"
Only illiterates and idiots believe in shitlam.
stfu leafy-mohamed
Thanks for the hunting license
All ready for bed!
Yours perhaps
I preffer science and advancements in technology and medicin, etc over honor killings and peadophelia.
You aren't white, achmed.
It's never gonna happen.
>no free will
>no freedom of conscience
>no culture
>no achievements
>oppression of women, not chivalry
>uninspiring and soul crushing, not spiritual
>goat fucking
Islam is the literal opposite of Western civilisation. It is degeneracy the political and religious system.
I don't think you understand how MUCH islam is hated by all, whether they admit it or not. They will never be forgiven by the majority for all the attacks. Never. Ever. Muslims make any neighbourhood they enter uninhabitable for nice clean whites. Shit, unaesthetic, antisocial people. And worst of all is the smell. They make the whole air stink with their disgusting breath and bo. Especially pakis fucking STINK.
Arabs have 80 average IQ, most are benefits parasites and islam is incompatible with an open society. Western society is incapable of functioning if they become a majority. If you try and outbreed us society will collapse and kebab will be removed in the ensuing chaos. They are literally incapable of running Western civilisation.
But that is not what will happen. You are subjected to the same degenerate culture and economic pressures as the rest of us. Over time muslim fertility converges on the average. It is not sustained over multiple generations. The best of your people will mix out and become mystery meat and uncle toms. The worst muslims, literally the stupidest, most degenerate, ugliest specimens on the planet, worse than niggers or jews, will be stuck in the ghetto. Forever. Turning increasingly to drugs just to survive. Muslims themselves are the worst possible advertisement for islam.
Our future is to carry on as normal. The future of islam is to become the brown ghetto slaves of the white and jewish elites, just like in Brazil, except hated by everyone else. A cancerous blight on society.
>that gif
Calvinism is our future
Well done on the post, I see sometimes see a post that blows me away, this one did just that
christianity is another semetic religion. fuck it.
we should return to the old gods
I sure hope not. Calvinism is the shittiest form of Christianity not including cults like Jehovah Witness.
not shown
>Muhammad and his boys raping that little boy
>Mohammed beating his wife
>Mohammed and his wife removing the clitori from the girls
>Mohammed's other wives
>Mohammed and uncle Akbar marrying one of the girls off to her cousin
>Muhammad his butt-raped son and uncle Akbar blowing themselves up because some Sunni faggots moved in down the street and they just NEED TO DIE
you're not implying im a jew right?
we have to stop worshiping some sand nigger from the middle east. especially now. the old pagan religions were tied to your ancestors and people. unlike christ cucks who preach accepting everyone.
Living in poverty and working the farm for some nobleman until you died at age 30 from disease was tied to my ancestors and people too. Thank God those days are over.
>Living in poverty and working the farm for some nobleman
what. nobles were a big thing after Christianity came through. and its not even tied to either.
neither is technology. if anything the church got in the way of technology.