What does Sup Forums do when they find someone's wallet?
The ultimate test of degeneracy
Donate its contents to the local mosque ofc.
Last summer i picked it up off the street, saw an id, and walked it to the police station
Depends on whos it is
If its a swell chap id take the money and return the rest
If it's a white man's return it, he worked for that money.
Nothing, i dont take stuff that isn't mine and i wont bother bringing it to the lost property office
Piss on it
Penn Gilette.jpg
giving people their own stuff will make them dependent on handouts and contribute to the welfare society
Locate it's owner and give it back.
What are you all, nigger?
leave it there
Leave it tbqh
I only snatch a little bit first. Maybe a five cent bill or something little. Then I return to the spot several times and see if the spot is safe, this is assured by hiding a mere 100 yard distance, but keeping eye on the wallet all the time.
I slowly creep back to tha hood and sniga my biga or diga diga
I remember bringing in a dropped credit card to my school's lost and found and the bitch that worked there accused me of stealing it.
Donate the money to the survivors of homophobic and transphobic violence.
I found a guys wallet lying in the road. I saw on his ID that he lived nearby. I walked to his house and found it empty and the front door unlocked. After knocking and announcing myself several times, I opened the door and put the wallet on the night stand and left.
Keep all cash and return everything else.
Find the number of the person it belongs to, call them to tell them I have it, then take a shit in it.
Älä puhu minulle tai poikani ikinä !!!
I cum in it and give it back to the owner.
pick it up, take the cash but leave the credit cards, then turn it in at the lost and found
Depends desu
If the person who dropped it is someone I'm friends with I'll obviously return it, if they're a stranger I'll ask around for a bit and if it's someone I dislike they'll be short some cash
Found a phone and wallet on the back bumper of my car of all places when I went skiing 2 weeks ago, I turned it in to the resort cuz I'm not a piece of shit. Anyone who wouldn't do the same lacks the mental capacity or empathy to understand why you shouldn't keep it
Depends on who it is but the very worst I'd do is take maybe half the money and then bring the wallet to the police station
I've worked in retail and I can't tell you how many wallets/purses/phones get left behind in shopping carts.
I've always returned them to the lost and found, but so many people have been fired for trying to steal it.
Like no shit that person is going to be looking for their lost valuables, you're going to get caught. Why the fuck do people try and use other peoples phones/credit cards that they stole is beyond me
Last 2 times i took it to the police station as anyone should. Is not my job to take it to the police station.
>and sniga my biga or diga diga
Sir, you are 150% correct
Pick it up before some scumbag steals it and do everything in my power to return it to it's rightful owner.
if they are white return it
if they are black take all the cash use all the cards and open accounts in their name and max every thing out. then kill another nigger and leave the wallet behind.
Pick it up and hand it to the nearest store, or whatever, to hold it in case the person shows up and looks for it.
Take the wallet and keep it for myself. Chances are the guy who lost it was a shitty person.
If there's some way to identify the owner's home return it to them directly.
If not, hand it to the lost items' office.
Found a bag recently, looked inside and found a phone book. Called the number and it turned out that the bag was stolen by some mudskin on a train and just left somewhere else, there were a camera and all kinds of other stuff inside. Mudskin only took the money, the owner paid me 20 bucks. Felt good.
I once found a pair of pants with someone wallet, money, and a prescription bottle in it by my car outside my work. I drove it back to them, and the guy gave me 20$. Granted, the wallet had like 60$, but I'm not a nigger so I wasn't gonna steal it.
Still not sure how he lost his pants though
happened to couple of times, so i picked that up and tried to return to the owners ...
not even an incincere thank you - like i was obligated to do it
well, next time i will just walk pass it - let shitskins clean off cash and throw away it in garbage
This is the correct thing to do
Fucking whores in the parking lot on lunch break
This is the generally accepted system in the UK.
Take it to the police station like any decent human being
desu senpai keep the money, ship return the rest of the contents to owner
I turn it in to the police.
People in my area are generally nice like that. A few months ago I dropped my phone without knowing. She had turned it into the police who had contacted my brother (was his phone originally until he gave it to me) who gave it back to me. Sent her some flowers.
3 years ago or so I found a phone on a bench at a train station. Was about to go to the police to turn it in when the owner called her own phone. Went out of my way to go to the town she was in to give it back. They were grateful for it.
People here generally turn it in to the police or find you and give it back here. Only exception are the somalians and gypsies. Especially the fucking gypsies. They would steal your very flesh if it gave them money. Fuck, now that I think about it this town was better without them. It's sad to grow up in a nice community and then see it destroyed by people that were invited to your country because people have to much empathy for their own good.
mail it to address on license
There have been several occassions where I've found a wallet and every time I have returned it in-tact. The most I'll do as far as rifling through it is looking at the driver's license so I can identify whose it is.
Because I'm not a fucking nigger
is this bait or are you legit retarded
I shove it unopened into a mailbox
I have no idea what happens then
I'd take the cash then return it or drop it off at the police station.
What? Gotta make that fucked learn to not leave his wallet on the ground
Probably look em up on Facebook and send em a message to come pick it up, otherwise hand it to the police station
I experienced this when i was about 9 years old. I found a wallet with about 80 bucks in it. Ended up calling the guy through the phonebook and giving it all back. He gave me $20 i think for the good deed.
Nowadays id probably just empty it out and throw it in the trash 2bh
Finders keepers obviously.
What would you do if the wallet literally contained £1,000/$1,000/currency of your choice?
>lie cheat steal
hashtag cuckservative
When i was a kid i found wallet. It was empty, but kinda nice, and i take it.
Regretted it ever since.
10 years later i put it where i found it.
Still feel kinda sad.
I would still return it. You never know how much a person needs that money.
See if there's a way to make contact via phone, if not, I will drop it off in their mailbox, if it's too far I'll drop it off at the police station
This, if I can't discern whether or not the owner is or is not the typical trash that lives here.
>pic related
>"Hey. I found your wallet so I've took your money to reward myself for sending it back to you :)"
You did the right thing, just because the owner was an asshole doesn't mean that you should challenge your own morals. If that happens again tell the person straight away that he/she was being an asshole but keep doing the right thing.
>returning money
not with those debnts you have, pal.
Considering I've found a wallet before (and cell phones and other things) I turn them in to the nearest lost and found intact.
Golden rule.
Accidentally put myself in deep philosophical thought about existence and how the wallet is the reflection of reality. The wallet was not placed for me to find but rather I was put to see the wallet.
Feel anger, pity, remorse, melancholy, anguish, desperateness.
Understand I am the wallet of life.
Leave it.
If it was a Muslim or a Jew or a fag that dropped it I take it.
Either way returning it is a waste of my time.
drop it off at lost and found cause you dont want bad karma and to be screwed over for something so trivial like a wallet
Once found a wallet many years ago, there was an phone number inside so i called it and the person told me just to leave it at the lost and found center at my cities centrum and thanked me. So I did, person called me days later and asked if I took the money. Those assholes at the center took it.
Return it of course. It's not mine, someone else worked for that money.
I cum on it
take it
because people need to be responsible
What if the ID shows it was a person of an African descent?
I take any cash bills out and walk it to the police station. Stupid tax I call it
Were they shitskins?
some lady dropped her iphone in a parking lot, luckily no one ran it over, I did my shopping and asked inside if anyone had lost a phone, they said no. On my way back home I was already in the police station parking lot...then it happened she called her phone from her husbands phone and accused me of stealing her phone. I told her that Its going to be at the local police station and she can pick it up there, she kept accusing me of stealing her phone and demanded me to return it to her right then and now at her home.
I told her to fuck off and that she can pick it up at the police station, I hung up on them and then drove 6 towns over, over an hour drive and dropped it off at the police station there, I explained to them why it kept on ringing over and over again, the cops there had a laugh and said theres no issue.
In the last six months I found two wallets. One in a parking lot, and one thrown from a moving cat, driven by negros. I took them to the addresses on their IDs and returned them. I took no money, though in the case of the second card, I was shocked there was even money in the thing. The owner, a Mexican woman, was confused, she was unaware it had been stolen, and assumed I simply found it at the grocery store she had just left and I was passing when I saw it thrown. She assured me its contents were all there.
The first wallet was in a hardware store parking lot. The owner was black and there was a paper inside that lead me to believe he worked at the hardware store. It had about 40 dollars in it, as well as several debit and credit card. Taking it immediately to his home, he was offloading his truck, and wasn't even aware it was missing. He gave me 4 LED lightbulbs he'd just gotten from the hardware store, as payment.
I always assume if there is a hundred dollar bill, I would take it. But there never is and I probably wouldn't.
Searching for any identification and returning the wallet to the owner.
if it had no ID, keep the cash. Otherwise don't steal anything and give to an authority.
>on the bus
>sit down facing the back of he bus
>see purse on chair in front of me
>bus is moving so I can't disturb the driver
>leave it there and wait for somebody else to pick it up
I was a mail carrier for a couple years to help pay for college. This is actually a good way to take care of it. Supervisors would drop things into mail boxes on your route to make sure none of the carriers pocket things. Because of that you can trust them.
It's sad people do things out of fear but it works.
Nah it was some fat bitch. I'm 100% certain she took it. I was so mad back then because the owner assumed I took it, felt bad man.
That means he's one of the 3 black people who actually have a job, so still return it.
Stealing is lower yourself to the level of (sand)nigger street scum. If you take his money you're no better than them.
Kick it as far as I can.
I return the wallet to its rightful owner. I'm a white man with a STEM degree, I don't need their chump change. :^)
>I would still return it. You never know how much a person needs that money.
Mail it back to its owner. Granted all their cards have been cancelled, but many people carry a lot of very important documents inside of their wallets. Considering every single man I know safeguards his wallet like their children it would be detrimental to lose it.
I've found a few wallets before. I worked as a bartender in college, I didn't need extra money so I did the right thing and mailed them back to their owners.
If you're not sure what to do you can always surrender them to law enforcement and they'll contact them directly in regards to the issue.
If it's from a white, return it intact.
Otherwise I'd probably use the creditcards to hire a hitman to find and kill the owner.
check id, check up owner on ratsit and give them a call telling them where they can find it.
Must've been a fucking nicely made wallet to last 10 years.
I stole a wallet from an old man once when I was a kid. I was at a ballgame and saw it on the ground, so I picked it up. Full of cards and pictures of his grandkids and family. Maybe had $13 bucks in it. The guy came back to his seat but his wallet was already gone.
I kept it for years until one day, I just dropped it in a mailbox. The USPS will return wallets to the owner as long as the ID is in it. Well, since then, I have lost my wallet 3 times. Once I had no money it in, once I had $650 cash, and the 3rd time I think there was no money in it.
This was probably 15 years ago. If I found a wallet today, I would try and get it back to the owner in one piece, however I found it.
take everything I can find
Take the cash, duh
check it of course, then grab a little found your shit-tax and call the guy if he has any number there to tell him I have his wallet.
If I take it to the cops he's never going to see it again.
It's an American tradition to take the cash and turn the wallet and cards into the police or lost and found.
Who hasn't left their trousers in a parking lot after a boozy lunchtime whore session at least once in their life?
>Sent her some flowers
how'd you get her info? creepy
Happened to me once when I was in Texas. I accidentally dropped my wallet at a pizza hut and someone picked it up. I had $500 cash on it. Turns out some girl found it and gave it to her dad. The guy did his best to contact me and found a number to a Kay jewelers store and called it. Lucky me that I worked in the same mall as the Kay's and the lady got me the guys info. He lived in NM so we arranged for a meeting. While I was on my way there, my truck ran out of gas and I asked the person to pay for some gas with my money and meet me where my truck stopped. When I say that man climb out of his truck, he looked like a dirty Mexican, the type you would cross the street to avoid. That shit shocked me. I ended up giving him $50 and went back home.
>these fags saying theyd take the cash but return the rest
boy, what a great citizen u are :^)
returning half someone's possessions doesnt make you any less than a degenerate or thief
Literally no one carries cash anymore, at least not more than I make per hour. Question is a moot point.
I need to add that there was nothing missing from my wallet.
Turn it into the closest police station. Not to feel good, not because I think I'm morally better by not taking anything. Just something most norwegians do.
I found one at Zion NP about two years ago. I found the guy on Facebook, but he never got back to me.
Nothing good inside it, though.