


Maybe the American people are dumb because I have no idea what the fuck he's trying to say here.

Is this even a complete sentence?
I am so confused.

>the american people are not dumb

Wants what? Do I need to donate more?! Oh god did I forget to match your donation?!


>donate some more, goym

How are things in New Mecca? Has Khan begun the public stonings?

did he put his message through google translate a few times?

wants what

So what does reddit want? Oh right, free college and healthcare gibs.

Clearly some are, the majority of them that refused to vote for Sanders at least.

That person wants Sen. Bernie Sanders? Is he admitting that he's been bought?

Clearly some aren't*

He already spent more than 160 million. This guy really knows how to burn money



And Berniebots want free college, free healtcare, free basic income.

what did he mean by this

>americans literally have a place called new mexico with 65% of the population being hispanic

This exactly, I am glad I'm not the only one. I read this shit 5 times, I got nothing.

So is he telling me that Trump spent Millions of dollars using his own money on a campaign?

I guess he wanted an Audi more than the nomination.

I dont get it

That Person Wants ???

Wants what?

I don't understand why some people are voting for someone who obviously is

Gjorde Bernie fjert på middag salat i går kveld?

>old man in diapers is incapable of forming complete sentences
>spends millions of redditbux on a dying campaign
>is supposedly against spending millions of dollars on presidential campaigns



Oh you cunt.

You really think we believe this fucking bullshit? This candlejack meme is fucking anc

Does that make coherent sense to anyone?

That meme is not funny anymore maybe you should go bac

you're doing it wrong

They are violating campaign finance laws by doing straw donations under other people's names


I think he wanted to trash talk Trump for spending some money on ads, then he quickly realised he has spent WAY more and has accepted donations to boot. So the message came out nonsensical as his brain short-circuited.

>TFW I voted for

>the american people are not dumb
what did he mean by this?

Hasn't he spent like hundreds of thousands of dollars on his campaign?



I kept reading that multiple times trying to figure out what it meant. Finally gave up and tried googling it.
I don't know how he managed to create and upload the image without realizing he cut out the ending of the sentence.

Lots of foreign donations too, from European socialists who feel entitled to influencing elections that have nothing to do with them.

They're eventually gonna bite him in the as big time, but he may not be alive by then so who cares.

>le wild haired socialist

he's finished.

If someone (wall street lobbyists) is spending millions of dollars on a campaign that person (the special interests) wants (leverage over policy).

What Bernie seems to be saying here, is that he is not yet another establishment politician.

What he is truly saying is that he dropped of the race and endorsed Hillary that's how weak he is.

Source: I got 5/5 on shitposting on politic board.

His campaign has spent more than Hillary's.

>Unfinished quotation marks
>Unfinished sentence
>Attempt at being clever (???)
Im so confused, are they trying to finish the sentence with Bernie Sanders?

The candlejack meme died like 6 years ago. Who even remembers this shi

>Implying we didn't take it by force from Mexico
Hey Ibrahim at least we're conquering territory not losing it.

What and who is he trying to criticize? Because he's spent millions of dollars because he wants to be president was well.

>>Implying we didn't take it by force from Mexico
Haha, just like what the muslims are doing

Is it that much faux-pas? I though it was quite legit. Someone gives you cash, that person wants.
It's unspecified on what the person wants, but he wants something. Because he gave you money. Ergo the person wants and the politician has to comply.

Substitute with "requires something."

I don't even

I don't know. Hillary maybe? Or the whole concept of the presidential race? At first I thought he was referring to Trump and his billionaire status, but Trump's spent way less money than Bernie.

>no end quotation
>that person wants - senator Bernie Sanders

It has to be Trump. Bernie can't criticize Hillary on anything. Ever.

I'm pretty sure he is talking about both hillary and trump and is genuinely unaware that Trumps getting votes for like 3 cents each if that. Or maybe he is saying he is expecting young reddit boipuss in return for running.


What did he mean by......

really makes you think

That's it. I am now a #shillmiss


He's been attacking Hillary for being part of the establishment before.

Good thing you can't vote here, stupid leaf.

Now watch as your country burns and your literal drama queen PM refuses foreign assistance.

He's talking about Koch Brothers, the Waltons, etc. that are giving Shillary millions. They have to be giving her that money for some return.

So apparently Candlejack took Bernie Sand

Sup Forums doesn't know what "left wanting" means? I'm an idiot cucked leaf and even I know that

baka desu senpai

I have no idea what this means either.

Translate this please?

Old Timer's is kicking in

That's more like saying the sky blue than actually attacking her.

>It's not even a complete quote

I hate the term sheep, but damn.

> spend millions of dollars
> apparently none of it goes to proofreading your social media posts

Bernie didn't even probe Hillary when the moderators asked about her security leak of email. They're all willing to in to inprison for years Bradley Edward Manning and David Petraeus and quite possibly Snowden if he ever gets nutty enough to go back to america.

Oh, but Hillary while being secretary of the state and lost fucking everything.
Nowadays I'm from Finland and there is a search machine on 30,322 pages on hillary clintons emails.
Internet never forgets rule.

Though she wasn't indicted at all, she was praised. Commiting 10 times the crime a transfaggot or a decidaced general had to be jailed. She is free.

Of that's just the first thing. Don't even let me start about benghazi. The media says it's a red herring. I urge you to see what happened.

I'm not even American, and Bernie trying to be anti-establisment and then endorsing hillary is the greatest fucking joke ever. And that joke is why Trump will win.

To be fair, some dumb intern wrote that

Doing the candlejack meme wrong is a meme itse

He couldnt afford the whole sentence,because socialism

I don't get it.

>Americans are not dumb!
>his whole campaign is aimed at the youth/minority non voters who don't do proper research or have high enough education to understand politics/economics
lol, Oh Bernie. You're done, anyone who isn't "dumb" has already realized what a transparent jew commie you are and your statements are condescending to anyone who has even a basic understanding of adult life.

Unless you lower the voting age to 13 you don't stand a chance.

Well shit that takes me bac

He wants america to be great again. Trump has all this fame and fortune in America. If America keeps going to shit then his achievements and fortune lose value. No one gives a shit about Mexican celebrities or millionaires.

Also why can't someone truly just want to make America great. He already has money so its not like he wants to rig the system so he can make more. I mean he could but he doesn't seem like he wants to. Trump just wants everyone to become like him if they can.

seems like he just really loves America and wants America and Americans to be great. He is the only person alpha enough to do it. Also hes not a kike so making billions and billions isn't his main priority.

Why does Bernie wants? Because Tom Waits

>that person wants
>not "wins"

Anyways, I love how that's not right at all, thanks to Trump.

There's nothing to be fair about. This moron went 0/4. If it was a 5th grade English quiz, there would be a giant red 0 on it along with the words "see me after class".

Greed, fraud, dishonesty and arrogance are all nouns, not adjectives.

Those dollar numbers are photoshopped?

No way jeb bush spend 28 quackamolillion on his 4 minutes in the race and being a thrown out in some gay brunch place?

Not at all. All the money men were so cock sure he was going to win they opened up the entire war chest early and fell flat on their faces.

>Is it that much faux-pas?
yes, an unfinished sentence is a major faux pas.

they are real there was a worse one where jeb spend 70 mil and trump spend like 2mil.

underrated post

has anyone even far as want to be more li

>receives and spends the most money on the campaign
>still complaining about the money spent

Top kek, get out of here, ya kike.

Yeah, and the Berniebots are to uneducated to realize that his biggest donor is the teachers union - the people who are responsible for the the messed up education they are suffering from...

Bernie bots suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome - voting for the people responsible for their stupidity

And no one votes.

>that person wants...
...to make America great again

gg Comrade Hernie

More like Deus Sloot

Only a socialist would think people investing to get what they want is bad. Especially when that person is paying out of their own pocket.

4/5 almost australian.

Common Core, everybody.