
Are they even human?

That's a dutch fella you fucking mountain jew.

Look at the FAS on that one

that's a white Italian, idiot

Looks like an average swede I don't get what are you asking

Let me tell you. No. Blacks are better.

That looks like a Brit to me

this. unless you live near them you won't understand

Thats my wife's son's dad you fuck


Hey spics of Sup Forums : you aren't welcome. Everytime you reveal your true face or everytime your family from Mexico or South America post on this board they get bashed just for showing their flags. This whole "Trump loves hispanics" or "Trump voters are okay with hispanics as long as they integrate" is just a big meme , for example , that photo of Trump eating tacos? It's a big "fuck you" to all of you. He's flaunting the fact that Hispanics only really have one thing to offer the western world: food. And even Germanics do it better. Doesn't matter how much you gloat on Sup Forums about how you want to "assimilate" , be good americans, etc. You are hated by every single one of us. We only pretend to like hispanics to get additional votes, and once Trump wins you will just keep your place as second class citizens.

That man is from London, you inept kike!

Quintessential Brit.

Looks like a fucking ghoul from Fallout

Genetic malfunction, put it down.


jajajaja, as long as there as unassimilated illegal mexicans needing someone to find them jobs, i have a source of income, the only true second class citizen is the poor one

t. reddit cocksucker

Exactly my problems, also I will never have kids because I am literally less than human

Mexicans and other beaners aren't as violent as niggers, but you get enriched by a family of 20 of those loudmouthed, fat, greasy fucks in mcdonalds and tell me if it was fun

How? I live in Chicago. I would much rather live with Mexicans.

>all those fluffy comics

man... just, why?

Sup Forums is going to be so quiet once that punk is crushed, i won't miss you autistic posts to be honest.

>posts nigger

It's a fucking medkit what were you expecting, just watch your shekels.

Go on, i could use a good laugh. I was planning to ruin some peoples day but not gonna.

He is probably the father of your wife's son

That's gotta be the dumbest looking nigger i've ever clapped eyes on.

Spoken like a true cuck

They're not even funny. It's just le edgelords thinking they're cool.