I hate them all. Today I really hate the idea of mansplaining. It's a trick of the feminists that they even attack left wing men.
Which left wing ideas do you hate?
I hate them all. Today I really hate the idea of mansplaining. It's a trick of the feminists that they even attack left wing men.
Which left wing ideas do you hate?
Racial, social, and cultural egalitarianism, especially when it's legally enforced.
I agree, morally wrong but not illegal?
>but don't you enjoy all the diverse foods?
but thats why they invented chefs
new york pizza tastes better than the original itallian
AND secularism
Why they morally wrong, Achmed?
Because greed kills,iam a celt.
As in cultural relativism, moral relativism, or?
Destruction of the classical family unit and ignoring biological factors.
Engels argued that a relationship based on property rights and forced monogamy leads to immorality and prostitution. Engels also thought that monogamy would come naturally after the social revolution, which is hilarious.
>secularism is leftist
>wanting your government to dictate religious matters
It's like you hate freedom or something.
None. U mad? All you retards hate lefties but the right has been in power for decades. Gee I wonder why the UK and US suck now.
>A system as an idea in itself.
For example the idea that political representatives can be bypassed via social media which will create an equitable, horizontal form of democracy that will solve all the world's problems.
In reality you need charismatic leaders with prescriptive IDEAS as to what should be done and expertise as to how to do it.
Examples of this going awry include the "revolutions" in the mid 00's in Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia.... Occupy.... And aspects of the Arab spring (on occasion power vacuums were left they were easily exploitable by bad guys).
The young left are quick to criticize markets (and rightly so) but won't apply the same criticism to what is tantamount to an infantile view of democracy as a market.
By promoting a system instead of ideas they are rejecting politics in favour of some kind of bullshit managerialism.
I blame cybernetics, the ecology movement and silicone valley for all of this...... Basically hippies..... Fucking hippies
What does greed have to do with egalitarianism?
Freedom and separation of church and state are leftist ideas. America is a radical Jacobin experiment. Read as book Libertine.
>the right has been in power for decades
Oh my. Neocons aren't right wing.
I have always been a fan of small(er) boobs.
thanks to you, poster. btw, I like most things from Young's Brewery.
>not an Iron Maiden fan.
>I'm so far retarded that I don't understand that liberty is a politically neutral concept
>Which left wing ideas do you hate?
The whole notion that 'diversity is our strength' (white man need not apply) but if you do try and embrace diversity you are quickly chastised for 'cultural appropriation'.
Destruction of the classical family unit can be attributed to capitalism. A bunch of 20yos on tumblr aren't capable of changing ingrained social norms. Maybe the classical family unit is being 'destroyed' because people have to fucking work all the time. And, as an aside who even cares?
Liberty is a completely empty concept. It doesn't mean anything or hold any value. And it not politically neutral. Liberty is the rallying cry for every major left wing radical revolutionary group in recent history.
Duty > Liberty
they go hand in hand
I hate their tendency to make a point, get demolished then drag it down to "humour".
They use their terrible comedy to take a complex issue, strip it back then make a joke out of it. The joke is nearly always "look at how stupid people are who think differently to me" and its done in such a way that the morons sat at home watching it think HA HA LE FUNNY MAN MAKE JOKE BUT HES SERIOUS HA HA
Speaking of empty concepts, care to explain what duty is ?
I hate them all but today I really, really hate green activism. I've been watching it turn gridlocked Vancouver into an even more gridlocked Vancouver.
Yes, lets totally build green bike lanes to create even more congestion, which creates even more pollution!
Responsibility to submit and obey some entity higher than yourself. Father, King, Church, Nation, God.
'Get demolished'? By who? some fat losers on Sup Forums? The left wingers I know are all normal, caring people with professional jobs. The right wingers are all young dumb virgin losers. They don't even have intellectuals, just misspelled nonsense arguments
You're definition of right wing is ignorant if you actually believe that the right has been in power over the last few decades. The right lost power some 300 years ago.
The right is in favour of inequality, destruction of the environment for profit, dismantling of unions, scapegoating of immigrants and doesn't care about poor people. That pretty much describes every government.
>I am so philosophically ignorant that I actually believe this
Read "On Liberty" by Mill.
Pic related, making fun of myself.
>right is in favour of inequality
>destruction of the environment for profit
>dismantling of unions
>scapegoating of immigrants
False. Immigrants will be deported so we won't be able to scapegoat them.
>doesn't care about poor people
False. We just have a different method than nanny state leftists.
Don't assume that American Republicans/neocons are representative of the right wing.
Sugar coated Authoritarian beleifs
Your example is perfect
>turn something as simple as sitting into a chaotic movement
So by your definition, who/what has been in power for the last 300 years?
>reject liberalism's focus on liberty
>get recommended Comrade Mill
Utilitarianisms is bunk. Liberalism had massive victories and has reigned relatively unchallenged for 300 years. Are we happy with what she has made?
>philosophically ignorant
I know that I know nothing. I also know that liberal philosophers will advocate for Liberalism.
Communist marxist jews.
I would say corporatism combined with social conservatism. I don't know what you mean by liberalism. Maybe in name only.
>Economics isn't science
They are the real science deniers in politics.
>Utilitarianism is bunk
how so?
You think social conservatives are/were in power? While women are in the workplace, gays marry, drug use is rampant, and negros run amok? Corporatism I will grant. But social conservatives certainly are not in power. Unless you think Ronald Reagan a social conservative. As we know all social conservatizes institute no fault divorce and embrace universalism.
>I don't know what you mean by liberalism
Classical Liberalism (including libertarians, republicans, centrists) and her rabid brood, Communism and Progressivism.
You are my favourite Sup Forumstard of the week, Sir.
choose one and only one.
In Boston, theres no more space for roads to be built and the government is too corrupt and inept to give us decent public transport. So, I bike to work and I'm glad that there are bike lanes for me to be in. Chances are you're just getting stuck behind other cars and you're just blaming the people who choose not to participate in that shitty system as they sail right by you.
I mean, you can't blame the other cars without also blaming yourself so why would you be surprised when you find yourself lashing out at things that have been proven not to delay traffic in the slightest?
Here's a tip: there are roads that don't have any bicycles or pedestrians on then, only cars. They're called freeways and they grind to a halt at rush hour because there are too many fucking people in cars trying to use them. Do you really want Vancouver to look like Houston, TX?
Dismal science.
Its just hedonism. And hedonism doesn't build great things. Pleasure is not the measure of man. And man is not the measure of all things.
Utilitarianism holds that whatever works out best for most men is "the good". It ignores the beneficial aspects of suffering and is largely materialist.
I find it distasteful and cowardly. The idea that our actions are defined by their consequences falls flat because we cannot take into account the infinite possible variables when we make the action.
Suppose Jew ash cured cancer. Would it be morally right to gas the Jews are cure cancer?
relativism and equality of ends
Social justice.
It's true what they say about the road to hell and SJWs have been paving it with the force of six million road-workers. How "muh feelings" ever became an argument worth considering is beyond me.
Welfare. I just can't fucking wrap my mind around concept. "He who isn't working - will not eat."
The issue is that it never stops raining in Vancouver, and the bike lanes receive almost no traffic. The bike lanes used to be road lanes but were converted and now sit empty. Traffic has measurably increased. Vancouver has no significant freeways.
Feel free to research my city before telling me what it's like in a place you've never been.
Certainly they are. But I guess it depends on your perspective. Gays still can't marry in most countries, which from my perspective is extremely barbaric and abhorrent. Women have worked since the dawn of time. Drug use is heavily penalised in the US, to an irrational, extreme level. Institutionalised racism is apparent in most countries. And so on. I would say that there is currently a shift towards social progressivism in the West but it's certainly no ideal. Social conservatism will slowly be destroyed, but the plutocracy of corporatism remains.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt RE liberalism because we likely have different understandings. I will say that communism is virtually dead.
more right-wing
There are more workers than jobs. What if people are disabled?
>which from my perspective is extremely barbaric and abhorrent.
Why? Marriage has a specific goal and purpose.
>Women have worked since the dawn of time
Not in male roles.
>Drug use is heavily penalised in the US, to an irrational, extreme level
You say that like its a bad thing. No lets let everyone do heroin. Or we could ask China how their opium pandemic panned out
>Institutionalised racism is apparent in most countries
How so? And even if you can show this why is it a bad thing?
>I would say that there is currently a shift towards social progressivism
No shit. If we took an average man off the street from 200 years ago he would be appalled at what the West has decayed into.
p.s. Please tell me why racism is bad.
Not greed. Materialism in the sense that all there is the material.
Kek, a quick look at a map shows there's highways all over vancouver. It's a major city, are you retarded?
I'm going to guess you don't actually live in Vancouver either. The only people in MA that have a problem with the bike lanes in Boston are the cunts who live out in Concord and think they should be able to speed downtown at 80mph and find a parking space within seconds. Simultaneously, they'll insist that I pay out the ass for extra car insurance and fuel because I made the choice to live closer to where I work.
Fortunately, they don't get to vote.
>p.s. Please tell me why racism is bad.
are you kidding me?
>There are more workers than jobs.
Bullshit, you're not looking hard enough. You can also self-employ yourself, it's much easier in these times.
>What if people are disabled?
Why do people have families?
No. Also please define racism.
So we need a definition of racism and an explanation of why that definition of racism is unhealthy.
You mean arguments like "but they have it worse than us so we should share" kind of bullshit? Yeah that pisses me off the most. I decide which people actually deserve part of my fucking wealth.
Social constructionism
There's got to be more. Does Jigglypuff have fishmouth?
wrong pic,
and indeed Trigglypuff has fishmouth..
I live in East Van and work in West Van. There's no freeway to take on my commuting route. Continue to tell me all about my city that I grew up in, that you've never been to, though.
Marxist materialism
Racism: Making negative judgments of others based on their race.
Being judgmental is part of human...no... biological nature in general. Trying to completely stop racism is a form of thought police but most extreme liberals are too naive to see the trap they're falling into.
All left wing ideas boil down to the idea that equality of outcomes is good. So hate - equality.
What right do you have to tell two people what they can't and can't do, providing they don't hurt anyone?
Why shouldn't women be allowed to work in 'male roles'?
The US drug war is extremely bad policy, even if you're against recreational drug use. It simply doesn't work. That's not an ideological comment it's a policy one.
Racism is bad because it's unjust and irrational. E.g: If you say something like blacks naturally incline to criminality, what you're saying from a scientific standpoint is that the amount of melanin in your skin directly correlates to criminal behaviour. Nonsense. There are good and bad people from all races. This is something you learn from common sense and life experience. I've met some great white people and some real pieces of shit white people. Same with every race.
The biggest problem with the right is antiquated beliefs combined with poor critical thinking skills. No offence.
justifying lawbreakers.
no it doesn't matter if he was starving.
no it doesn't matter if the environment he grew up in was shit.
no it doesn't matter if it was a one time thing or if he would never do it again.
if you are ready to suppress someone else's rights for your personal gain, you should be ready to lose your head.
The preferential treatment of your own genotype is natural and unavoidable. Kinship theory.
That's demonstrably true. As an individual, if you look hard enough you will likely find a job, due to the nature of employment in a market system. E.g, some people leave jobs temporarily, a spot is open and so on. However not everyone can mathematically have a job. This isn't a controversial statement.
Going from your right wing logic, why should individual family members be forced to care for their disabled relatives?
Welfare exists for a reason, and it's not because the government cares about people's welfare. It's because without it there would be a huge increase in crime and constant riots.
The Marxian socialist left and liberal-capitalist right are two sides of the same degenerate coin. Globalist, materialist, secular and anti-tradition. Corporations and the left all support the same social causes. Communists and capitalists can both rot.
>Engels also thought that monogamy would come naturally after the social revolution, which is hilarious.
True. Looking at the modern degenerate Marxists, most love the idea of polygamy and bash monogamous relationships. In which case their ideal society would have a beta uprising, 80% of men wouldn't make the effort if women were free to follow their hypergamous instincts. Monogamy is a cornerstone of civilisation.
Cognitive dissonance. The law is not always just.
if you're starving and the only way to get food is through crime, you're going to commit a crime. End of story.
It's very hard to starve in the first world.
despite the system meeting most people basic needs to survive some still feel entitled to other people's property. That is unacceptable
>However not everyone can mathematically have a job.
So? As long as one person can find a job and not die from the hunger in the process - it's fine.
>Going from your right wing logic, why should individual family members be forced to care for their disabled relatives?
They shouldn't be forced, of course. But people generally do that, because generally people care for their relatives and their health.
>It's because without it there would be a huge increase in crime and constant riots.
So you are admitting that your society is that dysfunctional? You then should do something about it, not redistribute wealth.
No no no nononono!!!
Leftist concepts that are being used against other leftists and are too insane even for other leftists are exactly what we need. We should embrace such concepts as whitesplaining and mansplaining and encourage the use of them against other leftists.
We don't have to worry about x-splaining being used against us because at least most of us reject their narratives and goals. It only hurts the left to turn the most extreme faction against the signaly whites and especially white males. They are the best at getting shit done, that's why it's good if they are being shut up by other leftists.
I love the concept of mansplaining and whitesplaining.
In theory but not always in practice.
Like the theories that blacks don't do well in school and are more likely to commit violent crimes because their feelings still hurt from slavery. Or that America, land of 100 million guns should just ban guns.
Instead of finding solutions they just yell white people bad! and then claim it's not racism.
>the law is not always right
what part of "suppressing someone else's rights" did you not understand?
Ok, point taken. So what's the solution?
Why is it morally wrong for a poor person with no opportunities to steal from a corporation, but it is morally acceptable for corporations and businesses to completely control the means of production, at the expense of working people? I think it is morally acceptable to steal from the extraordinarily wealthy.
That's absurd! If not everyone can mathematically have a job, how is it reasonable to let someone suffer through no fault of their own?
Of course it is that dysfunctional. The solution is to overthrow the government, drag out all the capitalists into the street and slit their throats. Until then, welfare is the only choice.
>mfw I agree with a brit.
fucking end of the world is near
None. What the fuck are you on about?
Lol right wingers are pushing for less and less welfare, and then bitch about increasing crime
>no fault of their own
It's individual's fault that he can't contribute to his society.
>The solution is to overthrow the government, drag out all the capitalists into the street and slit their throats.
Oh, I thought I was talking to someone reasonable. My mistake.
>It's very hard to starve in the first world.
It's surprisingly easy to freeze to death though.
>other people's property
That's cute user. Can you even comprehend 30 billion USD? That's how much money the richest Canadian has. He could pay cash out of his pocket to have you assassinated and no one would even dare to even investigate.
It's about balance of power.
Their denial of basic biology.
The welfare state is a primary cause of crime.
When do the truly poor get close enough to the extraordinarily wealthy ?
Permitting petty crimes as some sort of economic equalizer would not take from the rich and give to the poor.
It would take from the law abiding poor and middle class. Maaaybe upper class but not Fortune 500 uperclass that are fucking the world.
And what kind of message does permitting crime for personal gain send?
Why is it that all you socially discarded Nazi virgins are so obsessed with tradition? that conservative society you idealise has rejected you. deal with it.
Do you see that fucking leaf buddy ?
We give half what we make to the system so the career criminals and do nothing's can breed us into extinction.
No it's not. If there are no jobs, there are no means to support oneself aside from living off accumulated capital or commiting crime.
You asked, I told you. I'm not going to apologise for being anti-capitalist.
You probably don't even have a science education. What do you know about biology? You probably work at a gas station or something, fuck off.
Actually, it's so that the wealthy can have a society that benefits them. If that means paying off the underclass, that's how it is.
>,iam a celt.
What ever you say Achmed