Viceland's Ratings Are Less Than Half Those of the Tiny Network It Replaced

>Viceland's average 18-49 prime-time audience in July was just 45,000, less than half of the 92,000 that H2 averaged in the demo last July, according to Nielsen ratings obtained by The Wall Street Journal.

>Despite the premiere spin, those 18-49 ratings seem disappointing, especially given the buzz around Viceland. However, A+E Networks president and CEO Nancy Dubuc said she is taking a long-term view. "You have to look at what is the promise of H2 10 years from now, versus what is the promise of Viceland 10 years from now," Dubuc told the Journal.

>In March, the company criticized early data from Rentrak which indicated that Viceland's average daily viewership over its first three weeks (55,000) was 77 percent lower than H2's numbers during its final three weeks (241,000).

What went wrong?

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I'm not even sure why you'd want to start a new cable network these days.


My sister's makeup tutorial gets more viewers.

Be a having a channel dedicated to homosexual hemp smoking food junkies isn't as big as a demographic as they think it is.


>starting a cable network

If you're not trying to start up your streaming VOD service, why bother?

Nirvana The Band The Show will salvage it. That show's gonna be huge

too old

Yeah, that's good business.

Let's lose money for a decade in hopes of turning it around ten yrs from now.

Let's say you have vision and you are right. TV has died for being ahead of its time before. The fact that you'll be proven right in a decade doesn't save your business today.

Paving the road for something is much smarter than jumping steps. This guy can't see beyond the horizon but he's betting there's a burger place at the end so he doesn't need food now.


>betting on TV 10 yrs from now.

...yeah, he is old.

Vice fell apart after it stopped being hipster Exploitation and just became a crybaby leftist network.

It's a shame because I love the weird mini docs they did, just interesting stuff like the South American villages Nazis fled to.

Holy shit, that's abysmal. No wonder they can't pay anybody.

My wifes son's "transformation" tutorial has gotten more viewers.

that's exactly what they did, though. viceland content isn't exclusive to the tv channel; you can watch viceland vod stuff on their website


its sad that women are so insecure that they feel the need to walk around with 5 pounds of skin ruining paint on their faces. cute natural girls are the best

they don't need to make their money through the channel exclusively. viceland content is both internet and tv content; the tv channel thing is just one avenue for viceland

They should cut the gangrenous limb off, it's bleeding green.

Baby boomer execs haven't figured out that milleninals have given up on cable tv for streaming. All these new networks are aimed at millennials yet no one watches it.

The vast majority of women aren't cute though, but they can wear a mask.

>Vice fell apart after it stopped being hipster Exploitation and just became a crybaby leftist network.

Agree with this. The odd time I check my facebook feed to see what people have been up to I notice Vice posts and probably 75% of the time it's SJW virtue signalling that people are trashing in the comments section. The other 25% of the time it's retarded clickbait which people are also trashing in the comments section.

Sjw's are starting to turn on legalized weed now. I knew it was gonna come to this. Smells like Prohibition led by feminists all over again.

why didn't they visit Iran or Russia kek?

>I check my facebook

go die in a fire


Why does that trigger you?



Having a facebook makes me reddit? Lol ok.

Available in 70 million homes. Only gets around 45,000 viewers on average. Your above average Youtuber can get the same amount of views on just one video. Why on earth would an online content creator like Vice step into a dying costly industry like cable? They were so proud about being on the internet and free of the 'shackles' of old media yet now they are so desperate to being global that they grasp any dying output they can find. Sad.

Can someone shop this to say "Goycation" then add a blurred silhouette of the Great Merchant in the background?

Thanks in advance.



sjws and feminists are not weed smokers. Many like their sexual lives are abstinent which explains why they are party poopers and hate when people have a good time. Your average stoner these days is a swag fag kid or suburbia rock kid.


the channel is a dud

Except I love State of Undress, that show is like Bizarre Food or No Reservations. Really comfy.

you are the product for facebook. they use your web history to sell to advertisers. you are like a hen on an egg farm.

and about as intelligent

>sjws and feminists are not weed smokers
>Many like their sexual lives are abstinent

you literally don't have a fucking clue what you're talking about. SJWs are some of the hugest potheads around and definitely aren't abstinent. seriously, Sup Forums is rotting your brain to the point of retardation

Yeah that's great but I have family I keep in touch with and friends on there so I don't really give a shit.

OH fuck I will never recover.

go on any tumblr or twitter of a sjw or feminist and see how "pothead" they are. They are the secular version of a nun.

>being THIS buttblasted


"Hey Darrel, boy was the weekend great. My wife's son Tyler finally got a hit in Little League. We treated him for ice cream after the game. See at work Monday at the fudge factory."

Yup you got me user ;)

>Why on earth would an online content creator like Vice step into a dying costly industry like cable?

Viacom already had a channel slot and they needed to fill the hole or just have snow on the channel.


don't mind the neets

I don't have a fb because it feels redundant for me, but sometimes I think it could be useful if I actually USED it for its functions.


Viacom is bleeding too and they didn't have an open slot but literally replaced H2 channel which aired ANcient ALiens 24/7 for Viceland.

>go on any tumblr or twitter of a sjw or feminist and see how "pothead" they are. They are the secular version of a nun.

protip: most people who use weed aren't posting about it daily like DUDE WEED LMAO. tons of people you're calling nuns use weed, it just isn't interesting to talk about. it's the same thing with sex. SJWs aren't any more abstinent than any other group, they just don't talk to the world about it like a 14 year old boy thinking he's special for getting a dryhump sesh.

You are telling me landwhale feminists have sex? Tyrone must be busy as fuck on weekends then.

I want too ____ the freak

The only thing VICE does that's good anymore is their war correspondence. They're like the only semi-big news outlet that embeds their journalists with foreign fighters.

Fucking LEAVE

>having goybook beyond the year 2010

What are you like 80 or something?

bruh so many of these chicks are hot as fuck retarded 18 year olds

I mean there's landwhales too but every tumblr feminist i've met in real life is rape tier

Everything on that channel is pure cringe. I tried to watch a few shows and even what i thought would be an innocuous food show was unwatchable. The host was some fat spic that talked like a ganbanger and said fuck all the time.

It's hilarious how just a few years ago VICE was hip and cool and now they just seem so out of touch. Almost everything they come out with screams "HEY ARENT WE EDGY AND COOL" but just reeks of desperation and lack of self awareness.

he was chinese not a spic.

Jamal keep it in your skinny jeans.

He could be talking about Action Bronson. He's Albanian, though.

i blame cishet white males for not wanting to watch Gaycation.

is it even watchable? i'd watch it for ellen

>there are more people watching MDE than Ellen "Act" Page's being gay

How do I get REDPILLED guys?


i was having this exact conversation today.

as soon as i meet someone who lauds vice as a legitimate news outlet i fucking tune out. they used to have great foreign correspondence and some legitimately interesting documentaries with the odd opinion piece which were generally humourous/satirical.

Now it's written by people who are months behind these flash trends and trying to make up for it by embracing what USED to be the edgy leftist/socialist opinion, but don't seem to have realised the majority of their old readership thrive on the alternative and now that left over correction is status quo, have abandoned that whole mindset.

Programming includes:

>Fags talking about taking dick up the ass
>Dindus complaining about their shitty living standards

I new this channel was gonna flop from the get go and it pissed me off when they replaced H2 with it because H2 was one of three channels left that actually show history documentaries

I really liked H2, it had most of the actual history programs that History dropped in favor of pawn stars.

Now we've only got AHC and Smithsonian Channel which are not currently working for me for some reason and haven't for some time

I had high hopes for the national geographic channel but it tends to phase in and out of tolerable programming.

oh well

anybody with half a brain knows you legalize weed you just end up with Big Tobacco 2.0 in 20 years you think it's a coincidence that the legalize weed push started right when the big anti-tobacco push started? Second weed becomes legal Big Tobacco is going to have packs of weed cigs packed with all those cancer causing additives ready to go

>be me watching ancient aliens
>action bronson himself says he can't believe how this is a show

You shouldn't smoke weed anyway

Inhaling burning plant matter is terrible for you no matter what plant it is that you're burning

you could eat or vape it

Cable is not about viewers, it's about getting subscription fees.

>virtue signalling
I googled it but I don't exactly understand what it means.

"Look at me I have all the right opinions I'm a good person!"

That is virtue signaling

Remember that time 200 Nigerian girls got kidnapped and sold into sex slavery but Michelle Obama was on Twitter calling #BringBackOurGirls?

Five years later they're still being raped by the same militia but it's cool because everybody was super mad about it for like two days. That was virtue signalling.

Also buying a hybrid car "for the environment" while continuing to live a western consumerist lifestyle

As said, vaping is fine. I'd also point out there isn't the evidence connecting long term marijauna use to anything close to the complications of Tobacco. I mean shit, Tobacco makes a great pesticide, while you have to keep insects out of your weed because it's full of such nutritious oils. Show me a shred of good evidence linking Marijauna with increased cancer rates.


When Patrick Bateman was in the restaurant and was talking about how important all the different charities he supports and the good work they do.

>Show me a shred of good evidence linking Marijauna with increased cancer rates.

Because it is illegal it is nearly impossible to carry out studies on it but it doesn't take a genius to know that inhaling fine particulate matter and noxious gases given off during the combustion of carboniferous material is VERY harmful to long term health

Their 'Guide to Film' series is pretty good.

>It's illegal
I don't think so Tim.

And tobacco isn't dangerous if you vape it too, but the chisen people have a war against tobacco for some reason. Look at the Okinawan life span, heavy users of tobacco.

>You can assume in science!

Actually, you can't. Despite illegality you don't think anyone would of notice a bunch of hippies with lung cancer? There is simply no good evidence of this LUNG-RAPE you keep chiming on about, it's not great for keeping your lungs in optimal health, but it's pretty clear the effect is entirely different on the human body than tobacco.

In what fucking universe is this true?

#BringBackOurGirls was actually successful in forcing the Nigerians to get their shit together and most of the girls were brought home within a year. Huff and puff all you want but some of these social awareness movements actually do some good.

Lern too spell you reetarde

>most of the girls were brought home within a year.
Literally 1.5 seconds in Google later

I never watched H2. Alternatively, Viceland is my go to channel when there is nothing else on.


is there anything good on it

El Rey is fucking aces but I think I read recently it might get canned.

1 second later

Apparently these kidnappings are common.

>There is simply no good evidence of this LUNG-RAPE you keep chiming on about
No actually, he's got a pretty good point. The main carcinogens from smoking tobacco aren't nicotine related (i.e. unique to tobacco), but are from the fine particles in the smoke and the tars that are inherent from burning plant matter (no, tars aren't added to cigarettes, tar is a natural byproduct of burning plants).

So actually, all the carcinogens are present (unless vaping) and thus there is absolutely no reason to assume they would not impact health in the same way.

However, you are right that there hasn't been as strong a correlation with cancer, so there is a hypothesis that the cannibinoids unique to marijuana might hinder cancer cell formation, but that hypothesis has little weight as people who smoke marijuana as regularly as people who smoke tobacco are rare (regular cig smokers typically have a cig every 2 hours or so all day every day), and when you exclude tobacco smokers from your marijuana smoker sample, you end up with both a greatly reduced sample and only much-less frequent smokers. So because it is not possible to directly study the impact, and because these conflating factors also make it difficult, the lack of a strong correlation between marijuana use and cancer is not very statistically powerful.

So yes, the correlation isn't as strong, and there is a possibility cannibinoids cause it, but there isn't enough evidence to say that is truly the case and there is ample evidence that the exact same carcinogens you get from smoking tobacco is present in smoked marijuana. So until that hypothesis gains more evidence, it is pretty rash to just assume smoked marijuana doesn't increase cancer risk at all.

what about viewers online?

>watching an actual tv station live

What causes cancer from tobacco use are the same oxidizing agents that are given off during combustion of all carbon based matter but go ahead and keep trying to explain away your unhealthy behaviour while simultaneously coughing up a lung you cretinous melt

Cyberwar and the Black Market shows are really good, Gaycation was repetitive but ok. All the hip-hop/skater/food shows are unwatchable to me. It's a fine network overall

Nobody watched H2 outside of sheer lazy desperation for Pawn Shop and Aliens reruns. Vice is making original content of varying quality but it's original nonetheless, and the way people are happy to see OC on tv fail just because it goes against your identity politics bothers me.

If this channel dies a month from now we'll have the same threads lamenting the lack of documentary shows on tv instead of reality shows

And this is the problem with today's day-long international event attention span. People actually think these short lived but loud campaigns actually get things done on the basis of nothing, when really they are a flash in the pan that does nothing.

I believe I heard that in Oregon we have more dispensaries than McDonald's at this point.

And on topic I just really like vices niche hipster docs, they usually have pretty good production values.

Smithsonian was cool when I got it, but they had like 10 shows they would repeat all week long