Donald glover hired an entirely black writer's room for his new tv show With 'Atlanta'

>Donald wants to tell white people “you don’t know everything about black culture."

Sounds pretty good right?

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You can talk, you can talk! THROW HIS ASS OUT, HE'S A NIGGER. HE'S A NIGGER. HE'S A NIGGER.

I don't want to know everything about black culture. Go away.

>obnoxious social politics used as a means of PR

Well, I'm out.

>Refusing to hire people because of their race

He's practically white what does he know?

>"I know it's very easy to feel that way. Like, I get it, you can hear about the Nae Nae the day it comes out. You follow Hood Vines, and you have your one black friend and you think they teach you
everything, but that's not the case"
So popular black culture is shit is what he's saying.

I don't know anything about black 'culture'

>can't respond with anything like "you don't know everything about ______ culture" without everyone shouting racist at the top of their lungs

progressive understanding

How long until he's blaming racism when his show gets canceled. He's not even a good commedian.


sheltered as fuck actor doesn't know anything about any culture aside from hollywood shit

Yes, cramming more nigger shit on TV is surely going to help these ratings.

>muh identity politics

I just got an ikea catalog through the door, there are no white people in it apart from couples where the same looking white women is with different ethnicity's in couple shots

she also has no white friends

Black people were a mistake.

Do you need to know everything about their culture to know they're colossal fuckups? Proofs in the pudding 2bh.

He probably should have waited until the show was well received before he revealed this

i was mildly interested with this, now i can watch it sink from a safe distance i guess.

When something isn't going well you have to talk about this shit to drum up faux-hype.

Considering how rare white people are in Atlanta these days, it makes perfect sense.
>Sherman's scorched earth approach worked too damn well

I think I'm pretty fed up with this modern fixation, imperceptible and universal, with left wing politics

And when it sinks he will blame racism.
This story has played out many times before and will play out many more times.

Wasn't his first album about how he didn't fit in with other black people?

This show is going to bomb either way.

>black culture

this nigger already ruined rap and the movie interstellar. will this hack ever fuck off

As a shillcuck libtard, even I am offended by this bullshit and what respect I had for him is gone.

Makes sense you wouldn't hire a black guy to write about having a job and raising a family

isn't that how its done ?

pander to me or you're a racist

This. Glover is like a foreigner when it comes to black culture. He approaches rap like a white guy would. He works for white people in this.

It's a white product.

It'll be white people telling them what will or won't go on air in the end.

I haven't heard it, but a friend of mine said that he spent most of his songs talking about how easy to fuck his groupies are, which is fairly funny for a self-proclaimed feminist. Can anyone that actually bothered listening to it confirm this?

>black culture

>black show
>for white people

>you don't know everything about black culture
lol does Donald, The guy is practically white. I always find it hilarious when uncle toms or half black, half white people try and get all activist. They have to try twice as hard as everyone else to make up.

If only full black non uncle toms were allowed to be activists then niggers wouldn't have any activists.

>Sounds pretty good right?
no, he is one of the whitest bitches out there. look at his twitter. hes like an autistic version of rivers cuomo.

>dont respect if respect dont you
kind of tweets. how about some black people with actual black problems

Or a sexist, or my soggy knist, or homophobe or fataphobe.

In fact, if you don't like what we say, your the probem. Typical juden, its always eveyone else's fault.

Glorious old Delft station. Wish the new one would just go away.

The last ikea catalogue I got featured a big picture with two brown people and a white woman sitting on a couch together while the white guy sat on the floor.
They were the only white people in the entire thing and I live in a vastly majority white country. Pretty funny.


hes pretty much whiter then wayne brady

I didn't listen to the entire thing. But the songs I did hear featured a lot of puns and boasts about fucking his fans as if it's some sort of achievment for a famous actor.

i thought they made documentaries about weird place in the world and drugs and shit.When did they become a gawker clone?

Do you know what the word racist means? How many times have white writers been too lazy to write black characters with any depth and killed them off / turned them into stereotypes? Give this guy and his team a chance you fucking spiv

Wtf the larry nightly show already taught us that black cukture was all about entitlement and covering up the trutg to push their own agenda that's not a culture I care about

But do niggers know anything about white culture?

Wtf? This coon doesn't know shit either. This dude white af

All his songs are about white people problems.

He was in "The Martian" and was actually the best character in that movie.

That being said, he's a stupid nigger and I hope his show tanks.

Why do mulattos always have to try so hard? Is this dude mulatto? He may as well be, he's whiter than I am.

Como estas Redditto?

we need to boycott whoever first gave this dumbass a cameo

who even gives a shit about him after he left community. that's literally the only thing he'll ever be known for

Isn't blatant racism when hiring somebody prohibited by the Civil Rights Acts? Can somebody tell me what is the legal justification for this?

This describes 90% of the "Black" people who support BLM ironically.
All middle-upper class fuckers who spent their entire lives around white people and learned a few years back that "boohoo we wuz slaves n shit"

Is it just me or have race relations gotten worse? When I was a kid I had friends of all races and we all got along and had the same hobbies and pretended to be various Castlevania/WWF characters and fought each other. Now it seems like we all hate each other what changed?

racebaiting media desu

you became an adult, and your old friends would probably hate you now just because it's cool to do


What is black culture?

you are almost there. Its best to figure out why things seem this way for yourself rather than have people spoon feed it to you.

t. Trump Supporter

you never watched any of the "documentaries" eh?

There was a strange time, late 90's early 2000's where everything kind of seemed in equilibrium. Boys were boys and girls were girls but boys weren't the devil and girls could play sports and be smart. All colors could get a long, cultures were welcome but not bent over for. Western culture seemed like it was going to make it.

It only lasted a few years.

If there is an alternate timeline out there, where earth is a better place, the time split off around there somewhere.

>Donald wants to tell white people “you don’t know everything about black culture."
I don't need to know everything about american black culture. All that's necessary to know is that A) they look like apes; and B) they thrive in their own trashy gangster culture and will never ever transcend out of that, but still want respect for their juvenile shit.

>Black racist gets triggered by 'white' racists
>only hires black writers because they are not white
How the shit is this acceptable? I love how the biggest minority always wins and all the smaller ones get git farkt.

Wheres my Asian, Mexicunt and other 'oppresssed' writers at?

It seemed like that because your worldview was based off of the Disney/Nickelodeon narrative. The world has never been in equilibrium.

No jews no sucess

you weren't aware of the reality ie black crime rates. But also the media wasn't pushing the race shit as hard and you didnt have literal black terror groups being funded.

But most importantly you probably bought into the equality bullshit and now you realize that when the chips are down everyone flocks to their own.


Can you imagine if Modern Family hired only white writers.

>Do you know what the word racist means

Hiring people based on their skin color, not their individual accomplishments and competence IS racist by any definition of the word. If he had hired the best writers he could find, who all happened to be black, then that would be a different story, but from that article, he just assumed white people "don't get it" and made his hiring decisions based on skin color.


Watch my reddit meme sitcom on NBC and my Louie ripoff about trying to make it as a shitty comedian / meme rapper in the middle class Atlanta suburb I grew up in and learn something white America!

wait so the show is going to be about him making that shitty youtube channel?

>one of the whitest black people
Alrighty then

Now you are justifying racism, so you clearly understand why we hire white people.

Thank you for finally understanding.

You are in the Berenstain timeline friend. The timeline you are talking about where the west doesn't commit suicide is the Berenstein timeline. There is no way to jump back sorry.

This coon needs to be hanged real high

maybe that way this face he makes disappears and starts getting more grateful for the fact he's no longer going through those times we needed less than this to start a lynch mob

It's amazing how we are told daily how everyone is equal but at the same time a woman must direct a wonder woman movie and a black man must direct a black movie.

As long as you know what you are told is not all true then you'll be fine.

Can't say the same for most people but then most people aren't that bothered about it.

Look after yourself and the one's closest to you in this world, that's the only way. WHy bother fighting for your countryfolk if ymost of them despise you or think you silly?

Oh I know. I have set up my home to be ready for the chimpacolypse. I know shit is going to get bad one day. I'm ready. /fit/ has prepared my body, Sup Forums my mind, /k/ my defense and Sup Forums my conviction.

Do you think he still hangs out with the Derrick comedy guys?

Was the niggerfaggot sketch too far?

Literally who?

I'm pretty sure that's happening because we're told everyone is equal but Hollywood directors are literally like 99% white men and those movies are a good place because a woman and black man and can offer a more personal perspective on those characters but stay triggered.

Is wonder woman going to deal with her period and men issues? Is that why a woman had to direct it?

>we need to handicap and exclude white males for pursuing work in fields that other demographics don't

Have you listened to Camp or just shit posting?

>No jews no sucess
Underrated post. There are very few white professional comedy writers anymore who are actually white (European). A 100% black/mulatto writer's room will be little assurance to execs who have the power to cancel the show.

Yes in the same way that all films made by men are about prostate issues.

They're just trying to end the handicap that has excluded all people but white men from the field since the industry was created.

Is it a comedy?
If it's a black comedy like a comedy show with a black cast it's a good idea

it is a comedy

Should've hired at least one white woman so they could gangbang her every day tbqh.

And they probably won't be able to nail black culture half as well as David Simon who is white

>Hillary supporter

>Black actor/"rapper"
>White fanbase
>Muh culture
>Muh white devil

Lol he's going all in.

You fucking know this is why he left Community. Too many white people and his "real" friends from back home where starting to shit on him.

Fuck Donald Glover, he's a young Dave Chappell in every possible way, both had huge success/potential for success but couldn't stand all the fucking whities controlling the scene.

Fuck them both.

It's a "comedy" that "makes you think".

Fun fact, Redd Foxx tried this. for one season of Sanford and Son he had all the white writers fired and replaced with black writers
After reading the first script produced by the all-black writer's room he changed his mind, loudly exclaiming, "Bring me my Jews!"

Glover is aight as a stand up but his rap is shit. What the fuck is this show about? I live in Norcross I should have tried to get in as an extra on this.

Now watch as the black characters are still just human compound versions of r/blackpeopletwitter

I'll give you a summary of all his music
>i was bullied for being half white
>i dont fit in with white people
>i dont fit in with black people
>i was poor as a kid now im not
>i never used to have sex
>now im fucking my fans
>i miss my ex girlfriend

to follow up on this, we know he wasn't very popular as a kid with other blacks, so he always felt like an outsider because he was.

Now he notices a path to some basic acceptance from the homies back home he subconsciously worships, so he is doing everything he can to go down that.

It started with becoming a rapper and its moved on to "black" tv programming. It's a cry for acceptance from his people.

They will only accept his money and continue to shit on his person though kek.

>literally half the songs are about him not being black enough for his school
>the other half are relationship problems
Better album then BTI though honestly. The last half of BTI shits the bed