>There are people on this very board, right now, who think that the same, the exact same, no scratches that, they lost their number 1 wideouts. Nonetheless, there are people who think that shit Packers team who got btfo in Lambeau, will come into Dallas and beat the Cowboys
>B-but muh 6 game win streak Against completely shit teams!
I will literally be bathing in your tears for years to come, thank all you retarded Packers fags so much for building yourselves up this high, I love it.
There are people on this very board, right now, who think that the same, the exact same, no scratches that...
They also fail to mention how close their game was to the Bears. THE FUCKING BEARS!
Sounds like someone is nervous of Rodgers coming in to town and bringing JUSTice to the cowboys.
I honestly never judge if a team barely wins or loses to a divisional rival, that shit happens when you play a team 2 times a year every year and learn exactly what they're doing
>The Packers scored more points on the Giants last weekend than the Cowboys did in 2 games.
Holy smokes, this won't even be close.
>The Cowboys btfo of the Packers in Lambo
Holy shit this won't even be close
>be just after the start of the 3rd quarter
>bandwagon cowshit fans already heading for the exits
>a murmur arises from the crowd
>be just after the end of the 4th quarter
>52 - 3 Cowboys
>Gayron Rodgers is already sacking multiple niggers off
It's 7 games now
and we beat the Giants twice, which you couldn't do at all
>Halftime is approaching
>Rodgers just finished scoring 28 points and will start the 2nd half with the ball
>Camera zooms in on Dez whispering into Romps ear and starting a division in the locker room
>Doesn't come out for the 2nd half
>Erin Andrews gets no answer from Garret
cowshits ice cold, on a two game losing streak, which included a 19-20 loss to the gnats team that the packers blew the fuck out without jordy
>mfw cowshits fans actually believe E!SPN and think they stand a chance
We beat the Packers in Lambo, which says a lot more you autistic faggot
>Yeah you guys shit all over us in our home field, but we beat a divisional rival of yours after they dropped 3 touchdown down passes! Also we lost to the Colts, titans, and vikings, but forget about that plsno
>Zeke runs all over the Puckers Defense in fucking Lambeau
>delusional fudgepackers think he won't run all over them in Jerryworld
35-14 Cowboys Screencap it
>"you guys" "us"
tell me, why does zeke demand more cumm after every first down?
Kek, even if we spotted them 21 points, it still wouldn't have beeen enough.
>barely beating the Vikings
>barely beating the fucking bucs
>Bumbling your way into the playoffs with losses or near losses (except the lions which is no surprise to anyone)
>Bumbling your way into the playoffs
It's called resting your players, it's what good teams get to do before the playoffs, you wouldn't understand ;)
It's what teams who always lose in the playoffs do.
Payton Manning
You'll get that one later
>2-game losing streak
>Fudgepackers """""fans""""" don't even watch football
Color me surprised
>Teams that secure first round byes before week 17 always lose in the playoffs
FUGGING Ebin sick meme desu bro
You sound 12.
12 inches deep in your mom
> EVER doubting Aaron Rodgers
Literally all things are possible with him on the field
Cowshits will be utterly BTFO
let the bitchy little retards enjoy their delusions.
the super bowl 51 champions, America's Team, The Dallas Cowboys, will COMPLETELY annihilate the green anus puckers.
i'm thinking a 4+ touchdown deficit for the shit bay shitters to overcome before half time. they will obviously fail btw. LOL.
Honestly, this. Rodgers has the talent around him to win against anyone.
I'm gonna give you some advise, son. Living life vicariously through Madden is not the way to analyze football.......Unless of course you're Aaron Rodgers and Madden is just practice for you.
He has no running game and the wr can't get open. They just exploited the Giants when Cromartie got injured.
>He has no running game and the wr can't get open
Are we arguing with a child? Every single post is extremely difficult to read.