Supposed to be an autistic virgin

>supposed to be an autistic virgin
>meets 10/10 girl and gets to kiss her in episode 2 already

Show is pretty good so far, does the comfy mystery/small town feel stays the same later on?

first season is good and last season is good. you can LITERALLY skip everything in between that and not miss anything

I'm up to season three, there's still the nice small town folks with their town 'business'. Chicks seem to gravitate around Norman, while bizarre it leads to real interesting scenarios.

So even if the second season is shit I should stick with it because the third is wroth it?
Guess I'll see, I couldn't be bothered to finish Twins Peak's second season

>I couldn't be bothered to finish Twins Peak's second season
aah, the ultimate pleb move

so what's this show about?

It was legit boring though and I hate skipping stuff

Norman unraveling.

Norman only attracts damaged women, they're drawn to him because he's so emphatic he can almost literally become someone else.

i actually love this show but its mainly due to the fact that i really wish i lived in the pacific north west

the whole setting is so fkn comfy

Yeah, Twin Peak's second season sucks. After the reveal of Laura's murderer they really didn't know where to go.
Watch the last episode though. Lynch came back to direct it.

have you seen psycho? guy is crazy and kills people while thinking that hes his own mother, who he later kills and keep preserved in his house

>guy asking what the show is about
>spoil it
freaking bully...

>LITERALLY skip everything in between that and not miss anything
There are only 4 seasons anyway, and season 3 is pretty important as it shows Norman really starting to g off the rails.
I'd recommend all the reasons desu even when the plot's a little ridiculous (small town weed mafia, and Asian sex slaves). At the least Farmiga and Highmore are always great together.

So how much /ss/ does this have?

i spoiled the movie which takes place decades later and unless hes underage as shit he should already know that

Less than you'd think, all I can remember them doing is sharing a bed, and at his stage you have more chance of necrophilia than /ss/.

Ah I remember watching this series with my mom. Good times.

that's not what the show is about, that's what the movie this is based on is about. But this is a prequel showing how he slowly starts turning crazy.

He's constantly banging hot girls throughout the show. Being a mama's boy seems to attract pussy.

Sickfu is best though.


Do you even watch the show? Show heavily implies he was banging norma for years


>Show heavily implies he was banging norma for years
No it dosen't, it shows that she pretty much smothers him that thy have an unhealthy codependent relatinship, and they share a bed sometimes. But he only actually admits to wanting to have sex with her at the start of the 4th season.

It's just how "mental illness" works in Hollywood, OP. It just makes you cool, edgy and mysterious.

pic related


He fucks a couple other hot chicks and his teacher to.

But never his mom.

i've actually only seen psycho 2