Just finished re:zero

>Just finished re:zero
>now I have that shitty "theres no more of my favorite show" depression
Does any one have any good recommends for anime so this cycle can repeat itself?

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darker than black, Nura no mago, hunter x hunter 2011

>hunter x hunter

at least that shit should keep those thoughts far away for a while

that stupid cartoon was exhausting

i so relate OP Re:Zero is my favorite show in the world.

Ty /bros I will look into these

I second Darker Than Black, that's one of my favorites.

Is there going to be more episodes coming out or no? :/

I've seen some art from darker than black and it looked sick I think it's the first one I'm going to watch

Im just hoping for a season 2 because like everyone else i need more fucking Rem in my god damn life. I recommend reading the novel as it continues after the ending of the show. I feel your pain OP truly.

I just don't understand why I like Rem so much....help me

For me its her loyalty and protective nature. Whenever she gets pissed when someone touches Subaru its really badass and cute.. Especially her first Demon appearance holy shit that scene was perfect.. That whole episode actually.

I think it's her hair for me

It would be impossible to tell you all the things i love about her in a simple post but here.
It might satisfy you for a little as it did for me..

shinsekai yori
madoka magica

>"my favorite show"
I sincerely hope you use that depression to end your life, user.

Madoka magica was odd. i don't think i like it especially after my favorite person died

Have you seen Re:Zero?

Op here...tbh that's so savage I'm not even mad
No reason to shit on what other people enjoy tho as long as it doesn't hurt anyone :/

Fuck this show man, why would he not go for Rem..

Read the comic... Thats all im sayin.. I agree though

Of course I have. Subaru is a beta virgin self insert for f/a/ggots. The show is awful.
'tis Sup Forums, user. I can shit on what other people enjoy to my heart's content.

Why dose he go for Rem? or is the main girl just better in the comic?

As long as you have seen the anime then you are obligated to shit on it freely. I respect your hate

I thought it started off pretty ok. Nothing too damaging to my mental state. Then it bit off way more than it could chew and ended up delivering the worst, most non-consequential ending it possibly could've. Fuck Re: Zero.

But why? not like anyone gets mad about what pepole say on Sup Forums.. ?

trips is truth

Holy shit, so you're a summerfag. Jesus. Just go back.

I agree actually had a hard time watching the last episodes of the series..

Checked. And i cant say i disagree. The ending was terrible, Why do you think some of us get depressed over it? Surely Rem would have been a better girlfriend because shes in almost every episode and Emilia cunt barely shows up after a certain point along with alot of missing content such as Roswell implyed killing the dragon, Its whatever i still enjoyed the feels i got from it.

See that dub-trip combo? I run Sup Forums, niggers.

summerfag is a myth

I'm no psychiatrist so I can't say why people got so feelsy over it. I guess the show did those scenes well? Who knows.
The evidence suggests the opposite, user-kun

Well i loved the show besides the shitty fucking main protagonist. Subaru is the worst fucking person ive ever seen. What i loved about it was obviously Rem. If you hate the show or not you cant deny her undying loyalty is fucking adorable.



>"You can't deny-"

Please stop.

This is Sup Forums bud so theres nothing you can do to make me stop anyway

Try "welcome to NHK"

Magi: Labyrinth of magic, Kingdom of magic and Adventures of Sinbad

You reek of new. Consider visiting reddit.com/r/anime/ for more fun times!! :P

This is bait

No one click it!

I've got all these recommends open in tabs.. ty anons

Parasyte. Do it if you haven't already

If u want even bigger depression watch nge

I second this

clannad you weak bitch
or love live and the cycle will end. good idol anime with a game and cute songs.