Shaun "King of the Aryan"

Hol up. So you sayin, that Shaun King weren't no kang n shit.

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Something that is 100% white is also 75% white.

>tfw 75% of me is white
>the other 25% is white too

Wow so what does this mean? People who say they are 1/16th cherokee already get native indian privileges.

I bet he's look for welfare check

>Quarter Kang

75% (((white)))

Quarter kanger and shieetz

You're either 100% white or not white at all, sorry pal.

How have black people still not seen through this guys bullshit yet? I mean I gotta admit, I'm impressed that he's got the con still going strong.

Because being white and pretending to be black while stealing money raised for grieving families didn't give him away.

>How have black people still not seen through this guys bullshit yet?
They have, he got fired, accused of embezzlement and is now a disgraced nobody.

He has the exact racial make-up as Sargon of Akkad. Goddamn crackers tryin to infiltrate BLM. I suspect this was a Sup Forums scheme from the start.

He's a social justice """""journalist""""" for the New York Daily News. He's not a nobody.

It's pretty funny how white men have ruined both the feminist movement (trannies) and the black civil rights movement

Give them a break. His story had a lot of credibility, he never knew his father so it was pretty safe to assume the some niggery was involved

Why does he open his nostrils all the time?

I dont know if i buy it

Doesn't matter what percentage black he *might* be, he doesn't have africo-textured hair. You aren't considered "black" without the hair.

>I'm 100% white-looking but I don't know my father so I'm going to get a fade, grow a goatee, flare my nostrils in photos and join BLM

Sounds perfectly reasonable.

He doesn't have the nose either, he literally just flares his nostrils in pictures

> Not black enough for the ghetto
> Black enough for the gas chamber

Poor guy

> I bet i can infiltrate this movement of retards and profiteer of of them and use it as a way to make a name for myself

Yes, it is reasonable


I would respect it if he was just trolling/profiteering, but I think he's legit mentally ill and it's terrible that some people take his crazy opinions seriously

He should take melanotan II if he wants to be black. It actually makes your skin permanently darker overtime.

If he was a Sup Forums poster, everyone would say he is 100% black. He is a poor guy who just need to be surrounded with the right kind of people.

>poor guy
>rent seeker

Guy's whiter than an Argentine

To look more black

he looks hispanic

That lying faggot is as white as the driven snow

So you guys are saying quarter-blacks are white now?

Make up your damn minds.

They are white, but they are not herrenvolk levels of white

>Quarter Kang
or as they call it in Europe, a Royale

maybe his father is actually white, and all this time, having no other information to go on, he just assumed his dad was black because he left

Fuck you, his white father is listed on his birth certificate. Cunt refuses to take dna test cuz he knows hes white as a fuckin marshmallow

he can only biologically be either white, black or 50-50.

Whatever he is, he is a disgusting penis fixated homo with severely body and prolly other social complexes. He reeks of estrogen, low test faggot

>“Were those men white? Of course not. Ultimately, you and I know that race is a social construct created to marginalize and oppress people,” King claimed.

Good King you almost have it right. So all [American] lives matter then.

in the article, he's quoted as saying that in all his years it never occurred to him to ask who his father was.

this is xtra-large Bullshit Supreme, with a side of cinnamon sticks. absolutely no rational person could believe he never even thought to ask who his father was.

also since penises is so important to him, and he has this low self esteem, it's pretty obvious that he has a really tiny pecker...

Men won't rant about penises like him unless you are Mr Garrison or is insecure and have a small little bird behind his legs. Maybe he is like deformed like shit ugly dick 3 inches long or something. so.... penis penis penis penis muh dick muh dick nigger muh dick every thing is penis and raysis

>a mongoloid retarded faggot who think he is smart
>the most annoying kind

it's like I can see right through this beta faggot
Even spoken to him online that is, when he started to fap around