Why didn't you guys tell me he's alive and looking normal...

Why didn't you guys tell me he's alive and looking normal? Now we'll finally have a conclusion to the hella fkin epic maze runner series!

what the fuck happened to his face

Nobody knows because the Jews put a gag order on everybody working on the film. But his face apparently got fucked up hard and he was on the shelf for months.


He looks more normal here, I mean he still has the haunted look of a man who witnessed and survived his own death, but... Better?

He's JUSTed

damn the Jews are really stepping up their replica game

>still has the haunted look of a man who witnessed and survived his own death
Kek, that's it exactly. In both pics he looks like he just got done crying.

Is the beard there to cover up scars from the accident?

Yes, some said christian bale recently got a face lift and used a beard to cover the fresh scars

>growing hair on scars

Why is Sup Forums so dumb?

Way less damage than Sup Forums was speculating about for months

I thought he got vanilla sky'd?


what happened? he looks fine

it was drug rehab you cucks

you forget that most of Sup Forums has autistic face blindness

so his ugly beard makes them see something else

you fags are still talking about this?
that troll got everyone GOOOOOOD
>vanilla sky'd

People were speculating he had his face degloved. Apparently it wasn't nearly that bad, perhaps he just had a skull fracture or something. Still potentially life threatening but appears way less extreme.

People were speculating before the my dad works at Fox guy though. O'Brien went completely dark for like 3 months no Twitter posts are nothing, so the internet decided he looked like Red Skull now.

he can only pull that smile

hes dead

vanilla sky'd

see like this retard that can't tell that the pic I posted is an old picture to show that he's the same

Vanilla Sky'D

hes JUSTed
dont deny it

he will never be the same, doubt hollywood will touch him anymore