What does Sup Forums think of black Hitler?
What does Sup Forums think of black Hitler?
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If he wants reparations he can come get them from my dead hands.
But I can probably beat his skinny gay ass first.
Get fucked cunt.
my bad.
there you go again talkin' about reparations...
He's based af
Toilet seat complexion individual detected
High-octane crazy.
He's funny as fuck, so I love and adore him.
A fucking leaf detected.
Hitler wasnt black you fucking retard
Bitch looks like Chris Tucker
He's one ugly looking effeminate mutant.
Ugliness transcends race or creeds, his ugliness shines through.
He cucks this dude pretty badly
He will be first on the day of the rope is dubs.
Why does he always make a sandperson noise
Stop posting about him.
You mean Ruby Rhod? He's cool, I guess. A bit loud.
It would have all gone smoothly had that gas station owner had not apologized. When you give them an inch they take a mile.
What a joke. Typical black, uncivil and degenerate.
His momma already spent his reparations on a nice weave.
>Black Hitler
stop forcing Quadroon memes
he's trying to equate white racists with black racists
it's a tactic to counter the right
Sup Forums is now a stronghold for kikebart, the faggot milo, degenerate gavin etc.
He's fighting for his people.
I wish white people would do the same.
so whats the problem? they ran out Arizona watermelon tea?
He's make a great Christmas tree ornament.
It's George Soros' organ grinder monkey.
It's actually very sad. SJW's and "activists" are actually just enabling a person that's presenting signs of significant mental illness. Psychosis, paranoia, delusions of grandeur, among others. Someone needs to get this... ?man?... the help it deserves.
In the meantime, I'm pretty sad that I haven't thus far been able to identify any response by Based African Warrior Tommy Satomayor to this he-she's hijinx.
I like that he's aware that us cavemen sacked his ancestral homeland of Nigger-Atlantis
That cave-woman is one of the most degenerate creatures I've ever seen. She makes Australopithecus look like pic related.
Sorry, I'm sameposting right now, but this video triggers me so bad.
Can you imagine being one of these police officers? Can you imagine the restraint that is necessary to stop yourself from just cracking these people in the face with nightsticks?
Dancing in your face, screaming at you through megaphones? Literally nothing you do or say can deescalate them?
>jesse nevel
that's kind of an odd surname, don't you think Sup Forums? i wonder where it comes from...
who the fuck had the bright idea to NOT send niggers back?
I love gay black hitler
Stop being a fucking fag
uhuru brothers