Is Prussia German or Polish?

Is Prussia German or Polish?

Currently, its Russian.

It's rightful German clay, subhuman Slavs need to be exterminated again

It belongs to tanned Germans

An area always belongs to the people it is inhabited by. Currently most of them would identify as Polish I guess. If Germany would take it again, it sadly would violate international law, because of the before mentionoled fact.

>An area always belongs to the people it is inhabited by
This is only modern nationalism's view, which is ridicolous. Would you say then that Kosovo doesn't belong to Serbia only because it's inhabitated by muslim Albanians? Would you say that towns with a muslim majority, like the one in Denmark, belongs to some muslim country?

Yes I actually would,but I am open for different views.

Prussia was way bigger then just the surrounding area of Königsberg/Kaliningrad.

Wow. So let's say, Germans of non-imigrant background become a minority in Berlin. Will you say that suddenly Germany lost claims to Berlin? This is pretty nonsensical, because that would make any borders just too flexible

That is totally correct, but I rather would never let it come so far, than having to even think about it.


Prussia will always be rightful German clay that was stolen by filthy subhuman slavscum.

This threads ends now.

I second this.

Prussia will always be rightful Baltic clay that was stolen by filthy subhuman germscum.

This threads ends now.

It's a flip flop, but you can look at it this way.

What came out of Prussia when Germany had it?
One of the greatest states in the world, an army none could match in pure ability, and the great Alte Fritz.

What's come out of Polish Prussia?
Nothing... except the Germans who were expelled in the 1920's.

we'll see by the outcome of WW3

t.teutonic warrior

Serious question - does Germany even need more teritory? Its a huge country. Just remove kebab and its even more lebensbraum for germans.

Prussian. Sadly teutonic knights killed them off.

i like the idea of removing kebab as much as other germans still don`t you think we could get back prussia (i am sure we can help you get your eastern part back)

One of the most densely populated areas. More space would be a huge improvemenz for our economy and social structure.

less kebab would be too

Totally correct

why dont you expand west this time? french and anglos certainly deserve it

in the first years in prussia living more Poles than swarthy saxons

Anglos don't, French do.

>people still unironically trust the eternal anglo

reichsland elsaß-lothringen will come too maybe some beneluxian clay but prussia is what made germany, without it germany isn't complete (also expanding south would be nice like swiss and austria)

See, the annoying thing is that Chancellor Kohl was offered East Prussia back by (I think) the then-crumbling Soviet Union and said "no", as far as I recall for no reason. So while a dwindling fraction of the German-speaking populace remains, I'm certain no case could be made for a return.

>another german genocide.

Germany is quintessentialy the cancer of Europe. Instigated by them WWs dragged the Europe into irrelevance and now they fill it with muslims.

Danke Arschlöcher

the truth is it's btoh and neither. It was populated with both nations. In 1939 Gdansk/Danzig had 90% german population. In XVI century it was most populated city of commonwealth and was mostly polish. After partitions it was depopulated. It's like Transylvania, Kosovo or Novorossija after expelling Crimean khanat

the soviets wanted way to much money

Thank that Serbian assassin if you must blame someone. Seriously France, we're not going to survive this shit while shills can set us on each other with some bullshit war guilt from a century ago.

if you dont kill that frog now he will just fuck you over again

If only it had been known where all that money would go today. It saddens me to think what could have been.

Those Muslims he mentioned will likely do that. All things being equal I would rather have my asshole of a cousin than the nigger who cut up my cousin's asshole.

just looked it up 48 billion DM

i guess thats why you are 0 for 2 desu senpai

Technically it's old prussian territority, but since they do not exist anymore, it's german because the teutonic order took this land from heathens. Then some time after the Hohenzollerns decided to become dukes and make this land theirs.

Poland accepted this at the treaty of Bromberg and Oliva.

That's one of the problems in having a vassal that is also vassal of another monarch.

Well, he did call us cancer. France in particular tends to go down hard against us regardless so maybe I had just subconsciously filed them off as a non-issue; but there might be truth in what you say.

If doubles or better, France must die.