Why did Leo want to be a Massachusetts State Trooper when he came from a rich family...

Why did Leo want to be a Massachusetts State Trooper when he came from a rich family, had a very high SAT score and should have been a Astrahnaht?

Avenge uncle Jackie?, not sure i'm no detective.

Whose uncle Jackie?

None of your fucking business, faggot.

His uncle who was working for Costello, found dead. I assume Costello had him whacked. So Leo wanted to join the troooopas to be a coowop.

he just wanted the paypahs

he wasnt rich, his uncle was better of but his kids and wife were a mess and probably spoiled coke heads
he was a southie hoodrat, basically a white nigger and wanted to prove he had some good in him to be a caughp

>mfw I thought this was a meme for the movie but then found out there really is a limit for how well you can do on entry IQ tests for US police forces

probably had two different accents...

This movie was just a racist whitewash of Internal Affairs anyway

Dignam just said that he should be an astronaut, not because he had scored very good grades, but because his were shit and should try another career.

my dad was telling about staties when we went to MA a few months ago, how they'll pull you over for speeding then just start beating the shit out of you and busting up your vehicle

Your dad is a cocksucking faggot.

Maybe your dad shouldn't have been a hippy faggot

They literally said his mom was rich and took him horseback riding a as a kid.

then why was she living in southie? And why did he only get like 30,000 dollars life insurance when she died?
she might have been well off but they certainly werent fabulously wealthy

>being dismissed from a job for being smart

Do Americans really do this? Source?

they also said he had a record for beating a gym teacher with a chair when he was a kid
once a hoodrat always a hoodrat, no money can change that

uhh i think it was a city police force? some guy got on the news butthurt for being rejected for scoring above 120 IQ or something

I think they mentioned how she wasn't living in South Boston unlike his father, hence their discussing he switching accents. And well, 30,000 dollars is not crazy money but it is a good amount for just a person. If you are smart you can live some time on those 30k.

This. His father lives in Southie and his mother was from a wealthy family. They never said whether or not she was rich, just that her family was. This could easily explain the life insurance thing. Also, the family hated her for some reason (probably because she slumemd it with his day), which further explains the money.

His dual lifestyles (one with mom & one with dad) is why McQueenan thinks he would be great undercover.