Alright faggots, how many of you are loyal to your country?

Alright faggots, how many of you are loyal to your country?

>Not following in the footsteps of vietnam era Trump

2/3rds ready to go out and die for something

>home gets invaded
>pick up a butter knife for defence
>forget that knifes are illegal
>get 10 years in prison, plus 2 extra for not paying my TV licence

Yeah, I think I'll join the military instead.

If you view americas involvment in WW2 as positive, you're an anti-white.

PS: There's a reason why Trump brings up Patton.


Already tried to join the army but they didn't need me. Then Trudeau got elected, fuck these people

the countries under U.S/EU/NATO occupation are doing everything to damage white nations. i tried to enter swedish military aswell, they ''had no room :^)''


fuck off nignog

>they ''had no room
Same here. They can pay millions for qurans and accommodation for refugees on our military bases but no room for a white man trying to contribute to his country.
This country is a joke

How does it feel knowing the president fiddled the books and you still can't get rid of the cunt

Like most of my country i will

yeah, after you get a little older and wiser and have seen this a couple times , you realize that you're probably really not fighting for your country

when do you thing your troops were really fighting for your country?

>not joining before a draft is necessary to choose your service
damn people are stupid

I work in a strategic resource industry so I wouldn't be drafted.

what the fuck happened here?

For my government or my country? Big difference

chile? guatemalan?

There is absolutely no way I would fight for a country that wants me to die out.
Whatever country declares war on us will treat us better than our current government.
Even the Ruskies.

>57% Volunteer to join the military

I thought I'd be in the majority with the dodgers

Bar Finland, Sweden is the highest ranking white country there. Pretty impressive.

Also, I'm sad to see how badly broken the people of the former Axis Powers still are..
>Italy 20 %
>Germany 18 %
>Japan 11 %

>United States

why, because they don't blindly trust the government?

Not surprised, who would want to fight for a country that is disestablishing itself.

Volunteer to join the military. I'm not a refugee-rat abandoning a sinking ship nor a leftist faggot with no values who then complains about how empty their life feels.

Patton wanted to shit kick the Commie Jews. I think that was your point?

wow, you be willing to go out and kill and die for whatever but you have values and a full life?

>those 0-25%
Yeah they just assume we'll do the fighting for them.