What's the easiest way to spot a contrarian pseudo-intellectual in your cunt?

What's the easiest way to spot a contrarian pseudo-intellectual in your cunt?

Anyone who virtue signals

posts on Sup Forums
likes anime

they use the terms contrarian and pseudo-intellectual

The use memes irl/ are teenagers.

if youre only ever doing good things just because you can post about it on facebook, youre a shit person

I nonetheless argue that people who do good things only to post about it on facebook are still better than people who don't do anything at all.


They discuss politics on an anime image board

Why do people hate Atlas Shrugged so much?

>I like all music except country and rap

you're not wrong, but perhaps you are just unaware that some of the people "who don't do anything at all" actually do things, they just don't mention them

They say good things about Americans.

Because some super rich use it as an excuse to be dicks.

It's literal pulp garbage idiots take to be some transcendent philosophy. Also bitch needed to get an editor.

>I support a new zealand republic

Gasp! People doing kind things for the reason that it'll positively affect their own lives? What a strange and twisted idea that has developed in the awful modern world of ours!


people that present arguments like this

People who sit in starbucks and talk in english here are usually airheads.

Always jump in to defending the opposition. A friend on facebook yesterday challenged people to give him their reasons as to why nationalsocialism was bad. After someone told him it was the same as nazism he didn't believe them and then immediately took down the post.

more like people who shit in starbucks

People who use phrases like "virtue signalling".

I did some volunteering just because a girl I liked was doing it and I wanted to benis in bagine. In the end I kinda enjoyed helping the poorfags too.

>think communism make any sense
>think hitler was anything but jabroni
>hate capitalism, life off parents money in parents' house
I will never understand how someone could support communism and fascism in the same time without being ironic.

>actually replying to the chink nz Sup Forumscuck
he's not a pseuo-intellectual, he's just dumb

Sup Forumstards would be the 2nd people culled in a nationalist purge

I'm well aware of that and it's a respectable and commendable attitude. Aside from varying definitions of good people have, but that's a topic for another debate. Regardless I can appreciate it if people (or corporations) do right things even if they do them for wrong reasons.

it's pretty dumb

they identify as being either conservative or liberal

he's also 17 by his own admission

It's a fiction book that inspired lots of dystopian games like Bioshock 1 and people treat it like it's a fucking golden guide to economics

Because thanks to Bioshock 1 people think they understand it.

Even though Bioshock 1's whole fucking purpose is how ridiculous it would be to put into practice.

"Televisa te idiotiza"

twitter account

I wouldn't say contrarian but anyone who bangs on about the military a lot and basically thinks we could take on any country in the world other than the US is guaranteed to be an autist who roleplays an Empire general in his free time.

>Mary Sue's sexual fantasy

Being anti religious. Even the most dumbest person thinks they can elevate themselves above the 'masses' (even though the majority here do not believe) by denouncing religion.

yeah hate that shit too. I'm not particularly religious myself, but I can understand and appreciate the philosophical case for it