What movies/tv shows do you guys have on the background while jerking off?

What movies/tv shows do you guys have on the background while jerking off?

I usually have some episode of the office US or a best of the worst episode, what about you?

Other urls found in this thread:


Rich quit shilling this shit, you fat fuck. There is two threads already

>Watching shows-movies while jerking off
Is Sup Forums truly the most autistic board?

>watching fat cucks
never change /tv

I have to pause my background noise when I jack off, but didn't when I was younger. Have associated The Mighty Boosh with masturbating since I was like 13 because of that.

When I dont have bg noise while jerking off, the reality of the situation dawns on me, I cant be distracted and I become flaccid in a matter of seconds.. when something's "happening" in the background I feel way more relaxed and dont think about the fact that im a 32yo virgin who's probably jacked off more than 10.000 times in his lifetime


>Had the tv on while jerking of on the pc
>Program gets interrupted
>Hear a load bang and screaming
>Look up
>See the second plane fly into the tower
Every time someone asks where were you when 911 happend, always think of that moment..
Never again.

botw when?

Pfffhahahaha 10/10

>I become flaccid

it's right there you double nigger

i'm asking for the next one

I honestly cant tell if this thread is some sort of metab8 for (you)'s or what...who watches shit when playing with their dicks, honestly? You should really go to a psychiatrist if you genuinely do..

Why would someone want to hear the voice of a dude solving mysteries or cracking jokes or dissing movies while theyre jerking off? That would be a major turn off, right?

Fuck, anyway no, when I jerk off I usually have mellow RnB or whatever playing on the back ground or some sort of sensual music, like most normal fucking human beings.

>What movies/tv shows do you guys have on the background while jerking off?
none because im not a fucking weirdo


Death metal

the next one like the one which will come 3 months from now? are you retarded?

no one's forcing you to be a dick mike

just you




are you retarded

Best of the Worst Plinketto #2: It's terrific.