
Why do people who defend guns look all the same?

They're always being fat, wear oakley glasses, a cap and have a goatee.

Other urls found in this thread:

>not a Dodge Ram Cummins Turbo Diesel

>Guy from a land of nothing but fucking gypsies is going to generalize people

You must be one of them.

Is that so?

You too.


What a fatass

A) That's a stereotype. Something which leftists seem to hate when its used against minorities, but when used against a subset of a majority they think its a ok.

Secondly, the guns being actually useful is most especially felt in poor rural areas. These places have low population density and weak state enforcement of the laws, so a greater burden is placed on the individual to keep their property safe from crime. Also, animals become a real concern especially in places like Montana, and when your poor animal meat is a great substitute for store bought meat.

Just some inbred redneck apparently

Fucking pleb

I don't know why do all the Romanians look the same?

>Brand new truck
>Neatly trimmed facial hair
>Sunglasses to drive safely

At best, you can argue he has poor taste for putting stickers on his truck, but he's already on the up and up.

You speak from experience redneck?

why do anti-gunners always lie?

Even the faggots there are based gun owners. How do they do it?

Not lying. Look up anything related to guns on youtube.

>any year

Because guns are awesome that's how

if only you knew how much of a compliment "redneck" is. you know nothing of what it is like to live in America outside of the city. it is a holy ecistance.

>gypsy making fun of people who have jobs

Don't you have kidneys to sell?

is that yours? i have one similar to (your) pic related

Gypsy please, nobody believes your lies

Fucking your dad isn't a job.

This thread reminds me of why I move to america

Neither is robbing people at ATMs and living in caravans next to the Autobahn

Posting my gypsy starter pack

because you only identify people that look like that as rednecks



Alton Brown is the shit. My mom runs into him at the grocery store in Roswell often and always chats him up for dinner ideas. He's a nice dude. Stay frosty.



I wish. Congrats on owning a classic.

Te req de cavaler alb

Experience with what? Trimming facial hair neatly? Self grooming? Being able to afford a new vehicle?

I suppose these things are unusual, to a Romanian.

>Fucking pleb

Cummins power diesel is pleb?


Oh god your a fucking sissy boy.

Already fucked your sister?


yeah. it cost me more than trucks of lesss age and i had to do alittle work but there is nothing like driving a carbeurated chevy V8 with the only electronics [and i mean only] being the ignition, radio, and lights

at least indians don't base their civilization around gypsies

>all fat
>all wear caps
>all have goatees

The only Youtubers I know that fit that description are Larry Vickers and IV8888.

Most YouTube gun guys are skinny or fit. Colion Noir, Ian from FW, Tim from MAC, 22Plinkster, GY6Vids (total dudebro), Polenar Tactical, Hickok45/HickokAndSon, DemolitionRanch, even shitty FPSRussia are all some of the largest channels and don't fit this.

Karl from InRange used to, but he's been working out for the past two years and he's pretty good looking now.

Professional youtubers that made a carrer out of it don't apply.

kek. none of them are obese, two of the 5 are slim, 3 are "husky" and ill bet they could all roll your ass


>Gun owners are x
>unless they do y then they don't count at all

Into the oven you go

>gun defenders
>gun ovens
Nice try.

Fucking Ian man.

>tfw you fell for the "move to new england for better pay" jew
>tfw everyone is a progressive cunt and the pay difference is less than the cost of living
Fuck I gotta move back to the south.

not an argument

>Be Romanian
>Tired of shitting in the street
>Go inside my shanty """home"""
>Decide to shit on Sup Forums too

I'm also going to assume your internet connection is stolen

Alton Brown is not gay.

>be canadian
>suck romanians dick

yeah, the guy in the middle and on the left. i would call any thing less than that "skinny" as in eat a fucking sandwich. stay mad stickrod


Fair enough.


I just realized here in about 5 years they won't be able to pull the redneck stereotype. Seriously, how many of us are stereotypical rednecks? I fucking hate country music, I live in the city, I don't believe in God, I dress like a normal 20 year old, I don't hunt.

In your dreams faggot


LOL you're probably fucking your mother as you posted here.

Spend more time in the south. The people are really nice but holy shit do they love redneck shit especially lifted trucks.

Looks like shit.

>being this delusional
Those "rednecks" are literally the spics of the white world. They buy big ass expensive trucks while living in a piece of shit house.

you should consider hunting. Its human, not redneck yo. connects you to your food. makes you appreciate what goes into that steak you buy at the supermarket. makes you feel spiritually connected to the earth. Not saying you should kill everything you eat [although that wouldnt be bad wither] but If you eat meat you should kill something and eat it so you can stop going through your life living a lie

Am I the only one that saw,
>6'3, 5'11, 6'2.

The guys buying big lifted trucks are rolling in dough and have lots of nice shit. Something like this isn't poorfag territory.

You have to go back.

You're so cringy. Killing animals is wrong but rednecks think otherwise.

>no stickers

Suck my cock.

yeah thats a 65,000 dollar truck. no one is buying that without already owning real estate as collateral and having great credit

What year?

oh really


do you eat meat you literal faggot? if you eat meat and think its wrong to kill and animal you are a delusional cuck who's balls are in no way connected to "his" brain. fuck, i thought people like you were just a meme. DONT fucking breed



I'm not fat. I wear Ray Ban, I do rock a cap and goatee though.


>urban gun enthusiast


I don't eat meat. Would you like if someone killed you and your family just to eat you afterwards?

Yeah I've always wanted to try it out but I've never had the chance. I'm thinking of moving into the woods of Arkansas with my family in a few years though so I'll probably start hunting then.

tfw no gun-toting qt
why live

emaciated isnt fit stupid gypsy

Lots of guys in Alberta have these, I see them rolling around all the time.


They jelly mang

This. I saw a black guy open-carrying when I was shopping at Publix the other day. He was in plain clothes, so I'm pretty sure he wasn't just a cop.

hell yea

He was your father.

ian has reached meme tier

if you dont eat meat you can have whatever view of meat eaters and killing animals as you want. No i would not like it... thing is, the deer and birds I kill and eat do not have a "family".. they are independant of eachother as soon as physically possible. A bird, once it leaves the nest, has no connection to the mother. A deer, once it has weened off the tit and hit "breeding age" will fight its "father" to the death for the right to breed. And I believe they have no concept of death as we humans would consider it, as they have no language capable of conveying ideas. So i think your question regarding cannibalisim really applies here

Maybe in Canada people can't buy out of their means, but People in America buy all kinds of shit they can't afford

Well memed. 90% of the time that look is white trash territory. I've yet to meet a well-off white man that looks anything like OP pic.

>Constitutional rights end where my feelings on race begin
>implying Colion is a ghetto trash nigger

the guy is a well endowed lawyer who rolls in cash

it is a humbling and life affirming experience. I feel a great deal of appreciation when I tak a wild animal for my sustinance. Truly one of the real gifts of the earth. It moves me and I appreciate all aspects of life afterwards

Is that a wall of Lugers?

Are you even considered European?

>le credit cards meme

Yeah lots of people do it up here too, thing is, no matter what, you generally don't see trailer trash driving a fresh off the lot lifted truck.

Why does everyone from Romania want to suck my blood, curse, and rob me?