How does GoT manage to get so many plebs watching it? Are they just fooled by a big budget? Ive seen it all...

How does GoT manage to get so many plebs watching it? Are they just fooled by a big budget? Ive seen it all, its completely average

it's on the news

To what are you comparing it?

>Are they just fooled by a big budget?
Yes. Same with The Walking Dead.
They're used to their shitty sitcoms looking like absolute garbage so anything with decent production value is like Citizen Kane to them.

They're still enamored by the first season, which was good.

All their friends told them Season 1 was good, so they got into it, and now can't tell that it sucks, because they're stupid.

GoT is basically 2 shows now, the okay Northern Part, and the absolutely, Xena Tier Southern Part, but people still like Dany for some reason, despite her being the shittiest part of the whole show.

It's an edgy soap opera in a fantasy setting.
Exactly what the average American wanted.

>They're still enamored by the first season, which was good.

GoT had very consistent quality all the way to the end of season 4.

>walking dead
>big budget


thread's over, the plebs are here

2 and 3 were pretty underwhelming.

I pretty much stopped caring at 3, and watched 4 out of inertia. 5 was dogshit

It's another " I don't like something popular, so I must be smart" thread on TV.

Walking Dead has the best zombies ever created. It does look amazing.

sex and violence

all the good shit gets cancelled

>it's on the news

People watch things they think other people are watching.

its tv


OP, have you not realized that TV all shit now anyway?

Marketing, gladiator-style entertainment, nudity.

Basically, all the things the mediocre majority can be led around by the nose with.

I don't watch Netflix or HBO. I have the internet and I'm not a fucking moron.

both great services. Sure I torrent the stuff they dont have. If I lived in the US of A, I would also have Hulu and Amazon.

>Jaime raping cersei
>Jaime killing his cousin
>A full season of Theon torture
>Yara's retarded "rescue mission"
>Pod's big cock subplot
>Grey Worm and Missandei subplot
>CIA's accent in seasons 2-4
>Dany in Qarth
>Fart jokes

It went to shit after Season 1.

>Big budget
Maybe at the beginig, now they just buy their armors on a toys R us.

It got progressively worse after season 1 but the first truly bad season was 4

2 and 3 weren't great but they weren't complete dogshit like season 4 onwards.

More like season 3.

The more they go with their own OC and the less they stick to the books, they shittier it gets because D&D don't know how to write the characters without making them into tropes and cliches.

The characters in the show have become exactly the tropes and cliches that they defied in the books.

The story arcs in the show have become exactly the poorly written shock value schlock that they defied in the books.

GRRM is not the best writer ever, but come on, one of the showrunners wrote the pile of dog shit that is X-Men Origins: Wolverine for fucks sake.

But by the time the show turned to shit it was already massive, and people will watch happily high budget flashy action with subtle, poorly written, politically correct propaganda in between tapping on their pocket dopamine screen and stuffing their fuckin faces.

I love these things

ayyy it's one I haven't seen before, thanks.

and fuck dude, I never liked D&D but Benioff writing that piece of shit Xmen film just makes my hate more justified.

These are amazing.

No one will ever mistake Martin for Proust, Tolstoy, or even Wolfe, but his skill as an all-time-great storyteller cannot be died.


It's better than 99% of the shit on television.

All style, no substance.

It's no wonder it became so popular.

He's not the best writer ever but I'd say the fact that the Show writers can't even make decent stuff up based on the solid groundwork he's created shows he's a a step above.

agreed laughed my ass off at them great stuff

>>Jaime raping cersei
Stopped reading there. Back to Gawker you SJW cunt.

>Proust, Tolstoy, or even Wolfe
Those are some strange bedfellows user.

They think they are edgy hipster alternate nerds by watching it

gawker is dead

time for a new pretend argument?

this is now a D&D hate thread.

1st for Stannis, The King Who Cared.

You'd know, faggot.


Just mentioning some of the prosaic geniuses (something GRRM is not) in literary history.

The first 3 seasons are solid 8/10 you contrarian cuck


Cersei enjoyed it you asshole

This is pre-season 6 but it's not like they did Jaime any justice when they finally got around to the Riverlands storyline

fun fact: the speech that the little Mormont girl gives in support of Jon in the show this past season is really the speech Davos gives to inspire the Northern Lords to support Stannis in the books.

1 was great, 2 was bretty good and 3 already had some pretty terrible moments despite being decent overall.

season 4 was pretty meh and after that its been complete garbage aside from a few episodes

Reminder that Stannis is canonically alive and when GRRM kills him it won't be because of twenty good men and a conveniently timed Brienne.

Well in the books it was consensual.

In the show they made it rape, or at least more rapey, to serve the "men are bad and women are good, and even when women are bad it's still men's fault" narrative that's so hot right now.

They use Brienne as a sort of janitor to clean out characters they don't know what to do with anymore. Just another way they ruin characters that are really compelling and unique in the books.

what was he thinking there

6 was better, last 2 is easily goat

"Fuck i wish GRRM still gave a shit about the show"

Do you think we'll get The Winds of Winter by early 2017, bros? That seems to be the "hot" date that everyone's passing around. All speculation, of course.

>There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man.-Varys about Stannis

>This is Stannis Baratheon. The man will fight to the bitter end and then some.-Tywin

>Few of the birds that Maester Aemon had sent off had returned as yet. One reached Stannis, though. One found Dragonstone, and a king who still cared.-Samwell about Stannis

>His eyes were sunk in deep pits, his close-cropped beard no more than a shadow across his hollow cheeks and bony jawbone. Yet there was power in his stare, an iron ferocity that told Asha this man would never, ever turn back from his course.

>What does Stannis offer you? Vengeance. Vengeance for my sons and yours, for your husbands and your fathers and your brothers. Vengeance for your murdered lord, your murdered king, your butchered princes. Vengeance!-Davos about Stannis to the Merman's Court

>"The siege had left him gaunt, but not weak, Never Weak.", . "He doled out the food to his wife and each of his men BEFORE he ate himself, a portion no larger than any other."-Davos, recounting smuggling food to Stannis and his men during the Year long seige of Storm's End

>all of these quotes were omitted from the show along with the Paper Shield Scene and all of Stannis's good/humorous lines

>No Peach
>no "In your bed she's like to die that way."
>no "Anyone, I'd imagine. Even the cook."

>how does an average show attract average viewers


D&D never liked Stannis despite him being the only King in the War of Five Kings who actually deserved it and would be a good leader.

"We must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty."


This thread is great
Definitely archive-worthy

Did it improve? I stopped watching after the 3rd season

Depends on whether you have read the books

3rd season was the "decent" season

From there it just gets worse and worse

There are a lot of le epic twists

Best leave it at that, my friend.

I listened to the audio books and wanted to see it adapted to live action.

normies have shit taste

the ass was phat though

no you didn't you lying fucking cunt



Mainstream TV audiences (who have probably never watched/read any prior fantasy apart from LOTR) have never before been exposed to something so "adult/mature/edgy" that is also a ubiquitous internet phenomenon

It's like a preteen who is saying "fuck" for the first time


Mayhaps it will be adapted again, even if it's an anime or some bullshit. As long as they stick to the books and not some social/political agenda.

I liked GoT until this season, I could accept S5 since it felt like a buildup to this season.

Now I realize it's just that D&D are fucking terrible.

The comparisons between the books and show are much better when it's not something this facile. Sansa isn't just a victim in the show—this just screams butthurt.

To understand how to best shit on D&D in a dispassionate, factual manner, take a look at this one:

Season one was great, season two was pretty good. Season three was very inconsistent and very boring in a lot of episodes.
Four was really good for the most part but still had some fucking nothing happens filler episodes. Five was literally one of the worst seasons of any show in television history while at the same time having one of the all time great GoT moments (the hardhome battle). Six was a major step up from 5 in terms of the Kings Landing and Northern stories, but Dany, the Greyjoys, and Dorne are still unwatchable.

Did he really say that? What a fucking idiot.

Yeah, I think that about sums it up.

Also, I think it's pretty much fact that most every girl who thinks/says "Arya is my favorite character because I relate to her" is probably more like pre-everything-goes-to-hell Sansa.

hbo is tv shit


Also, almost every girl who says she's in love with Jon Snow is a basic bitch

>I hate this show so much
>watches 6 seasons
You're a fucking idiot

He also said that Stannis "burned people at the start of season 2".

Those were not people, they were wooden effigies of the Seven gods.

The guy can't remember shit from his own fucking show.

You say "Xena Tier" as if Xena wasn't a better show than GoT.

I only read the first 2

Read them all faggot

Hold your tongue, user. The gods will not condone such foul utterances for long.

Just because you have fond memories of fapping to Lucy Lawless' tits while you were a kid, doesn't mean it's any better than GoT.

We're just pretending to like it because we dont want to admit that GoT fooled us into thinking it was good from the beginning.

>>It's like a preteen who is saying "fuck" for the first time

Brings back memories

Literally every girl in my class

GoT is successful the same reason as tabloids. It's sensational. Crystalline shock value. Also because it's pretentious as fuck compared to other shows

>>hey how are you?
Good what about you?
>>fine, what are you watching on the old telly? I'm currently watching my favorite Friends, how I met your mother, mad men-
Game of Thrones. It's a medieval political thriller fantasy with an army of interesting, unique characters and anyone can die. Riveting stuff

Him and Gendry.

>Oh look at Gendry he doesn't have a shirt on, ooooh that's so sexy, he's so cute, *giggle*

The amount of effort they put into evoking that kind of response, and the reverse from males, should clue people in to how trash the show is.

I'd just love if Gendry returned only to be mangled and maimed beyond recognition, just to see the shocked and horrified looks on his fangirl's faces. Not the "ooh sexy scars" shit either, like fucking Two-Face his whole body.


GRRM is really good at creating a story on a large scale.

>he's a showfag

There's a place for people like you, newfriend

That would be satisfying as fuck

Who's the babe?

Which sansafag wrote the description on the left?